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investment)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 23.137 0 Td (55,719,402)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.955 0 Td (136,625,924)Tj 0 Tw -31.092 -1.231 Td (Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (business units)Tj -0.969 -1.231 Td (Cash paid relating to other investing activities)Tj ET 0 0 0 1 K 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 638.4379 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 639.8389 Tm ( )Tj ET q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 638.4379 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 639.8389 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -28.346 -2.462 Td (Sub-total of cash outflows from investing )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (activities)Tj 22.168 0 Td (70,539,836)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.955 0 Td (158,333,737)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 586.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 582.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 584.1753 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 586.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 582.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 584.1753 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -28.346 -2.462 Td (Net cash flows from investing activities)Tj -0.025 Tw 22.779 0 Td (-68,635,588)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.955 0 Td (-158,306,055)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 546.6107 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 543.2782 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 544.5117 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 546.6107 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 543.2782 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 544.5117 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -30.769 -2.462 Td [(III. )-630.8 (Cash flows from financing activities:)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 2.423 -1.231 Td (Cash received from capital contributions)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Cash received from borrowings)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.812 0 Td (2,200,000,000)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (5,000,000,000)Tj 0 Tw -30.292 -1.231 Td (Cash received relating to other financing )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (activities)Tj ET 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 444.1017 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 445.5027 Tm ( )Tj ET q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 444.1017 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 445.5027 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -28.346 -2.462 Td (Sub-total of cash inflows from financing )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (activities)Tj 20.843 0 Td (2,200,000,000)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (5,000,000,000)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 391.9381 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 388.6057 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 389.8391 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 391.9381 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 388.6057 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 389.8391 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc -28.346 -2.462 Td (Cash repayments of borrowings)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 22.612 0 Td (852,700,000)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.68 0 Td (2,348,100,000)Tj 0 Tw -30.292 -1.231 Td (Cash payments for distribution of dividends )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (and profits or for interest expenses)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 22.168 0 Td (56,923,504)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (65,731,206)Tj 0 Tw -31.617 -1.231 Td (Cash payment relating to other financing )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (activities)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 22.168 0 Td (32,820,225)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (33,026,373)Tj ET 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 289.4291 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 290.8301 Tm ( )Tj ET q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 289.4291 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 290.8301 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -28.346 -2.462 Td (Sub-total of cash outflows from financing )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (activities)Tj 21.643 0 Td (942,443,729)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.68 0 Td (2,446,857,579)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 237.2656 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 233.9331 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 235.1666 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 237.2656 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 233.9331 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 235.1666 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -28.346 -2.462 Td (Net cash flows from financing activities)Tj -0.025 Tw 21.812 0 Td (1,257,556,271)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (2,553,142,421)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 197.602 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 194.2695 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 195.503 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 197.602 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 194.2695 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 195.503 Tm ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 52 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 Tm (\226 28 \226)Tj ET q 0 Tc 0 g /GS1 gs 0 TL/Fm0 Do Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 85.0394 776.409 Tm (Cash Flow Statement of the Company)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 3.4833 13 83.7052 760.409 Tm (January to March 2024)Tj 13 0 0 13 85.0394 728.409 Tm (Prepared by: Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co., Ltd.)Tj 13 0 3.4833 13 233.7532 696.409 Tm [(Unit: Yuan )-750 (Currency: RMB )-750 (Audit Type: Unaudited)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 85.0394 648.4089 Tm (Items)Tj 0 Tw 24.403 1.231 Td (First quarter)Tj 2.374 -1.231 Td ( of 2024)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 6.772 1.231 Td (First quarter)Tj 1.708 -1.231 Td ( of 2023)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -35.256 -2.462 Td [(I. )-1458.8 (Cash flows from operating activities:)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 2.423 -1.231 Td (Cash received from sale of goods or rendering )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (of labor services)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.643 0 Td (792,666,732)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (670,273,395)Tj 0 Tw -31.092 -1.231 Td (Refund of taxes and surcharges)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 23.137 0 Td (76,972,975)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (64,532,395)Tj 0 Tw -31.617 -1.231 Td (Cash received relating to other operating )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (activities)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 21.643 0 Td (845,538,845)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.68 0 Td (1,208,421,992)Tj ET 0 0 0 1 K 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 531.9989 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 533.3999 Tm ( )Tj ET q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 531.9989 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 533.3999 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -28.346 -2.462 Td (Sub-total of cash inflows from operating )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (activities)Tj 20.843 0 Td (1,715,178,552)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (1,943,227,782)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 479.8353 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 476.5028 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 477.7363 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 479.8353 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 476.5028 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 477.7363 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc -28.346 -2.462 Td (Cash paid for goods and labor services)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.812 0 Td (1,596,369,647)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (1,572,117,445)Tj 0 Tw -30.292 -1.231 Td (Cash paid to and on behalf of employees)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 22.612 0 Td (206,389,090)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (192,827,151)Tj 0 Tw -31.092 -1.231 Td (Payments of taxes and surcharges)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 23.137 0 Td (15,436,711)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 9.005 0 Td (6,361,261)Tj 0 Tw -32.142 -1.231 Td (Cash paid relating to other operating activities)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 22.612 0 Td (688,081,045)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 9.005 0 Td (10,705,263)Tj ET 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 393.3263 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 394.7272 Tm ( )Tj ET q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 393.3263 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 394.7272 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -28.346 -2.462 Td (Sub-total of cash outflows from operating )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (activities)Tj 20.843 0 Td (2,506,276,493)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (1,782,011,120)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 341.1627 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 337.8302 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 339.0637 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 341.1627 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 337.8302 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 339.0637 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -28.346 -2.462 Td (Net cash flows from operating activities)Tj -0.025 Tw 22.254 0 Td (-791,097,941)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.838 0 Td (161,216,662)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 301.4992 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 298.1667 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 299.4001 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 301.4992 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 298.1667 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 299.4001 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -30.769 -2.462 Td [(II. )-1044.8 (Cash flows from investing activities:)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 2.423 -1.231 Td (Cash received from disposal of investments)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Cash received from returns on investments)Tj 0.017 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,)-8 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.969 -1.231 Td (intangible assets and other long-term assets)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 22.693 0 Td (1,904,248)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 9.805 0 Td (27,682)Tj 0.021 Tc 0 Tw -33.467 -1.231 Td [(Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries)-4 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.969 -1.231 Td (and other business units )Tj -0.969 -1.231 Td (Cash received relating to other investing )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (activities)Tj ET 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 134.9901 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 136.3911 Tm ( )Tj ET q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 134.9901 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 136.3911 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -28.346 -2.462 Td (Sub-total of cash inflows from investing )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (activities)Tj 22.693 0 Td (1,904,248)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 9.805 0 Td (27,682)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 82.8266 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 79.4941 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 80.7276 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 82.8266 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 79.4941 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 80.7276 Tm ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 45 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form>>stream endstream endobj 42 0 obj <> endobj 51 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 Tm (\226 27 \226)Tj ET q 0 Tc 0 g /GS1 gs 0 TL/Fm0 Do Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 85.0394 754.8479 Tm (Items)Tj 0 Tw 24.403 1.231 Td (First quarter)Tj 2.374 -1.231 Td ( of 2024)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 6.772 1.231 Td (First quarter)Tj 1.708 -1.231 Td ( of 2023)Tj -32.834 -2.462 Td [(\(II\) )-715.8 (Ot )275 (her comprehensive income which will )]TJ 3.473 -1.231 Td (be reclassified to gain or loss)Tj -1.05 -1.231 Td [(1. )-621 (Ot )274.9 (her comprehensive income which )]TJ 2.746 -1.231 Td (will be reclassified into profit and )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (loss under equity method)Tj -2.746 -1.231 Td [(2. )-621 (Ch )275 (anges in fair value of other debt )]TJ -0.025 Tw 2.913 -1.231 Td (investments)Tj 0 Tw -2.913 -1.231 Td [(3. )-621 (Th )275 (e amount of financial assets )]TJ 2.857 -1.231 Td (reclassified into other )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (comprehensive income)Tj -2.857 -1.231 Td [(4. )-621 (Cr )274.9 (edit impairment provisions for )]TJ 2.746 -1.231 Td (other debt investment)Tj -2.746 -1.231 Td [(5. )-621 (Reserves for cash flows hedges)]TJ 0 -1.231 Td [(6. )-621 (Di )274.9 (fference arising from translation )]TJ 2.746 -1.231 Td (of foreign financial statements)Tj 0.621 Tw -2.746 -1.231 Td (7. Others)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tw -4.846 -2.462 Td [(VI. )-711.8 (Total comprehensive income)]TJ -0.025 Tw 24.235 0 Td (3,489,011,221)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (2,485,833,394)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tw -32.714 -2.462 Td [(VII. )-297.8 (Earnings per share:)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 2.423 -1.231 Td [(\(I\) )-1073.8 (Basic earnings per share )]TJ -0.025 Tw 11.7 0 3.4833 13 264.6734 402.8479 Tm (\(yuan/share\))Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 363.0869 402.8479 Tm (Not applicable)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.815 0 Td (Not applicable)Tj -30.157 -1.231 Td [(\(II\) )-715.8 (Diluted earnings per share )]TJ -0.025 Tw 11.7 0 3.4833 13 274.3612 386.8479 Tm (\(yuan/share\))Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 363.0869 386.8479 Tm (Not applicable)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.815 0 Td (Not applicable)Tj 13 0 3.4833 13 88.8675 356.4989 Tm (Person-in-charge of )Tj 1.555 -1.231 Td (the Company:)Tj 9.712 1.231 Td (Principal in charge of )Tj -0.025 Tw 2.453 -1.231 Td (accounting:)Tj 0 Tw 9.722 1.231 Td (Head of the Accounting )Tj -0.025 Tw 2.758 -1.231 Td (Department:)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 100.1591 324.4989 Tm (Cho Tak Wong)Tj 11.294 0 Td (Chen Xiangming)Tj 13.282 0 Td (Qiu Yongnian)Tj ET endstream endobj 50 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 Tm (\226 26 \226)Tj ET q 0 Tc 0 g /GS1 gs 0 TL/Fm0 Do Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 85.0394 754.8479 Tm (Items)Tj 0 Tw 24.403 1.231 Td (First quarter)Tj 2.374 -1.231 Td ( of 2024)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 6.772 1.231 Td (First quarter)Tj 1.708 -1.231 Td ( of 2023)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -35.256 -2.462 Td [(II. )-1044.8 (Op )275 (erating profit \(losses are represented )]TJ 0 Tc 11.7 0 0 13 327.1649 722.8479 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 11.7 0 0 13 129.5786 706.8479 Tm (by \223-\224\))Tj -0.025 Tw 20.428 0 Td (3,453,390,200)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (2,499,883,157)Tj 0 Tw -30.292 -1.231 Td (Add: Non-operating income)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 24.987 0 Td (60,557)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 9.005 0 Td (6,419)Tj 0 Tw -33.992 -1.231 Td (Less: Non-operating expenses)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 24.462 0 Td (431,015)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (359,351)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tw -35.364 -2.462 Td [(III. )-630.8 (To )275 (tal Profit \(total losses are represented )]TJ 0 Tc 11.7 0 0 13 329.3645 642.8479 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 11.7 0 0 13 127.6246 626.8479 Tm (by \223-\224\))Tj -0.025 Tw 20.595 0 Td (3,453,019,742)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (2,499,530,225)Tj 0 Tw -30.292 -1.231 Td (Less: Income tax expenses)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 22.779 0 Td (-35,991,479)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.838 0 Td (13,696,831)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.02 Tc 0 Tw -34.039 -2.462 Td [(I)-5 (V)-5 (.)-5 ( )-716.8 (Net Profit \(net losses are represented by \223-\224\))]TJ 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw 24.235 0 Td (3,489,011,221)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (2,485,833,394)Tj 0 Tw -30.292 -1.231 Td [(\(I\) )-1073.8 (Ne )275 (t profit from continuing operations )]TJ 3.639 -1.231 Td (\(net losses are represented by \223-\224\))Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 18.173 0 Td (3,489,011,221)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (2,485,833,394)Tj 0 Tw -30.292 -1.231 Td [(\(II\) )-715.8 (Ne )275 (t profit from discontinued operations )]TJ 3.639 -1.231 Td (\(net losses are represented by \223-\224\))Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -6.062 -2.462 Td [(V. )-1125.8 (Ne )275 (t amount of other comprehensive income )]TJ 3.639 -1.231 Td (after tax)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf -1.216 -1.231 Td [(\(I\) )-1073.8 (Ot )275 (her comprehensive income which will )]TJ 3.473 -1.231 Td (not be reclassified to gain or loss)Tj -1.05 -1.231 Td [(1. )-621 (Ch )275 (anges in re-measurement of )]TJ 2.913 -1.231 Td (defined benefit plans)Tj -2.913 -1.231 Td [(2. )-621 (Ot )275 (her comprehensive income which )]TJ 2.746 -1.231 Td (will not be reclassified into profit )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (and loss under the equity method)Tj -2.746 -1.231 Td [(3. )-621 (Ch )275 (anges in fair value of other equity )]TJ 2.913 -1.231 Td (instruments investment)Tj -2.913 -1.231 Td [(4. )-621 (Ch )275 (anges in fair value of the )]TJ 2.913 -1.231 Td (company\222s own credit risk)Tj ET endstream endobj 49 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 Tm (\226 25 \226)Tj ET q 0 Tc 0 g /GS1 gs 0 TL/Fm0 Do Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 85.0394 776.409 Tm (Income Statement of the Company)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 3.4833 13 83.7052 760.409 Tm (January to March 2024)Tj 13 0 0 13 85.0394 728.409 Tm (Prepared by: Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co., Ltd.)Tj 13 0 3.4833 13 233.7532 696.409 Tm [(Unit: Yuan )-750 (Currency: RMB )-750 (Audit Type: Unaudited)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 85.0394 648.409 Tm (Items)Tj 0 Tw 24.403 1.231 Td (First quarter)Tj 2.374 -1.231 Td ( of 2024)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 6.772 1.231 Td (First quarter)Tj 1.708 -1.231 Td ( of 2023)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -35.256 -2.462 Td [(I. )-1458.8 (Operating revenue)]TJ -0.025 Tw 24.235 0 Td (1,557,353,218)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (1,147,627,734)Tj 0 Tw -30.292 -1.231 Td (Less: Cost of operation)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.812 0 Td (1,410,173,021)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (1,014,860,196)Tj 0 Tw -27.869 -1.231 Td (Taxes and surcharges)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.239 0 Td (3,927,945)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (4,071,514)Tj 0 Tw -29.719 -1.231 Td (Selling and distribution expenses)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.714 0 Td (92,340,113)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (60,824,372)Tj 0 Tw -29.194 -1.231 Td (General and administrative expenses)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.189 0 Td (140,113,303)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 9.005 0 Td (90,786,174)Tj 0 Tw -29.194 -1.231 Td (Research and development expenses)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.714 0 Td (41,104,473)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (25,579,432)Tj 0 Tw -29.194 -1.231 Td (Financial expenses)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 19.831 0 Td (-137,667,032)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 9.363 0 Td (94,068,642)Tj 0 Tw -29.194 -1.231 Td (Including: Interest expenses)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.714 0 Td (57,722,254)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (51,896,421)Tj 0 Tw -24.591 -1.231 Td (Interest incomes)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 15.586 0 Td (162,856,218)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (126,832,425)Tj 0 Tw -31.092 -1.231 Td (Add: Other income)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 23.662 0 Td (2,129,871)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (8,803,789)Tj 0 Tw -29.719 -1.231 Td (Investment income \(losses are )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (represented by \223-\224\))Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 18.42 0 Td (3,439,328,849)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (2,634,735,669)Tj 0 Tw -27.869 -1.231 Td (Including: Share in profit of associates )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (and joint ventures)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.27 0 Td (2,274,328)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (1,344,340)Tj 0 Tw -29.719 -1.231 Td (Gain on derecognition of financial assets )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (measured at amortised cost)Tj -0.969 -1.231 Td (Gains from net exposure to hedging )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (\(losses are represented by \223-\224\))Tj -0.969 -1.231 Td (Gains arising from changes in fair value )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (\(losses are represented by \223-\224\))Tj -0.969 -1.231 Td (Credit impairment loss \(loss represented )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (by \223-\224\))Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.27 0 Td (4,983,757)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw -21.239 -1.231 Td (Asset impairment losses \(loss )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (represented by \223-\224\))Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.712 0 Td (-413,672)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.68 0 Td (-1,095,650)Tj 0 Tw -29.361 -1.231 Td (Gains from disposal of assets \(losses are )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (represented by \223-\224\))Tj -0.025 Tw 30.6 0 Td (1,945)Tj ET endstream endobj 48 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 Tm (\226 24 \226)Tj ET q 0 Tc 0 g /GS1 gs 0 TL/Fm0 Do Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 13 0 0 13 85.0394 754.8479 Tm (Items)Tj 0 Tw 22.668 1.231 Td (31 March, )Tj -0.025 Tw 2.513 -1.231 Td (2024)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw 3.823 1.231 Td (December 31,)Tj 3.534 -1.231 Td ( 2023)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -32.538 -2.462 Td (Total owners\222 equity \(or shareholders\222 )Tj -0.025 Tw 1.003 -1.231 Td (equity\):)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw -0.044 -1.231 Td (Paid-in capital \(or share capital\))Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.247 0 Td (2,609,743,532)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (2,609,743,532)Tj 0 Tw -27.879 -1.231 Td (Other equity instruments)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Including: Preference shares)Tj 4.579 -1.231 Td (Perpetual bonds)Tj -4.579 -1.231 Td (Capital surplus)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.247 0 Td (9,680,391,230)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (9,680,391,229)Tj 0 Tw -27.879 -1.231 Td (Less: inventory shares)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Other comprehensive income)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.572 0 Td (16,300,192)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (16,300,192)Tj 0 Tw -29.204 -1.231 Td (Special reserve)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Surplus reserve)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.247 0 Td (3,931,592,517)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (3,931,592,517)Tj 0 Tw -27.879 -1.231 Td (Undistributed profits)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 19.722 0 Td (11,221,360,158)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.157 0 Td (7,732,348,937)Tj ET 0 0 0 1 K 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 542.4379 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 345.8268 543.8389 Tm ( )Tj ET q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 542.4379 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 445.0394 543.8389 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -27.692 -2.462 Td (Total owners\222 equity \(or shareholders\222 )Tj -0.025 Tw 1.003 -1.231 Td (equity\))Tj 19.678 0 Td (27,459,387,629)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (23,970,376,407)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 490.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 486.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 345.8268 488.1753 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 490.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 486.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 445.0394 488.1753 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -27.692 -2.462 Td (Total liabilities and owners\222 equity \(or )Tj 1.003 -1.231 Td (shareholders\222 equity\))Tj -0.025 Tw 19.678 0 Td (54,289,457,687)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (48,524,723,949)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 434.6107 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 431.2783 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 345.8268 432.5117 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 434.6107 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 431.2783 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 3.4833 13 445.0394 432.5117 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc -26.772 -2.335 Td (Person-in-charge of )Tj 1.555 -1.231 Td (the Company:)Tj 9.712 1.231 Td (Principal in charge of )Tj -0.025 Tw 2.453 -1.231 Td (accounting:)Tj 0 Tw 9.722 1.231 Td (Head of the Accounting )Tj -0.025 Tw 2.758 -1.231 Td (Department:)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 100.1591 370.1627 Tm (Cho Tak Wong)Tj 11.294 0 Td (Chen Xiangming)Tj 13.282 0 Td (Qiu Yongnian)Tj ET endstream endobj 47 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 Tm (\226 23 \226)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 13 0 0 13 85.0394 754.8479 Tm (Items)Tj 0 Tw 22.668 1.231 Td (31 March, )Tj -0.025 Tw 2.513 -1.231 Td (2024)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw 3.823 1.231 Td (December 31,)Tj 3.534 -1.231 Td ( 2023)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -32.538 -2.462 Td (Non-current liabilities:)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.959 -1.231 Td (Long-term borrowings)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.247 0 Td (8,229,900,000)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (7,543,100,000)Tj 0 Tw -27.879 -1.231 Td (Debentures payables)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Including: Preference shares)Tj 4.579 -1.231 Td (Perpetual bonds)Tj -4.579 -1.231 Td (Lease liabilities)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 22.097 0 Td (1,653,994)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (1,657,380)Tj 0 Tw -29.729 -1.231 Td (Long-term payables)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Long-term staff salaries and welfare )Tj -0.025 Tw 1.003 -1.231 Td (payables)Tj 0 Tw -1.003 -1.231 Td (Accrued liabilities)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Deferred income)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.572 0 Td (55,553,273)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (56,008,635)Tj 0 Tw -29.204 -1.231 Td (Deferred income tax liabilities)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.047 0 Td (156,964,453)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (195,291,542)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Other non-current liabilities)Tj ET 0 0 0 1 K 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 526.4379 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 13 0 0 13 345.8268 527.8389 Tm ( )Tj ET q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 526.4379 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 445.0394 527.8389 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -27.692 -2.462 Td (Total non-current liabilities)Tj -0.025 Tw 21.206 0 Td (8,444,071,720)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (7,796,057,557)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 490.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 486.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 345.8268 488.1753 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 490.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 486.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 445.0394 488.1753 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -27.692 -2.462 Td (Total liabilities)Tj -0.025 Tw 20.681 0 Td (26,830,070,058)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (24,554,347,542)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 450.6107 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 447.2783 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 345.8268 448.5117 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 450.6107 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 447.2783 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 445.0394 448.5117 Tm ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 46 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 Tm (\226 22 \226)Tj ET q 0 Tc 0 g /GS1 gs 0 TL/Fm0 Do Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 13 0 0 13 85.0394 754.8479 Tm (Items)Tj 0 Tw 22.668 1.231 Td (31 March, )Tj -0.025 Tw 2.513 -1.231 Td (2024)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw 3.823 1.231 Td (December 31,)Tj 3.534 -1.231 Td ( 2023)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -32.538 -2.462 Td (Current liabilities:)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.959 -1.231 Td (Short-term borrowings)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.247 0 Td (2,311,414,398)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (1,653,635,433)Tj 0 Tw -27.879 -1.231 Td (Held-for-trading financial liabilities)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Derivative financial liabilities)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Notes payable)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.247 0 Td (1,683,222,523)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (1,824,735,606)Tj 0 Tw -27.879 -1.231 Td (Accounts payable)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.047 0 Td (259,251,561)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (224,773,869)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Advances from customers)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Contract liabilities)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.047 0 Td (195,515,332)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (248,986,859)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Staff salaries and welfare payables)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.047 0 Td (105,734,782)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (162,071,890)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Taxes payable)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.572 0 Td (40,637,608)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (49,088,421)Tj 0 Tw -29.204 -1.231 Td (Other payables)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 19.722 0 Td (13,712,198,360)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (12,487,677,080)Tj 0 Tw -27.354 -1.231 Td (Including: Interest payable)Tj 4.579 -1.231 Td (Dividends payable)Tj -4.579 -1.231 Td (Held-for-sale liabilities)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Non-current liabilities due within one year)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.572 0 Td (78,023,774)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.107 0 Td (107,320,827)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Other current liabilities)Tj ET 0 0 0 1 K 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 478.4378 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 13 0 0 13 345.8268 479.8388 Tm ( )Tj ET q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 478.4378 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 445.0394 479.8388 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -27.692 -2.462 Td (Total current liabilities)Tj -0.025 Tw 20.681 0 Td (18,385,998,338)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (16,758,289,985)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 442.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 438.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 345.8268 440.1753 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 442.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 438.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 3.4833 13 445.0394 440.1753 Tm ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 40 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 Tm (\226 21 \226)Tj ET q 0 Tc 0 g /GS1 gs 0 TL/Fm0 Do Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 13 0 0 13 85.0394 754.8479 Tm (Items)Tj 0 Tw 22.668 1.231 Td (31 March, )Tj -0.025 Tw 2.513 -1.231 Td (2024)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw 3.823 1.231 Td (December 31,)Tj 3.534 -1.231 Td ( 2023)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -32.538 -2.462 Td (Non-current assets:)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.959 -1.231 Td (Debt investments)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Other debt investments)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Long-term receivables)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.247 0 Td (3,207,655,350)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (3,211,927,830)Tj 0 Tw -27.879 -1.231 Td (Long-term equity investments)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.247 0 Td (9,889,671,798)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (9,721,422,571)Tj 0 Tw -27.879 -1.231 Td (Other investments in equity instruments)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.572 0 Td (91,054,345)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (91,054,345)Tj 0 Tw -29.204 -1.231 Td (Other non-current financial assets)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Investment properties)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Fixed assets)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.047 0 Td (763,796,030)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (779,673,946)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Construction in progress)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.572 0 Td (74,281,116)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (70,140,974)Tj 0 Tw -29.204 -1.231 Td (Bearer biological assets)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Oil and gas assets)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Right-of-use assets)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.047 0 Td (154,482,174)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (169,472,764)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Intangible assets)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.572 0 Td (84,123,905)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (86,269,588)Tj 0 Tw -29.204 -1.231 Td (Including: Data resources)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Development costs)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Including: Data resources)Tj -0.025 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Goodwill)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 21.572 0 Td (48,490,007)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (48,490,007)Tj 0 Tw -29.204 -1.231 Td (Long-term prepaid expenses)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.572 0 Td (32,103,246)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (37,112,525)Tj 0 Tw -29.204 -1.231 Td (Deferred income tax assets)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Other non-current assets)Tj ET 0 0 0 1 K 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 398.4378 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 13 0 0 13 345.8268 399.8388 Tm ( )Tj ET q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 398.4378 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 445.0394 399.8388 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -27.692 -2.462 Td (Total non-current assets)Tj -0.025 Tw 20.681 0 Td (14,345,657,971)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (14,215,564,550)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 362.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 358.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 345.8268 360.1753 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 362.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 358.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 445.0394 360.1753 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -27.692 -2.462 Td (Total assets)Tj -0.025 Tw 20.681 0 Td (54,289,457,687)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (48,524,723,949)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 322.6107 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 319.2783 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 345.8268 320.5117 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 322.6107 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 319.2783 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 3.4833 13 445.0394 320.5117 Tm ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 25 0 obj </LastModified/NumberOfPageItemsInPage 2/NumberofPages 1/OriginalDocumentID/PageItemUIDTolocationsDataMap<>/PageTransformationMatrixList<>/PageUIDList<>/PageWidthList<>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 26 0 obj </LastModified/NumberOfPageItemsInPage 2/NumberofPages 1/OriginalDocumentID/PageItemUIDTolocationsDataMap<>/PageTransformationMatrixList<>/PageUIDList<>/PageWidthList<>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 27 0 obj </LastModified/NumberOfPageItemsInPage 2/NumberofPages 1/OriginalDocumentID/PageItemUIDTolocationsDataMap<>/PageTransformationMatrixList<>/PageUIDList<>/PageWidthList<>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 28 0 obj </LastModified/NumberOfPageItemsInPage 2/NumberofPages 1/OriginalDocumentID/PageItemUIDTolocationsDataMap<>/PageTransformationMatrixList<>/PageUIDList<>/PageWidthList<>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 29 0 obj </LastModified/NumberOfPageItemsInPage 2/NumberofPages 1/OriginalDocumentID/PageItemUIDTolocationsDataMap<>/PageTransformationMatrixList<>/PageUIDList<>/PageWidthList<>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 64 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 Tm (\226 20 \226)Tj ET q 0 Tc 0 g /GS1 gs 0 TL/Fm0 Do Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 85.0394 776.409 Tm (Balance Sheet of the Company)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 3.4833 13 83.7052 744.409 Tm (31 March, 2024)Tj 13 0 0 13 85.0394 712.409 Tm (Prepared by: Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co., Ltd.)Tj 13 0 3.4833 13 233.7532 680.409 Tm [(Unit: Yuan )-750 (Currency: RMB )-750 (Audit Type: Unaudited)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 13 0 0 13 85.0394 632.409 Tm (Items)Tj 0 Tw 22.668 1.231 Td (31 March, )Tj -0.025 Tw 2.513 -1.231 Td (2024)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw 3.823 1.231 Td (December 31,)Tj 3.534 -1.231 Td ( 2023)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -32.538 -2.462 Td (Current assets: )Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.959 -1.231 Td (Cash at bank and on hand)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 19.722 0 Td (13,149,830,073)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (12,752,562,646)Tj 0 Tw -27.354 -1.231 Td (Held-for-trading financial assets)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Derivative financial assets)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Notes receivable)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.572 0 Td (92,987,723)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (74,169,867)Tj 0 Tw -29.204 -1.231 Td (Accounts receivable)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.047 0 Td (830,069,089)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (708,743,580)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Accounts receivable financing)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.247 0 Td (2,145,745,493)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (1,049,454,752)Tj 0 Tw -27.879 -1.231 Td (Advances to suppliers)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.047 0 Td (116,385,918)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.157 0 Td (94,636,694)Tj 0 Tw -29.204 -1.231 Td (Other receivables)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 19.722 0 Td (23,096,909,796)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (18,776,955,572)Tj 0 Tw -27.354 -1.231 Td (Including: Interest receivable)Tj 4.579 -1.231 Td (Dividends receivable)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 15.668 0 Td (3,649,788,340)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf -20.247 -1.231 Td (Inventories)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 21.047 0 Td (487,356,739)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (509,504,197)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Including: Data resources)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Contract assets)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Held-for-sale assets)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Non-current assets due within one year)Tj -0.025 Tw 28.679 0 Td (316,416,243)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Other current assets)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.572 0 Td (24,514,885)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (26,715,848)Tj ET 0 0 0 1 K 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 339.9989 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 345.8268 341.3998 Tm ( )Tj ET q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 339.9989 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 445.0394 341.3998 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -27.692 -2.462 Td (Total current assets)Tj -0.025 Tw 20.681 0 Td (39,943,799,716)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (34,309,159,399)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 303.8353 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 300.5028 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 345.8268 301.7363 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 303.8353 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 300.5028 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 3.4833 13 445.0394 301.7363 Tm ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 63 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 Tm (\226 19 \226)Tj ET q 0 Tc 0 g /GS1 gs 0 TL/Fm0 Do Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 85.0394 754.8479 Tm (Items)Tj 0 Tw 24.403 1.231 Td (First quarter)Tj 2.374 -1.231 Td ( of 2024)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 6.772 1.231 Td (First quarter)Tj 1.708 -1.231 Td ( of 2023)Tj -32.834 -2.462 Td (Cash repayments of borrowings)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.812 0 Td (2,552,095,265)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (3,430,800,000)Tj 0 Tw -30.292 -1.231 Td (Cash payments for distribution of dividends )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (and profits or for interest expenses)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 22.168 0 Td (77,462,056)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (75,281,254)Tj 0 Tw -31.617 -1.231 Td [(Including: Ca )275 (sh payments for dividends or )]TJ 5.797 -1.231 Td (profit to minority shareholders )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (of subsidiaries)Tj -5.797 -1.231 Td (Cash paid relating to other financing activities)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 23.137 0 Td (68,710,336)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.955 0 Td (100,486,572)Tj ET 0 0 0 1 K 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 622.4379 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 623.8389 Tm ( )Tj ET q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 622.4379 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 623.8389 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -28.346 -2.462 Td (Sub-total of cash outflows from financing )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (activities)Tj 20.843 0 Td (2,698,267,657)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (3,606,567,826)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 570.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 566.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 568.1753 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 570.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 566.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 568.1753 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -28.346 -2.462 Td (Net cash flows from financing activities)Tj -0.025 Tw 21.812 0 Td (1,708,176,676)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (2,392,132,174)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 530.6107 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 527.2782 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 528.5117 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 530.6107 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 527.2782 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 528.5117 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -30.769 -2.462 Td [(IV. )-711.8 (Ef )275 (fect of fluctuations in exchange rates on )]TJ 3.473 -1.231 Td (cash and cash equivalents)Tj -0.025 Tw 23.412 0 Td (814,215)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 6.272 0 Td (-147,646,678)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tw -33.156 -2.462 Td [(V. )-1125.8 (Net increase in cash and cash equivalents)]TJ -0.025 Tw 24.235 0 Td (1,986,031,684)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (2,417,489,216)Tj 0 Tw -30.292 -1.231 Td [(Add: Ca )275 (sh and cash equivalents balance at the )]TJ 3.536 -1.231 Td (beginning of the period)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 17.751 0 Td (13,351,249,638)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (12,237,861,555)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tw -32.189 -2.462 Td [(VI. )-711.8 (Ca )275 (sh and cash equivalents balance at the )]TJ 3.695 -1.231 Td (end of the period)Tj -0.025 Tw 20.015 0 Td (15,337,281,322)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (14,655,350,771)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 362.9472 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 359.6147 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 360.8482 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 362.9472 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 359.6147 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 360.8482 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 13 0 3.4833 13 88.8675 330.4992 Tm (Person-in-charge of )Tj 1.555 -1.231 Td (the Company:)Tj 9.712 1.231 Td (Principal in charge of )Tj -0.025 Tw 2.453 -1.231 Td (accounting:)Tj 0 Tw 9.722 1.231 Td (Head of the Accounting )Tj -0.025 Tw 2.758 -1.231 Td (Department:)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 100.1591 298.4992 Tm (Cho Tak Wong)Tj 11.294 0 Td (Chen Xiangming)Tj 13.282 0 Td (Qiu Yongnian)Tj ET endstream endobj 62 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 Tm (\226 18 \226)Tj ET q 0 Tc 0 g /GS1 gs 0 TL/Fm0 Do Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 85.0394 754.8479 Tm (Items)Tj 0 Tw 24.403 1.231 Td (First quarter)Tj 2.374 -1.231 Td ( of 2024)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 6.772 1.231 Td (First quarter)Tj 1.708 -1.231 Td ( of 2023)Tj -32.834 -2.462 Td (Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (assets and other long-term assets)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.643 0 Td (987,861,357)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.68 0 Td (1,221,959,683)Tj 0 Tw -30.292 -1.231 Td (Cash paid to acquire investments)Tj -0.025 Tw 31.617 0 Td (20,000,000)Tj 0 Tw -31.617 -1.231 Td (Net increase in secured loans)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (business units)Tj -0.969 -1.231 Td (Cash paid relating to other investing activities)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.812 0 Td (1,071,548,930)Tj ET 0 0 0 1 K 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 622.4379 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 623.8389 Tm ( )Tj ET q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 622.4379 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 623.8389 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -28.346 -2.462 Td (Sub-total of cash outflows from investing )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (activities)Tj 20.843 0 Td (2,059,410,287)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (1,241,959,683)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 570.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 566.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 568.1753 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 570.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 566.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 568.1753 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -28.346 -2.462 Td (Net cash flows from investing activities)Tj -0.025 Tw 21.454 0 Td (-1,023,159,032)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (-1,234,621,965)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 530.6107 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 527.2782 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 528.5117 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 530.6107 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 527.2782 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 528.5117 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -30.769 -2.462 Td [(III. )-630.8 (Cash flows from financing activities:)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 2.423 -1.231 Td (Cash received from capital contributions)Tj 0 -1.231 Td [(Including: Ca )275 (sh received from capital )]TJ 5.797 -1.231 Td (contributions by minority )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (shareholders of subsidiaries)Tj -5.797 -1.231 Td (Cash received from borrowings)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.812 0 Td (4,406,444,333)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (5,998,700,000)Tj 0 Tw -30.292 -1.231 Td (Cash received relating to other financing )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (activities)Tj ET 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 380.1017 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 381.5027 Tm ( )Tj ET q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 380.1017 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 381.5027 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -28.346 -2.462 Td (Sub-total of cash inflows from financing )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (activities)Tj 20.843 0 Td (4,406,444,333)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (5,998,700,000)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 327.9381 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 324.6057 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 325.8391 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 327.9381 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 324.6057 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 325.8391 Tm ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 61 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 Tm (\226 17 \226)Tj ET q 0 Tc 0 g /GS1 gs 0 TL/Fm0 Do Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 85.0394 754.8479 Tm (Items)Tj 0 Tw 24.403 1.231 Td (First quarter)Tj 2.374 -1.231 Td ( of 2024)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 6.772 1.231 Td (First quarter)Tj 1.708 -1.231 Td ( of 2023)Tj -32.834 -2.462 Td (Cash paid for goods and services)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.812 0 Td (5,036,999,278)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (4,325,169,973)Tj 0 Tw -30.292 -1.231 Td (Net increase in customer loans and advance)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Net increase in deposits in the central bank )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (and interbank deposits)Tj -0.969 -1.231 Td (Cash paid for compensation payments under )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (original insurance contract)Tj -0.969 -1.231 Td (Net increase in placements with financial )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (institutions)Tj 0 Tw -0.969 -1.231 Td (Cash paid for interest, fees and commissions)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Cash paid for insurance policy dividend)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Cash paid to and on behalf of employees)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.812 0 Td (1,906,173,635)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (1,637,786,574)Tj 0 Tw -30.292 -1.231 Td (Payments of taxes and surcharges)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 22.612 0 Td (464,890,205)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (447,897,163)Tj 0 Tw -31.092 -1.231 Td (Cash paid relating to other operating activities)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 23.137 0 Td (72,275,688)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (51,651,626)Tj ET 0 0 0 1 K 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 526.4379 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 527.8389 Tm ( )Tj ET q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 526.4379 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 527.8389 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -28.346 -2.462 Td (Sub-total of cash outflows from operating )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (activities)Tj 20.843 0 Td (7,480,338,806)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (6,462,505,336)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 474.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 470.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 472.1753 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 474.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 470.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 472.1753 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -28.346 -2.462 Td (Net cash flows from operating activities)Tj -0.025 Tw 21.812 0 Td (1,300,199,825)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (1,407,625,685)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 434.6107 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 431.2783 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 432.5117 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 434.6107 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 431.2783 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 432.5117 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -30.769 -2.462 Td [(II. )-1044.8 (Cash flows from investing activities:)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 2.423 -1.231 Td (Cash received from disposal of investments )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Cash received from returns on investments )Tj 0.017 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,)-8 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.969 -1.231 Td (intangible assets and other long\226term assets)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 22.168 0 Td (16,101,829)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 9.005 0 Td (7,337,718)Tj 0.021 Tc 0 Tw -32.142 -1.231 Td [(Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries)-4 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.969 -1.231 Td (and other business units )Tj -0.969 -1.231 Td (Cash received relating to other investing )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (activities)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 20.843 0 Td (1,020,149,426)Tj ET 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 268.1017 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 269.5027 Tm ( )Tj ET q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 268.1017 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 269.5027 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -28.346 -2.462 Td (Sub-total of cash inflows from investing )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (activities)Tj 20.843 0 Td (1,036,251,255)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 10.33 0 Td (7,337,718)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 215.9382 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 212.6057 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 213.8392 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 215.9382 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 212.6057 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 213.8392 Tm ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 60 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 Tm (\226 16 \226)Tj ET q 0 Tc 0 g /GS1 gs 0 TL/Fm0 Do Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 85.0394 776.409 Tm (Consolidated Cash Flow Statement)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 3.4833 13 83.7052 760.409 Tm (January to March 2024)Tj 13 0 0 13 85.0394 728.409 Tm (Prepared by: Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co., Ltd.)Tj 13 0 3.4833 13 233.7532 696.409 Tm [(Unit: Yuan )-750 (Currency: RMB )-750 (Audit Type: Unaudited)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 85.0394 648.409 Tm (Items)Tj 0 Tw 24.403 1.231 Td (First quarter)Tj 2.374 -1.231 Td ( of 2024)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 6.772 1.231 Td (First quarter)Tj 1.708 -1.231 Td ( of 2023)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -35.256 -2.462 Td [(I. )-1458.8 (Cash flows from operating activities:)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 2.423 -1.231 Td (Cash received from sale of goods or rendering )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (of services)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.843 0 Td (8,421,731,568)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (7,539,269,385)Tj 0 Tw -30.292 -1.231 Td (Net increase in customer and interbank )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (deposits)Tj 0 Tw -0.969 -1.231 Td (Net increase in borrowing from the central )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (bank)Tj 0 Tw -0.969 -1.231 Td (Net increase in intra-bank borrowing from )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (other financial institutions)Tj -0.969 -1.231 Td (Cash received from premiums under original )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (insurance contract)Tj -0.969 -1.231 Td (Net cash received from reinsurance business )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Net increase in deposits of policy holders and )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (investment)Tj 0 Tw -0.969 -1.231 Td (Cash received from interest, fees and )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (commissions)Tj 0 Tw -0.969 -1.231 Td (Net increase in borrowings from interbank)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Net increase in cash received from repurchase )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (business)Tj 0 Tw -0.969 -1.231 Td (Net cash received from agency securities )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (trading)Tj 0 Tw -0.969 -1.231 Td (Refund of taxes and surcharges)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 23.137 0 Td (87,746,547)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.955 0 Td (104,636,347)Tj 0 Tw -31.092 -1.231 Td (Cash received relating to other operating )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (activities)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 21.643 0 Td (271,060,516)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (226,225,289)Tj ET 0 0 0 1 K 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 243.9989 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 245.3999 Tm ( )Tj ET q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 243.9989 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 245.3999 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -28.346 -2.462 Td (Sub-total of cash inflows from operating )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (activities)Tj 20.843 0 Td (8,780,538,631)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (7,870,131,021)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 191.8354 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 188.5029 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 345.8268 189.7364 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 191.8354 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 188.5029 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 445.0394 189.7364 Tm ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 20 0 obj </LastModified/NumberOfPageItemsInPage 2/NumberofPages 1/OriginalDocumentID/PageItemUIDTolocationsDataMap<>/PageTransformationMatrixList<>/PageUIDList<>/PageWidthList<>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 21 0 obj </LastModified/NumberOfPageItemsInPage 2/NumberofPages 1/OriginalDocumentID/PageItemUIDTolocationsDataMap<>/PageTransformationMatrixList<>/PageUIDList<>/PageWidthList<>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 22 0 obj </LastModified/NumberOfPageItemsInPage 2/NumberofPages 1/OriginalDocumentID/PageItemUIDTolocationsDataMap<>/PageTransformationMatrixList<>/PageUIDList<>/PageWidthList<>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 23 0 obj </LastModified/NumberOfPageItemsInPage 2/NumberofPages 1/OriginalDocumentID/PageItemUIDTolocationsDataMap<>/PageTransformationMatrixList<>/PageUIDList<>/PageWidthList<>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 24 0 obj </LastModified/NumberOfPageItemsInPage 2/NumberofPages 1/OriginalDocumentID/PageItemUIDTolocationsDataMap<>/PageTransformationMatrixList<>/PageUIDList<>/PageWidthList<>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 69 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 Tm (\226 15 \226)Tj ET q 0 Tc 0 g /GS1 gs 0 TL/Fm0 Do Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 85.0394 754.8479 Tm (Items)Tj 0 Tw 24.403 1.231 Td (First quarter)Tj 2.374 -1.231 Td ( of 2024)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 6.772 1.231 Td (First quarter)Tj 1.708 -1.231 Td ( of 2023)Tj -30.411 -2.462 Td [(2. )-621 (Ot )274.9 (her comprehensive income which )]TJ 2.746 -1.231 Td (will be reclassified to gain or loss)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 17.968 0 Td (47,042,088)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.597 0 Td (-110,316,106)Tj 0 Tw -26.615 -1.231 Td [(\(1\) )-180 (Ot )275 (her comprehensive income )]TJ 2.746 -1.231 Td (which will be reclassified into )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (profit and loss under equity )Tj -0.025 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (method)Tj 0 Tw -2.746 -1.231 Td [(\(2\) )-180 (Ch )275 (anges in fair value of other )]TJ 2.913 -1.231 Td (debt investments)Tj -2.913 -1.231 Td [(\(3\) )-180 (Th )275 (e amount of financial assets )]TJ 2.857 -1.231 Td (reclassified into other )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (comprehensive income)Tj -2.857 -1.231 Td [(\(4\) )-180 (Cr )275 (edit impairment provisions for )]TJ 2.746 -1.231 Td (other debt investment)Tj -2.746 -1.231 Td [(\(5\) )-180 (Reserves for cash flows hedges)]TJ 0 -1.231 Td [(\(6\) )-180 (Di )275 (fference arising from )]TJ 2.746 -1.231 Td (translation of foreign financial )Tj -0.025 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (statements)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 16.272 0 Td (47,042,088)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.597 0 Td (-110,316,106)Tj 0.18 Tw -26.615 -1.231 Td (\(7\) Others)Tj 0 Tw -4.119 -1.231 Td [(\(II\) )-715.8 (Ne )275 (t amount of other comprehensive )]TJ 3.639 -1.231 Td (income after tax attributable to )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (minority shareholders)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -6.062 -2.462 Td [(VII. )-297.8 (Total comprehensive income)]TJ -0.025 Tw 24.235 0 Td (1,435,367,256)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 9.28 0 Td (804,125,736)Tj 0 Tw -31.092 -1.231 Td [(\(I\) )-1073.8 (To )275 (tal comprehensive income attributable )]TJ 3.584 -1.231 Td (to the equity holders of the Company)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 18.228 0 Td (1,434,867,551)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 9.28 0 Td (804,192,506)Tj 0 Tw -31.092 -1.231 Td [(\(II\) )-715.8 (To )275 (tal comprehensive income attributable )]TJ 3.584 -1.231 Td (to minority shareholders)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.878 0 Td (499,705)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.647 0 Td (-66,770)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tw -35.531 -2.462 Td [(VIII. )116.2 (Earnings per share:)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 2.423 -1.231 Td [(\(I\) )-1073.8 (Basic earnings per share)]TJ 11.7 0 3.4833 13 262.7901 258.8479 Tm ( \(Yuan/share\))Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 418.0176 258.8479 Tm (0.53)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (0.35)Tj 0 Tw -34.517 -1.231 Td [(\(II\) )-715.8 (Diluted earnings per share)]TJ 11.7 0 3.4833 13 272.4778 242.8479 Tm ( \(Yuan/share\))Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 418.0176 242.8479 Tm (0.53)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (0.35)Tj 0.029 Tc 0.079 Tw 13 0 0 13 85.0394 212.4989 Tm [(For)4.1 ( the)4 ( )0.5 (business)4 ( )0.5 (merger)4.1 ( )0.5 (under)4 ( )0.5 (common)4 ( )0.5 (control)4 ( )0.6 (during)4 ( )0.5 (the)4 ( )0.5 (period,)4 ( )0.5 (the)4 ( )0.5 (net)4 ( )0.5 (profit)4 ( )]TJ 0.052 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(recorded)12.7 ( by)12.6 ( the)12.7 ( merged)12.7 ( party)12.7 ( before)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( merger)12.7 ( is)12.7 ( RMB)12.7 (0)12.7 (,)12.7 ( and)12.6 ( the)12.7 ( net)12.7 ( profit)27 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (recorded by the merged party in the previous period is RMB0.)Tj 13 0 3.4833 13 88.8675 148.4989 Tm (Person-in-charge of )Tj 1.555 -1.231 Td (the Company:)Tj 9.712 1.231 Td (Principal in charge of )Tj -0.025 Tw 2.453 -1.231 Td (accounting:)Tj 0 Tw 9.722 1.231 Td (Head of the Accounting )Tj -0.025 Tw 2.758 -1.231 Td (Department:)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 100.1591 116.4989 Tm (Cho Tak Wong)Tj 11.294 0 Td (Chen Xiangming)Tj 13.282 0 Td (Qiu Yongnian)Tj ET endstream endobj 68 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 Tm (\226 14 \226)Tj ET q 0 Tc 0 g /GS1 gs 0 TL/Fm0 Do Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 85.0394 754.8479 Tm (Items)Tj 0 Tw 24.403 1.231 Td (First quarter)Tj 2.374 -1.231 Td ( of 2024)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 6.772 1.231 Td (First quarter)Tj 1.708 -1.231 Td ( of 2023)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.02 Tc -35.256 -2.462 Td [(V)-5 (.)-5 ( )-1130.8 (Net Profit \(net losses are represented by \223-\224\))]TJ 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw 24.235 0 Td (1,388,325,168)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 9.28 0 Td (914,441,842)Tj 0 Tw -31.092 -1.231 Td [(\(I\) )-1073.8 (Classified on a going concern basis)]TJ 0.019 Tc 2.423 -1.231 Td [(1)-6 (.)-6 ( )-626.9 (N)-6 (e)-6 ( )269 (t profit from continuing operations)-6 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 2.912 -1.231 Td (\(net losses are represented by \223-\224\))Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 16.477 0 Td (1,388,325,168)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 9.28 0 Td (914,441,842)Tj 0 Tw -28.669 -1.231 Td [(2. )-621 (Ne )274.9 (t profit from discontinued )]TJ 2.912 -1.231 Td (operations \(net losses are )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (represented by \223-\224\))Tj -5.335 -1.231 Td [(\(II\) )-715.8 (Classified according to ownership)]TJ 2.423 -1.231 Td [(1. )-621 (Ne )274.9 (t profit attributable to )]TJ 2.912 -1.231 Td (shareholders of the Company \(net )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (losses are represented by \223-\224\))Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 16.477 0 Td (1,387,825,463)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 9.28 0 Td (914,508,612)Tj 0 Tw -28.669 -1.231 Td [(2. )-621 (Mi )275 (nority interests \(net losses are )]TJ 2.913 -1.231 Td (represented by \223-\224\))Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 19.126 0 Td (499,705)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.647 0 Td (-66,770)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tw -35.531 -2.462 Td [(VI. )-711.8 (Ne )275 (t amount of other comprehensive income )]TJ 3.639 -1.231 Td (after tax)Tj -0.025 Tw 21.921 0 Td (47,042,088)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.597 0 Td (-110,316,106)Tj 0 Tw -30.734 -1.231 Td [(\(I\) )-1073.8 (Ne )275 (t amount of other comprehensive )]TJ 3.639 -1.231 Td (income after tax attributable to the )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (equity holders of the Company)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 19.498 0 Td (47,042,088)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.597 0 Td (-110,316,106)Tj 0 Tw -28.311 -1.231 Td [(1. )-621 (Ot )274.9 (her comprehensive income which )]TJ 2.746 -1.231 Td (will not be reclassified to gain or )Tj -0.025 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (loss)Tj 0 Tw -1.05 -1.231 Td [(\(1\) )-180 (Ch )275 (anges in re-measurement of )]TJ 2.913 -1.231 Td (defined benefit plans)Tj -2.913 -1.231 Td [(\(2\) )-180 (Ot )275 (her comprehensive income )]TJ 2.746 -1.231 Td (which will not be reclassified )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (into profit and loss under the )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (equity method)Tj -2.746 -1.231 Td [(\(3\) )-180 (Ch )275 (anges in fair value of other )]TJ 2.913 -1.231 Td (equity instruments investment)Tj -2.913 -1.231 Td [(\(4\) )-180 (Ch )275 (anges in fair value of the )]TJ 2.913 -1.231 Td (company\222s own credit risk)Tj ET endstream endobj 67 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 Tm (\226 13 \226)Tj ET q 0 Tc 0 g /GS1 gs 0 TL/Fm0 Do Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 85.0394 754.8479 Tm (Items)Tj 0 Tw 24.403 1.231 Td (First quarter)Tj 2.374 -1.231 Td ( of 2024)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 6.772 1.231 Td (First quarter)Tj 1.708 -1.231 Td ( of 2023)Tj -32.834 -2.462 Td [(Add: )-750 ( )-750 ( Other income)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 22.612 0 Td (115,164,481)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 9.005 0 Td (50,649,522)Tj 0 Tw -26.771 -1.231 Td (Investment income \(losses are )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (represented by \223-\224\))Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 16.439 0 Td (-209,487,506)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 10.33 0 Td (-523,137)Tj 0 Tw -27.738 -1.231 Td (Including: Share in profit of )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (associates and joint ventures)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 17.847 0 Td (5,526,238)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 9.28 0 Td (242,187)Tj 0 Tw -28.096 -1.231 Td (Gains from derecognition of )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (financial assets measured at )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (amortised cost)Tj -0.969 -1.231 Td (Gains from foreign exchange )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (\(losses are represented by \223-\224\))Tj 0.02 Tc -0.969 -1.231 Td [(Gains from net exposure to hedging)-5 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.969 -1.231 Td (\(losses are represented by\224-\224\))Tj -0.969 -1.231 Td (Profit arising from changes in fair )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (value \(losses are represented by )Tj -0.025 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (\223-\224\))Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 18.289 0 Td (-926,115)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (-815,891)Tj 0 Tw -27.738 -1.231 Td (Impairment loss of credit \(losses )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (are represented by \223-\224\))Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 17.847 0 Td (5,221,076)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 9.28 0 Td (336,455)Tj 0 Tw -28.096 -1.231 Td (Asset impairment losses \(losses are )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (represented by \223-\224\))Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 18.647 0 Td (344,129)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.322 0 Td (-1,918,238)Tj 0 Tw -26.938 -1.231 Td (Gains from disposal of assets )Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td (\(losses are represented by \223-\224\))Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 17.847 0 Td (5,467,191)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 9.28 0 Td (360,416)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tw -35.364 -2.462 Td [(III. )-630.8 (Op )275 (erating profit \(losses are represented )]TJ 0 Tc 11.7 0 0 13 327.1649 370.8479 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 11.7 0 0 13 129.5786 354.8479 Tm (by \223-\224\))Tj -0.025 Tw 20.428 0 Td (1,705,550,817)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (1,121,698,188)Tj 0 Tw -30.292 -1.231 Td (Add: Non-operating income)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 23.662 0 Td (3,706,777)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (3,153,952)Tj 0 Tw -32.142 -1.231 Td (Less: Non-operating expenses)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 23.137 0 Td (14,653,739)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (11,243,071)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tw -34.039 -2.462 Td [(IV. )-711.8 (To )275 (tal Profit \(total losses are represented )]TJ 0 Tc 11.7 0 0 13 329.3645 290.8479 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 11.7 0 0 13 127.6246 274.8479 Tm (by \223-\224\))Tj -0.025 Tw 20.595 0 Td (1,694,603,855)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (1,113,609,069)Tj 0 Tw -30.292 -1.231 Td (Less: Income tax expenses)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 22.612 0 Td (306,278,687)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (199,167,227)Tj ET endstream endobj 66 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 Tm (\226 12 \226)Tj ET q 0 Tc 0 g /GS1 gs 0 TL/Fm0 Do Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 85.0394 776.409 Tm (Consolidated Income Statement)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 3.4833 13 83.7052 760.409 Tm (January to March 2024)Tj 13 0 0 13 85.0394 728.409 Tm (Prepared by: Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co., Ltd.)Tj 13 0 3.4833 13 233.7532 696.409 Tm [(Unit: Yuan )-750 (Currency: RMB )-750 (Audit Type: Unaudited)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 85.0394 648.409 Tm (Items)Tj 0 Tw 24.403 1.231 Td (First quarter)Tj 2.374 -1.231 Td ( of 2024)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 6.772 1.231 Td (First quarter)Tj 1.708 -1.231 Td ( of 2023)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -35.256 -2.462 Td [(I. )-1458.8 (Total operating revenue)]TJ -0.025 Tw 24.235 0 Td (8,835,664,711)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (7,052,428,277)Tj 0 Tw -30.292 -1.231 Td (Including: Operating revenue)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.812 0 Td (8,835,664,711)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (7,052,428,277)Tj 0 Tw -25.446 -1.231 Td (Interest income )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Premiums earned)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Income from handling fees and )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (commissions)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tw -8.237 -2.462 Td [(II. )-1044.8 (Total cost of operation)]TJ -0.025 Tw 24.235 0 Td (7,045,897,150)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (5,978,819,216)Tj 0 Tw -30.292 -1.231 Td (Including: Cost of operation)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.812 0 Td (5,582,454,206)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (4,711,281,083)Tj 0 Tw -25.446 -1.231 Td (Interest expenses)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Handling fees and commissions )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (expenses)Tj 0 Tw -0.969 -1.231 Td (Surrender payment)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Net expenditure for compensation )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (payment)Tj 0 Tw -0.969 -1.231 Td (Net provisions for insurance )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (contracts)Tj 0 Tw -0.969 -1.231 Td (Expenditure for insurance policy )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (dividend)Tj 0 Tw -0.969 -1.231 Td (Reinsurance cost)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Taxes and surcharges)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 18.291 0 Td (59,000,842)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (50,246,193)Tj 0 Tw -26.771 -1.231 Td (Selling and distribution expenses)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 17.766 0 Td (387,655,579)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (339,904,844)Tj 0 Tw -26.246 -1.231 Td (General and administrative )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (expenses)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 16.797 0 Td (710,197,044)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (545,267,154)Tj 0 Tw -26.246 -1.231 Td (Research and development )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.969 -1.231 Td (expenses)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 16.797 0 Td (375,899,900)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (301,113,334)Tj 0 Tw -26.246 -1.231 Td (Financial expenses)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 17.933 0 Td (-69,310,421)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.838 0 Td (31,006,608)Tj 0 Tw -26.771 -1.231 Td (Including: Interest expenses)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 18.291 0 Td (71,353,033)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (60,842,113)Tj 0 Tw -22.168 -1.231 Td (Interest income)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 13.163 0 Td (229,734,958)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (149,630,859)Tj ET endstream endobj 65 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 Tm (\226 11 \226)Tj ET q 0 Tc 0 g /GS1 gs 0 TL/Fm0 Do Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 13 0 0 13 85.0394 754.8479 Tm (Items)Tj 0 Tw 22.668 1.231 Td (31 March, )Tj -0.025 Tw 2.513 -1.231 Td (2024)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw 3.823 1.231 Td (December 31,)Tj 3.534 -1.231 Td ( 2023)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -32.538 -2.462 Td (Ownership Interest \(or shareholders\222 )Tj -0.025 Tw 1.003 -1.231 Td (equity\):)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw -0.044 -1.231 Td (Paid-in capital \(or share capital\))Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.247 0 Td (2,609,743,532)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (2,609,743,532)Tj 0 Tw -27.879 -1.231 Td (Other equity instruments)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Including: Preference shares)Tj 4.688 -1.231 Td (Perpetual bonds)Tj -4.688 -1.231 Td (Capital surplus)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.247 0 Td (9,700,750,924)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (9,700,750,924)Tj 0 Tw -27.879 -1.231 Td (Less: inventory shares)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Other comprehensive income)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.047 0 Td (223,973,308)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (176,931,220)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Special reserve)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Surplus reserve)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.247 0 Td (3,931,592,517)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (3,931,592,517)Tj 0 Tw -27.879 -1.231 Td (General risk reserve)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Undistributed profits)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 19.722 0 Td (16,394,988,909)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (15,007,163,446)Tj ET 0 0 0 1 K 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 526.4379 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 345.8268 527.8389 Tm ( )Tj ET q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 526.4379 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 445.0394 527.8389 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -27.692 -2.462 Td (Total equity attributable to equity holders )Tj 1.003 -1.231 Td (\(or shareholders\) of the Company)Tj -0.025 Tw 19.678 0 Td (32,861,049,190)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (31,426,181,639)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 474.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 470.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 345.8268 472.1753 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 474.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 470.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 445.0394 472.1753 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc -26.733 -2.462 Td (Minority interests)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.214 0 Td (-14,359,607)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (-14,859,312)Tj ET 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 435.7652 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 345.8268 437.1662 Tm ( )Tj ET q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 435.7652 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 445.0394 437.1662 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -27.692 -2.462 Td (Total ownership interest \(or shareholders\222 )Tj -0.025 Tw 1.003 -1.231 Td (equity\))Tj 19.678 0 Td (32,846,689,583)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (31,411,322,327)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 383.6017 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 380.2692 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 345.8268 381.5027 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 383.6017 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 380.2692 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 445.0394 381.5027 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -27.692 -2.462 Td (Total liabilities and ownership interest \(or )Tj 1.003 -1.231 Td (shareholders\222 equity\))Tj -0.025 Tw 19.678 0 Td (59,664,416,575)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (56,630,407,495)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 327.9381 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 324.6057 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 345.8268 325.8391 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 327.9381 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 324.6057 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 3.4833 13 445.0394 325.8391 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc -26.772 -2.335 Td (Person-in-charge of )Tj 1.555 -1.231 Td (the Company:)Tj 9.712 1.231 Td (Principal in charge of )Tj -0.025 Tw 2.453 -1.231 Td (accounting:)Tj 0 Tw 9.722 1.231 Td (Head of the Accounting )Tj -0.025 Tw 2.758 -1.231 Td (Department:)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 100.1591 263.4901 Tm (Cho Tak Wong)Tj 11.294 0 Td (Chen Xiangming)Tj 13.282 0 Td (Qiu Yongnian)Tj ET endstream endobj 10 0 obj </LastModified/NumberOfPageItemsInPage 2/NumberofPages 1/OriginalDocumentID/PageItemUIDTolocationsDataMap<>/PageTransformationMatrixList<>/PageUIDList<>/PageWidthList<>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 11 0 obj </LastModified/NumberOfPageItemsInPage 2/NumberofPages 1/OriginalDocumentID/PageItemUIDTolocationsDataMap<>/PageTransformationMatrixList<>/PageUIDList<>/PageWidthList<>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 12 0 obj </LastModified/NumberOfPageItemsInPage 2/NumberofPages 1/OriginalDocumentID/PageItemUIDTolocationsDataMap<>/PageTransformationMatrixList<>/PageUIDList<>/PageWidthList<>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 13 0 obj </LastModified/NumberOfPageItemsInPage 2/NumberofPages 1/OriginalDocumentID/PageItemUIDTolocationsDataMap<>/PageTransformationMatrixList<>/PageUIDList<>/PageWidthList<>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 19 0 obj </LastModified/NumberOfPageItemsInPage 2/NumberofPages 1/OriginalDocumentID/PageItemUIDTolocationsDataMap<>/PageTransformationMatrixList<>/PageUIDList<>/PageWidthList<>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 75 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 Tm (\226 10 \226)Tj ET q 0 Tc 0 g /GS1 gs 0 TL/Fm0 Do Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 13 0 0 13 85.0394 754.8479 Tm (Items)Tj 0 Tw 22.668 1.231 Td (31 March, )Tj -0.025 Tw 2.513 -1.231 Td (2024)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw 3.823 1.231 Td (December 31,)Tj 3.534 -1.231 Td ( 2023)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -32.538 -2.462 Td (Non-current liabilities:)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.959 -1.231 Td (Provisions for insurance contracts)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Long-term borrowings)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.247 0 Td (9,595,400,000)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (8,513,100,000)Tj 0 Tw -27.879 -1.231 Td (Debentures payables)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Including: Preference shares)Tj 4.688 -1.231 Td (Perpetual bonds)Tj -4.688 -1.231 Td (Lease liabilities)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.047 0 Td (364,743,161)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (407,132,248)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Long-term payables)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.572 0 Td (59,972,501)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (59,287,444)Tj 0 Tw -29.204 -1.231 Td (Long-term salaries payable)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Accrued liabilities)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Deferred income)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.047 0 Td (716,010,477)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (725,121,670)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Deferred income tax liabilities)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.047 0 Td (454,185,271)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (411,644,693)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Other non-current liabilities)Tj ET 0 0 0 1 K 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 526.4379 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 13 0 0 13 345.8268 527.8389 Tm ( )Tj ET q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 526.4379 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 3.4833 13 445.0394 527.8389 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 13 0 0 13 85.0394 495.8388 Tm (Total non-current liabilities)Tj -0.025 Tw 20.681 0 Td (11,190,311,410)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (10,116,286,055)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 490.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 486.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 345.8268 488.1753 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 490.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 486.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 445.0394 488.1753 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -27.692 -2.462 Td (Total liabilities)Tj -0.025 Tw 20.681 0 Td (26,817,726,992)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (25,219,085,168)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 450.6107 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 447.2783 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 345.8268 448.5117 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 450.6107 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 447.2783 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 445.0394 448.5117 Tm ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 74 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 Tm (\226 9 \226)Tj ET q 0 Tc 0 g /GS1 gs 0 TL/Fm0 Do Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 13 0 0 13 85.0394 754.8479 Tm (Items)Tj 0 Tw 22.668 1.231 Td (31 March, )Tj -0.025 Tw 2.513 -1.231 Td (2024)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw 3.823 1.231 Td (December 31,)Tj 3.534 -1.231 Td ( 2023)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -32.538 -2.462 Td (Current liabilities:)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.959 -1.231 Td (Short-term borrowings)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.247 0 Td (6,184,462,348)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (5,413,589,161)Tj 0 Tw -27.879 -1.231 Td (Borrowings from the central bank)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Borrowing from interbank)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Held-for-trading financial liabilities)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Derivative financial liabilities)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Notes payable)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.247 0 Td (3,021,909,100)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (2,825,386,573)Tj 0 Tw -27.879 -1.231 Td (Accounts payable)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.247 0 Td (2,447,335,260)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (2,697,600,166)Tj 0 Tw -27.879 -1.231 Td (Advances from customers)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Contract liabilities)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.247 0 Td (1,009,669,805)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.432 0 Td (979,067,305)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Financial assets sold for repurchase)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Customer and interbank deposits)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Customer deposits for trading in securities)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Amounts due to issuer for securities )Tj -0.025 Tw 1.003 -1.231 Td (underwriting)Tj 0 Tw -1.003 -1.231 Td (Employee benefits payable)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.047 0 Td (563,297,529)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (816,372,688)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Taxes payable)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.047 0 Td (531,912,754)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (546,430,527)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Other payables)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.247 0 Td (1,693,693,187)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (1,622,250,140)Tj 0 Tw -27.879 -1.231 Td (Including: Interest payable)Tj 4.579 -1.231 Td (Dividends payable)Tj -4.579 -1.231 Td (Bank charges and commissions due )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Reinsurance accounts payable)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Held-for-sale liabilities)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Non-current liabilities due within one year)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.047 0 Td (175,135,599)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (202,102,553)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Other current liabilities)Tj ET 0 0 0 1 K 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 334.4378 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 13 0 0 13 345.8268 335.8388 Tm ( )Tj ET q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 334.4378 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 445.0394 335.8388 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -27.692 -2.462 Td (Total current liabilities)Tj -0.025 Tw 20.681 0 Td (15,627,415,582)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (15,102,799,113)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 298.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 294.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 345.8268 296.1753 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 298.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 294.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 3.4833 13 445.0394 296.1753 Tm ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 73 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 Tm (\226 8 \226)Tj ET q 0 Tc 0 g /GS1 gs 0 TL/Fm0 Do Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 13 0 0 13 85.0394 754.8479 Tm (Items)Tj 0 Tw 22.668 1.231 Td (31 March, )Tj -0.025 Tw 2.513 -1.231 Td (2024)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw 3.823 1.231 Td (December 31,)Tj 3.534 -1.231 Td ( 2023)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -32.538 -2.462 Td (Non-current assets:)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.959 -1.231 Td (Loans and advances granted )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Debt investments)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Other debt investments)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Long-term receivables)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.572 0 Td (29,190,492)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (28,891,321)Tj 0 Tw -29.204 -1.231 Td (Long-term equity investments)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.047 0 Td (297,320,165)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (181,538,429)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Other investments in equity instruments)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.572 0 Td (91,054,345)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (91,054,345)Tj 0 Tw -29.204 -1.231 Td (Other non-current financial assets)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Investment properties)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Fixed assets)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 19.722 0 Td (15,011,191,768)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (14,955,242,773)Tj 0 Tw -27.354 -1.231 Td (Construction in progress)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.247 0 Td (5,157,838,289)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (4,766,144,830)Tj 0 Tw -27.879 -1.231 Td (Bearer biological assets)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Oil and gas assets)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Right-of-use assets)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.047 0 Td (587,784,434)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (628,448,631)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Intangible assets)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.247 0 Td (1,301,575,736)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (1,315,862,480)Tj 0 Tw -27.879 -1.231 Td (Including: Data resources)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Development costs)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Including: Data resources)Tj -0.025 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Goodwill)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 21.047 0 Td (154,940,513)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (154,940,513)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Long-term prepaid expenses)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.047 0 Td (569,270,386)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (550,875,230)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Deferred income tax assets)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.047 0 Td (456,478,430)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (421,037,651)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Other non-current assets)Tj ET 0 0 0 1 K 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 382.4378 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 13 0 0 13 345.8268 383.8388 Tm ( )Tj ET q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 382.4378 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 3.4833 13 445.0394 383.8388 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 13 0 0 13 85.0394 351.8388 Tm (Total non-current assets)Tj -0.025 Tw 20.681 0 Td (23,656,644,558)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (23,094,036,203)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 346.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 342.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 345.8268 344.1753 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 346.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 342.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 445.0394 344.1753 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -27.692 -2.462 Td (Total assets)Tj -0.025 Tw 20.681 0 Td (59,664,416,575)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (56,630,407,495)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 306.6107 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 303.2783 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 345.8268 304.5117 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 306.6107 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 303.2783 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 3.4833 13 445.0394 304.5117 Tm ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 72 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 Tm (\226 7 \226)Tj ET q 0 Tc 0 g /GS1 gs 0 TL/Fm0 Do Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 56.6929 776.409 Tm [(III. )-388.5 (QUARTERLY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS)]TJ 2.181 -2.462 Td (Consolidated Balance Sheet)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 3.4833 13 83.7052 728.409 Tm (31 March, 2024)Tj 13 0 0 13 85.0394 696.409 Tm (Prepared by: Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co., Ltd.)Tj 13 0 3.4833 13 233.7532 664.409 Tm [(Unit: Yuan )-750 (Currency: RMB )-750 (Audit Type: Unaudited)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 13 0 0 13 85.0394 616.409 Tm (Items)Tj 0 Tw 22.668 1.231 Td (31 March, )Tj -0.025 Tw 2.513 -1.231 Td (2024)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw 3.823 1.231 Td (December 31,)Tj 3.534 -1.231 Td ( 2023)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -32.538 -2.462 Td (Current assets:)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.959 -1.231 Td (Cash at bank and on hand)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 19.722 0 Td (20,631,385,380)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (18,518,172,689)Tj 0 Tw -27.354 -1.231 Td (Settlement provisions)Tj -0.025 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Placement)Tj 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Held-for-trading financial assets)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 22.097 0 Td (4,814,502)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (5,740,618)Tj 0 Tw -29.729 -1.231 Td (Derivative financial assets)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Notes receivable)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.047 0 Td (345,912,018)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (367,992,386)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Accounts receivable)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.247 0 Td (6,482,926,943)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (7,128,016,386)Tj 0 Tw -27.879 -1.231 Td (Accounts receivable financing)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.247 0 Td (2,406,504,798)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (1,314,917,637)Tj 0 Tw -27.879 -1.231 Td (Advances to suppliers)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.047 0 Td (346,299,840)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (316,529,520)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Premiums receivable)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Reinsurance receivable)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Deposits receivable from reinsurance treaty)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Other receivables)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.047 0 Td (155,659,200)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (143,819,252)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Including: Interest receivable)Tj 4.579 -1.231 Td (Dividends receivable)Tj -4.579 -1.231 Td (Financial assets purchased for resale)Tj -0.025 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Inventories)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 20.247 0 Td (5,459,722,168)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (5,143,615,319)Tj 0 Tw -27.879 -1.231 Td (Including: Data resources)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Contract assets)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Held-for-sale assets)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Non-current assets due within one year)Tj -0.025 Tw 28.679 0 Td (316,416,243)Tj 0 Tw -28.679 -1.231 Td (Other current assets)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.047 0 Td (174,547,168)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (281,151,242)Tj ET 0 0 0 1 K 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 227.9989 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 345.8268 229.3999 Tm ( )Tj ET q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 227.9989 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 445.0394 229.3999 Tm ( )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -27.692 -2.462 Td (Total current assets)Tj -0.025 Tw 20.681 0 Td (36,007,772,017)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.632 0 Td (33,536,371,292)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 191.8354 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 188.5029 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 345.8268 189.7364 Tm ( )Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 191.8354 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 188.5029 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 3.4833 13 445.0394 189.7364 Tm ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 70 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 Tm (\226 6 \226)Tj ET q 0 Tc 0 g /GS1 gs 0 TL/Fm0 Do Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 7.8 0 0 13 197.2618 770.8479 Tm (Shareholdings of the top ten shareholders not subject to selling restric\ tions)Tj -10.753 -3.692 Td (Name of shareholders)Tj 23.784 2.462 Td (Number of tradable)Tj -0.6 -1.231 Td ( shares not subject to)Tj 0.969 -1.231 Td ( selling restrictions)Tj 14.179 2.462 Td (Types and number of shares)Tj -0.025 Tw -4.171 -2.462 Td (Types)Tj 16.671 0 Td (Number)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw -50.832 -2.462 Td (HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED)Tj 7.8 0 3.4833 13 219.9322 690.8479 Tm ( \(Note\))Tj -0.025 Tw 7.8 0 0 13 327.554 690.8479 Tm (595,877,144)Tj 0 Tw 6.704 0 Td (Overseas listed )Tj 0 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 432.3512 690.8479 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 387.7795 674.8479 Tm (foreign shares)Tj -0.025 Tw 14.084 1.231 Td (595,877,144)Tj 0 Tw -49.262 -2.462 Td (Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited)Tj -0.025 Tw 27.457 0 Td (491,326,444)Tj 0 Tw 6.704 0 Td (Ordinary shares )Tj 1.018 -1.231 Td (denominated in RMB)Tj -0.025 Tw 14.084 1.231 Td (491,326,444)Tj 0 Tw -49.262 -2.462 Td (Sanyi Development Limited)Tj -0.025 Tw 27.457 0 Td (390,578,816)Tj 0 Tw 6.704 0 Td (Ordinary shares )Tj 0 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 434.5118 626.8479 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 387.7795 610.8479 Tm (denominated in RMB)Tj -0.025 Tw 14.084 1.231 Td (390,578,816)Tj 0 Tw -49.262 -2.462 Td (Heren Charitable Foundation)Tj -0.025 Tw 27.457 0 Td (169,512,888)Tj 0 Tw 6.704 0 Td (Ordinary shares )Tj 0 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 434.5118 594.8479 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 387.7795 578.8479 Tm (denominated in RMB)Tj -0.025 Tw 14.084 1.231 Td (169,512,888)Tj 0 Tw -49.262 -2.462 Td (Agricultural Bank of China Limited \226)Tj 0 Tc ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 16.313 0 Td (E Fund )Tj -15.295 -1.231 Td (Consumer Industry Equity Securities Investment )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Fund \()Tj /C0_0 1 Tf 0.153 Tc -0.153 Tw 2.824 0 Td <05F802D90F3A090A0D6C04110E3806700B4306E815C7054E04B30F1F0A3F0696>Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 18.357 0 Td (\))Tj 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw 5.784 2.462 Td (37,273,663)Tj 0 Tw 6.179 0 Td (Ordinary shares )Tj 0 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 434.5118 562.8479 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 387.7795 546.8479 Tm (denominated in RMB)Tj -0.025 Tw 14.609 1.231 Td (37,273,663)Tj 0 Tw -49.787 -3.692 Td (Bai Yongli)Tj -0.025 Tw 27.982 0 Td (36,551,015)Tj 0 Tw 6.179 0 Td (Ordinary shares )Tj 0 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 434.5118 514.8479 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 387.7795 498.8479 Tm (denominated in RMB)Tj -0.025 Tw 14.609 1.231 Td (36,551,015)Tj 0 Tw -49.787 -2.462 Td (China Securities Finance Corporation)Tj -0.025 Tw 27.982 0 Td (28,095,485)Tj 0 Tw 6.179 0 Td (Ordinary shares )Tj 0 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 434.5118 482.8479 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 387.7795 466.8479 Tm (denominated in RMB)Tj -0.025 Tw 14.609 1.231 Td (28,095,485)Tj 0 Tw -49.787 -2.462 Td (Li Fuqing)Tj -0.025 Tw 27.982 0 Td (24,284,820)Tj 0 Tw 6.179 0 Td (Ordinary shares )Tj 1.018 -1.231 Td (denominated in RMB)Tj -0.025 Tw 14.609 1.231 Td (24,284,820)Tj 0 Tw -49.787 -2.462 Td (Fujian Yaohua Industrial Village Development )Tj 0 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 270.9908 418.8479 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 121.3228 402.8479 Tm (Co., Ltd.)Tj -0.025 Tw 26.965 1.231 Td (24,077,800)Tj 0 Tw 6.179 0 Td (Ordinary shares )Tj 0 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 434.5118 418.8479 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 387.7795 402.8479 Tm (denominated in RMB)Tj -0.025 Tw 14.609 1.231 Td (24,077,800)Tj 0 Tw -49.787 -2.462 Td (Li Haiqing)Tj -0.025 Tw 27.982 0 Td (22,198,322)Tj 0 Tw 6.179 0 Td (Ordinary shares )Tj 0 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 434.5118 386.8479 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 387.7795 370.8479 Tm (denominated in RMB)Tj -0.025 Tw 14.609 1.231 Td (22,198,322)Tj 0 Tw -49.787 -3.692 Td (Explanations on the connected relationship )Tj 0 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 258.0352 338.8479 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 121.3228 322.8479 Tm (or parties acting in concert among the )Tj 0 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 248.7187 322.8479 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 121.3228 306.8479 Tm (above shareholders)Tj 0.027 Tc 0.081 Tw 21.514 2.462 Td [(The)2 ( )0.5 (de)2 ( )0.5 (facto)2 ( )0.5 (controllers)2 ( )0.5 (of)2 ( )0.5 (Sanyi)2 ( )0.5 (Development)2 ( )0.5 (Limited)2 ( )0.5 (and)2 ( )0.5 (Fujian)2 ( Yaohua)2 ( )]TJ 0.045 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(Industrial)12.9 ( Village)12.8 ( Development)12.8 ( Co.,)12.8 ( Ltd.)12.9 ( are)12.9 ( members)12.9 ( of)12.8 ( a)12.9 ( same)12.8 ( family.)20 ( )]TJ 0.03 Tc 0.078 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(Among)5 ( )0.5 (the)5 ( )0.5 (remaining)5 ( )0.5 (eight)5 ( )0.5 (shareholders)5 ( )0.5 (not)5 ( )0.5 (subject)5 ( )0.5 (to)5 ( )0.5 (selling)5 ( )0.6 (restrictions,)5 ( )]TJ 0.056 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(it)12.6 ( is)12.5 ( uncertain)12.6 ( whether)12.5 ( there)12.6 ( is)12.5 ( any)12.5 ( connected)12.6 ( relationship)12.5 ( among)12.5 ( them)31 ( )]TJ 0.062 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(and)12.9 ( whether)12.9 ( such)12.9 ( s)0.5 (hareholders)12.9 ( are)12.9 ( parties)12.9 ( acting)12.9 ( in)12.8 ( concert)12.9 ( within)12.9 ( the)37 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.033 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (meaning under the )Tj -0.025 Tw (Measures)Tj 0.033 Tw ( for the Administration of Acquisition of Listed )Tj -0.025 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Companies)Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw (.)Tj 0.025 Tc -22.532 -2.462 Td (Explanations on the participation of the )Tj 0 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 246.6007 210.8479 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 121.3228 194.8479 Tm (top ten shareholders and the top ten )Tj 0 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 241.4026 194.8479 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 121.3228 178.8479 Tm (shareholders not subject to selling restrictions )Tj 0 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 275.5972 178.8479 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 121.3228 162.8479 Tm (in margin financing and securities lending )Tj 0 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 263.1566 162.8479 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 121.3228 146.8479 Tm (and refinancing businesses \(if any\))Tj 0.04 Tc 0.07 Tw 21.514 4.923 Td [(1)15 (.)15 ( )-657.1 (B)0.5 (a)0.6 (i)13 ( )0.6 (Y)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.6 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (,)13.1 ( )0.5 (a)13 ( )0.6 (s)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (h)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.6 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (,)13 ( )0.5 (h)0.6 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (d)0.5 (s)13.1 ( )0.5 (3)13 (6)13.1 (,)13 (5)13 (5)13 (1)13.1 (,)13 (0)13 (1)13.1 (5)13 ( )0.5 (s)0.6 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)13 ( )0.6 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (g)0.6 (h)13 ( )0.5 (t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)13 ( )0.6 (c)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)15 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 1.817 -1.231 Td (guarantee account;)Tj 0.047 Tc 0.07 Tw -1.817 -1.231 Td [(2)22 (.)22 ( )-650.1 (Li)12.9 ( Fuqing,)12.8 ( a)12.9 ( shareholder,)12.8 ( holds)12.9 ( 2)12.8 (4)12.8 (,)12.8 (2)12.9 (8)12.8 (3)12.8 (,)12.8 (8)12.8 (2)12.8 (0)12.9 ( shares)12.8 ( through)12.8 ( the)12.9 ( credit)22 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 1.817 -1.231 Td (guarantee account;)Tj 0.04 Tc 0.07 Tw -1.817 -1.231 Td [(3)15 (.)15 ( )-657.1 (Li)12.2 ( Haiqing,)12.2 ( a)12.2 ( shareholder,)12.2 ( holds)12.2 ( 2)12.2 (2)12.2 (,)12.2 (1)12.2 (9)12.3 (8)12.2 (,)12.2 (3)12.2 (2)12.2 (2)12.2 ( shares)12.2 ( through)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( credit)15 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 1.817 -1.231 Td (guarantee account.)Tj -0.025 Tw 11 0 2.9474 11 112.2569 102.4989 Tm (Note: )Tj 0.077 Tc 0.07 Tw 11 0 0 11 142.2275 102.4989 Tm [( )-846.5 (I)0.6 (n)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)13 ( )0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)13 ( )0.6 (th)0.6 (e)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)13 ( )0.5 (H)13 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)13 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)13 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)13 ( )0.5 (C)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (y)13 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)13 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)13 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)13 ( )0.6 (C)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)52 ( )]TJ 0.059 Tc 1.243 -1.273 Td [(Clearing)12.8 ( and)12.7 ( Settlement)12.8 ( System)12.8 ( under)12.7 ( the)12.8 ( Hong)12.8 ( Kong)12.8 ( Stock)12.8 ( Exchange)12.7 ( and)34 ( )]TJ 0.039 Tc 0 -1.273 Td [(count)12.2 ( them)12.2 ( by)12.1 ( the)12.2 ( aggregate)12.2 ( number)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( H)12.2 ( shares)12.2 ( registered)12.2 ( under)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( name)12.2 ( of)14 ( )]TJ 0.038 Tc 0 -1.273 Td [(H)0.5 (K)0.5 (S)0.5 (C)0.5 (C)13 ( )0.5 (N)0.5 (O)0.5 (M)0.5 (I)0.5 (N)0.6 (E)0.5 (E)0.5 (S)13 ( )0.5 (L)0.5 (I)0.5 (M)0.5 (I)0.5 (T)0.5 (E)0.5 (D)13 ( )0.5 (\()]TJ /C0_0 1 Tf 0.356 Tc -0.356 Tw 14.878 0 Td [<08300CA50295032F0D101051>751 <0080>167 <02FE0B23025B>167 <0081>587 <03DE082202AE0321>]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 0.083 Tw 18.464 0 Td [(\))-12.5 (, )0.5 (a )]TJ 0 Tw -33.342 -1.273 Td (wholly-owned subsidiary member body of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.)Tj ET endstream endobj 71 0 obj <> endobj 76 0 obj [77 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(PARTICULARS OF SHAREHOLDERS)]TJ 0.109 Tc 0.07 Tw 2.181 -2.462 Td [(\()84 (I)84 (\))84 ( )-621.5 (Total)12.7 ( number)12.8 ( of)12.8 ( ordinary)12.8 ( shareholders,)12.8 ( number)12.9 ( of)12.8 ( preferred)84 ( )]TJ 0.041 Tc 2.18 -1.231 Td [(shareholders)12.7 ( with)12.7 ( restored)12.7 ( voting)12.8 ( rights)12.7 ( and)12.7 ( the)12.7 ( shareholdings)12.7 ( of)12.8 ( the)16 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (top ten shareholders)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.039 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -2.462 Td [(As)12.5 ( at)12.4 ( 3)12.4 (1)12.4 ( March,)12.4 ( 2)12.4 (0)12.4 (2)12.4 (4)12.5 (,)12.4 ( the)12.5 ( Company)12.4 ( had)12.4 ( 1)12.4 (2)12.4 (8)12.4 (,)12.4 (1)12.4 (4)12.5 (2)12.4 ( holders)12.4 ( of)12.4 ( A)12.5 ( shares)12.5 ( and)14 ( )]TJ 0.042 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(4)12.7 (3)12.7 ( registered)12.7 ( holders)12.8 ( of)12.7 ( H)12.7 ( shares)12.8 ( in)12.8 ( total.)12.8 ( The)12.8 ( number)12.7 ( of)12.7 ( shareholders)12.7 ( in)17 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (aggregate is 128,185.)Tj 13 0 3.4833 13 459.7305 616.409 Tm (Unit: Share\(s\))Tj 7.8 0 0 13 113.3858 584.409 Tm (Total number of holders of ordinary )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (shares at the end of the Reporting Period)Tj -0.025 Tw 23.493 1.231 Td (128,185)Tj 0 Tw 5.58 0 Td (Number of holders of preference )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (shares with restored voting rights at )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (the end of the Reporting Period \(if )Tj -0.025 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (any\))Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw 24.939 3.692 Td (0)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -50.732 -6.027 Td (Shareholding of top ten shareholders \(excluding shares lent under the m\ argin refinancing transfer business\))Tj -3.28 -4.923 Td (Name of shareholders)Tj 17.153 1.231 Td (Nature of)Tj -0.025 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (shareholder)Tj 7.922 0 Td (Shareholding)Tj 6.541 1.231 Td (Shareholding )Tj 0.925 -1.231 Td (percentage)Tj 0 Tw 6.23 3.692 Td (Number of)Tj -0.493 -1.231 Td ( shares held )Tj 0.194 -1.231 Td (with selling )Tj -0.025 Tw 0.03 -1.231 Td (restrictions)Tj 0 Tw 7.68 3.692 Td (Pledge, mark or)Tj 0.744 -1.231 Td ( moratorium)Tj -1.573 -1.231 Td (Status of )Tj -0.025 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (shares)Tj 5.478 0 Td (Number)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.8 0 3.4833 13 391.9381 426.0599 Tm (\(%\))Tj 0 Tw 7.8 0 0 13 113.3858 394.0599 Tm (HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED )Tj -0.025 Tw 7.8 0 3.4833 13 121.3228 378.0599 Tm (\(Note\))Tj 7.8 0 0 13 247.181 394.0599 Tm (Unknown)Tj 8.487 0 Td (595,877,144)Tj 9.441 0 Td (22.83)Tj 10.345 0 Td (Unknown)Tj 0 Tw -45.427 -2.462 Td (Hong Kong Securities Clearing )Tj 1.018 -1.231 Td (Company Limited)Tj -0.025 Tw 16.136 1.231 Td (Unknown)Tj 8.487 0 Td (491,326,444)Tj 9.441 0 Td (18.83)Tj 10.345 0 Td (Unknown)Tj 0 Tw -45.427 -2.462 Td (Sanyi Development Limited)Tj 17.153 0 Td (Overseas legal )Tj -0.025 Tw 1.018 -1.231 Td (person)Tj 7.47 1.231 Td (390,578,816)Tj 9.441 0 Td (14.97)Tj 10.345 0 Td (Nil)Tj 0 Tw -45.427 -2.462 Td (Heren Charitable Foundation)Tj 17.153 0 Td (Domestic non- )Tj -0.025 Tw 1.018 -1.231 Td (state-owned )Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw 7.8 0 0 13 297.097 282.0599 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 255.1181 266.0599 Tm (legal person)Tj -0.025 Tw 7.47 2.462 Td (169,512,888)Tj 9.966 0 Td (6.50)Tj 9.82 0 Td (Nil)Tj 0 Tw -45.427 -3.692 Td (Agricultural Bank of China Limited \226)Tj 1.018 -1.231 Td (E Fund Consumer Industry Equity )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Securities Investment Fund \()Tj /C0_0 1 Tf 0.225 Tc -0.225 Tw 12.352 0 Td <05F802D9>Tj -12.352 -1.231 Td <0F3A090A0D6C04110E3806700B4306E815C7054E04B30F1F>Tj 0 -1.231 Td <0A3F0696>Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 2.375 0 Td (\))Tj 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw 13.761 4.923 Td (Unknown)Tj 9.012 0 Td (37,273,663)Tj 9.441 0 Td (1.43)Tj 9.82 0 Td (Unknown)Tj 0 Tw -45.427 -6.154 Td (Bai Yongli)Tj -0.025 Tw 17.153 0 Td (Unknown)Tj 9.012 0 Td (36,551,015)Tj 9.441 0 Td (1.40)Tj 9.82 0 Td (Unknown)Tj 0 Tw -45.427 -1.231 Td (China Securities Finance Corporation)Tj -0.025 Tw 17.153 0 Td (Unknown)Tj 9.012 0 Td (28,095,485)Tj 9.441 0 Td (1.08)Tj 9.82 0 Td (Unknown)Tj 0 Tw -45.427 -1.231 Td (Li Fuqing)Tj -0.025 Tw 17.153 0 Td (Unknown)Tj 9.012 0 Td (24,284,820)Tj 9.441 0 Td (0.93)Tj 9.82 0 Td (Unknown)Tj 0 Tw -45.427 -1.231 Td (Fujian Yaohua Industrial Village )Tj -0.025 Tw 1.018 -1.231 Td (Development )Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw 7.8 0 0 13 167.6386 106.0599 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 121.3228 90.0599 Tm (Co., Ltd.)Tj 16.136 2.462 Td (Domestic non\226)Tj -0.025 Tw 1.018 -1.231 Td (state-owned )Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw 7.8 0 0 13 297.097 106.0599 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 7.8 0 0 13 255.1181 90.0599 Tm (legal person)Tj -0.025 Tw 7.995 2.462 Td (24,077,800)Tj 9.441 0 Td (0.92)Tj 9.82 0 Td (Nil)Tj 0 Tw -45.427 -3.692 Td (Li Haiqing)Tj -0.025 Tw 17.153 0 Td (Unknown)Tj 9.012 0 Td (22,198,322)Tj 9.441 0 Td (0.85)Tj 9.82 0 Td (Unknown)Tj ET endstream endobj 88 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 Tm (\226 4 \226)Tj ET q 0 Tc 0 g /GS1 gs 0 TL/Fm0 Do Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 85.0394 776.409 Tm [(\(II\) )-361.5 (Non-recurring profit and loss items and amounts)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 3.4833 13 374.5031 744.409 Tm [(Unit: Yuan )-750 (Currency: RMB)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf 10.4 0 0 13 113.3858 680.409 Tm (Non-recurring profit or loss items)Tj 35.632 2.462 Td (Amount for)Tj -1.239 -1.231 Td ( the Reporting )Tj -0.025 Tw 3.533 -1.231 Td (Period)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw -37.926 -2.462 Td (Profit or loss from disposal of non-current assets, including the write-\ off )Tj 1.254 -1.231 Td (part of the provision on impairment of assets)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 34.023 0 Td (-216,988,244)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw -35.276 -1.231 Td (Government subsidies recorded under current profit and loss \(except for\ )Tj 1.254 -1.231 Td (those closely related to the normal business operation of the Company, )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (in compliance with requirements of the national policies, enjoyed in )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (accordance with certain standards, and with a continuing effect on the )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (gains and losses of the enterprise\))Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 34.906 0 Td (35,763,101)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw -36.159 -1.231 Td (Apart from effective hedging instruments relating to the normal operatio\ ns )Tj 1.254 -1.231 Td (of the Company, profit or loss from change in fair value of financial )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (assets and financial liabilities by non-financial enterprises, and profi\ t or )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (loss from the disposal of financial assets and financial liabilities)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 35.873 0 Td (-926,115)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw -37.126 -1.231 Td (Other non-operating income and expenses other than the above items)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 37.126 0 Td (-620,358)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf -37.126 -1.231 Td (Less)Tj 0 Tw (: Effect of income tax)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 35.801 0 Td (-52,891,368)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw -33.294 -1.231 Td (Effect of minority interests \(after tax\))Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 34.977 0 Td (172,785)Tj ET 0 0 0 1 K 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 435.9989 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT 0 Tc 0 Tw 10.4 0 0 13 445.0393 437.3998 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw -31.89 -2.462 Td (Total)Tj 35.276 0 Td (-130,053,033)Tj ET 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 399.8353 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 396.5028 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l S Q BT 0 Tc 0 Tw 10.4 0 0 13 445.0393 397.7363 Tm ( )Tj 0.044 Tc 0.07 Tw 13 0 0 13 85.0393 367.3872 Tm [(\()19 (I)19 (I)19 (I)19.1 (\))19 ( )141.5 (Particulars)12.4 ( of)12.4 ( and)12.4 ( reasons)12.4 ( for)12.5 ( changes)12.4 ( in)12.4 ( major)12.4 ( accounting)12.4 ( data)12.4 ( and)19 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td (financial indicators)Tj -0.025 Tw 10.4 0 0 13 113.3858 319.3872 Tm (Items)Tj 16.494 0 Td (Change)Tj 0 Tw 4.493 0 Td (Main reason)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 10.4 0 3.4833 13 302.8714 303.3872 Tm (\(%\))Tj 0 Tw 10.4 0 0 13 113.3858 271.3872 Tm (Net profit attributable to )Tj 1.254 -1.231 Td (shareholders of the listed )Tj -0.025 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (company)Tj 16.293 2.462 Td (51.76)Tj 0.019 Tc 0 Tw 3.44 0 Td (During the Reporting Period, the revenue grew)Tj 0 Tc (,)Tj 19.922 0 Td ( )Tj 10.4 0 0 13 538.5826 271.3872 Tm ( )Tj 0.035 Tc 0.073 Tw 10.4 0 0 13 344.6929 255.3872 Tm [(coupled)10 ( )0.5 (with)10 ( )0.5 (the)10 ( )0.6 (quality)10 ( )0.5 (improvement)10 ( )0.5 (and)10 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (increase in efficiency.)Tj -22.241 -1.231 Td (Net profit attributable to )Tj 1.254 -1.231 Td (shareholders of the )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (listed company, net of )Tj -0.025 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (non)Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw (-)Tj 0.025 Tc 1.933 0 Td (recurring gains or losses)Tj -0.025 Tw 14.36 3.692 Td (72.89)Tj 0.019 Tc 0 Tw 3.44 0 Td (During the Reporting Period, the revenue grew)Tj 0 Tc (,)Tj 19.922 0 Td ( )Tj 10.4 0 0 13 538.5826 223.3872 Tm ( )Tj 0.035 Tc 0.073 Tw 10.4 0 0 13 344.6929 207.3872 Tm [(coupled)10 ( )0.5 (with)10 ( )0.5 (the)10 ( )0.6 (quality)10 ( )0.5 (improvement)10 ( )0.5 (and)10 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (increase in efficiency.)Tj 10.4 0 3.4833 13 112.0517 159.3872 Tm (Basic earnings per share)Tj 0 Tc 10.4 0 3.4833 13 220.9927 159.3872 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw 10.4 0 3.4833 13 126.4251 143.3872 Tm (\(Yuan/share\))Tj 10.4 0 0 13 295.8749 159.3872 Tm (51.43)Tj 0.019 Tc 0 Tw 3.44 0 Td (During the Reporting Period, the revenue grew)Tj 0 Tc (,)Tj 19.922 0 Td ( )Tj 10.4 0 0 13 538.5826 159.3872 Tm ( )Tj 0.035 Tc 0.073 Tw 10.4 0 0 13 344.6929 143.3872 Tm [(coupled)10 ( )0.5 (with)10 ( )0.5 (the)10 ( )0.6 (quality)10 ( )0.5 (improvement)10 ( )0.5 (and)10 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (increase in efficiency.)Tj 10.4 0 3.4833 13 112.0517 111.3872 Tm (Diluted earnings per share)Tj 0 Tc 10.4 0 3.4833 13 229.6041 111.3872 Tm ( )Tj 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw 10.4 0 3.4833 13 126.4252 95.3872 Tm (\(Yuan/share\))Tj 10.4 0 0 13 295.8749 111.3872 Tm (51.43)Tj 0.019 Tc 0 Tw 3.44 0 Td (During the Reporting Period, the revenue grew)Tj 0 Tc (,)Tj 19.922 0 Td ( )Tj 10.4 0 0 13 538.5826 111.3872 Tm ( )Tj 0.035 Tc 0.073 Tw 10.4 0 0 13 344.6929 95.3872 Tm [(coupled)10 ( )0.5 (with)10 ( )0.5 (the)10 ( )0.6 (quality)10 ( )0.5 (improvement)10 ( )0.5 (and)10 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (increase in efficiency.)Tj ET endstream endobj 87 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 Tm (\226 3 \226)Tj ET q 0 Tc 0 g /GS1 gs 0 TL/Fm0 Do Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 11.7 0 0 13 293.6273 738.8479 Tm (As at the )Tj -0.47 -1.231 Td (end of the)Tj -0.361 -1.231 Td ( Reporting)Tj 1.575 -1.231 Td ( Period)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.958 2.462 Td (As at the )Tj 1.103 -1.231 Td (end of)Tj -3.338 -1.231 Td ( previous year)Tj -0.025 Tw 7.019 6.154 Td (Increase/decrease)Tj 0 Tw 0.333 -1.231 Td ( at the end of the)Tj -0.393 -1.231 Td ( Reporting Period )Tj 2.235 -1.231 Td (as compared)Tj -1.376 -1.231 Td ( with the end of)Tj 0.662 -1.231 Td ( previous year)Tj -0.025 Tw 11.7 0 3.4833 13 519.1256 674.8479 Tm (\(%\))Tj 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 113.3859 642.8479 Tm (Total assets)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 12.807 0 Td (59,664,416,575)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (56,630,407,495)Tj 13.23 0 Td (5.36)Tj 0 Tw -34.517 -1.231 Td (Ownership interest )Tj 1.114 -1.231 Td (attributable to )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (shareholders of the )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (listed company)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 11.693 0 Td (32,861,049,190)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 8.48 0 Td (31,426,181,639)Tj 13.23 0 Td (4.57)Tj 0.034 Tc 0.074 Tw 13 0 0 13 113.3859 548.4989 Tm [(During)9 ( )0.5 (the)9 ( )0.5 (Reporting)9 ( )0.5 (Period,)9 ( )0.5 (the)9.1 ( )0.5 (total)9 ( )0.5 (profit)9 ( )0.5 (amounted)9 ( )0.5 (to)9 ( )0.5 (RMB)9 (1)9 (,)9 (6)9 (9)9 (4)9 (.)9 (6)9 (0)9 (3)9 (9)8.9 ( )]TJ 0.095 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(million,)12.1 ( representing)12.1 ( an)12.2 ( increase)12.1 ( of)12.1 ( 5)12.1 (2)12.2 (.)12.1 (1)12.2 (7)12.1 (%)12.2 ( as)12.2 ( compared)12.1 ( with)12.1 ( the)70 ( )]TJ 0.045 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(co)0.5 (rre)0.5 (spo)0.5 (ndin)0.5 (g)12.9 ( pe)0.5 (rio)0.5 (d)12.9 ( of)13 ( the)13 ( p)0.5 (revi)0.5 (ous)13 ( ye)0.5 (ar.)13 ( Eli)0.5 (mina)0.5 (ting)13 ( th)0.5 (e)12.9 ( im)0.5 (pac)0.5 (t)12.9 ( o)0.5 (f)12.9 ( t)0.5 (he)20 ( )]TJ 0.029 Tc 0.079 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(following)4 ( )0.5 (factors,)4 ( )0.5 (the)4 ( )0.5 (total)4 ( )0.5 (profit)4 ( )0.5 (during)4 ( )0.6 (the)4 ( )0.5 (Reporting)4 ( )0.5 (Period)4 ( )0.5 (increased)4 ( )0.6 (by)4 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (61.82% year on year:)Tj 0.107 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -2.462 Td [(1)82 (.)82 ( )-953.5 (the)12.1 ( exchange)12 ( loss)12 ( of)12.1 ( RMB)12.1 (8)12 (8)12.1 (.)12 (1)12.1 (2)12 (4)12.1 (3)12 ( million)12.1 ( for)12 ( the)12.1 ( Reporting)82 ( )]TJ 0.045 Tc 2.181 -1.231 Td [(Period,)12 ( compared)12.1 ( to)12.1 ( exchange)12.1 ( loss)12.1 ( of)12.1 ( RMB)12.1 (1)12.1 (1)12.1 (9)12.1 (.)12 (1)12.1 (5)12.1 (0)12 (6)12.1 ( million)12 ( for)12.1 ( the)20 ( )]TJ 0.03 Tc 0.078 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(corresponding)5 ( )0.5 (period)5 ( )0.5 (of)5.1 ( )0.5 (the)5.1 ( )0.5 (previous)5 ( )0.5 (year,)5 ( )0.5 (resulting)5 ( )0.5 (in)5 ( )0.5 (total)5 ( )0.5 (profit)5 ( )0.5 (for)5 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.011 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (the Reporting Period increased by RMB31.0263 million as compared to )Tj 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (the corresponding period of the previous year;)Tj 0.075 Tc 0.07 Tw -2.181 -2.462 Td [(2)50 (.)50 ( )-985.5 (During)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( Reporting)12.6 ( Period,)12.6 ( Taiyuan)12.6 ( Jinnuo)12.6 ( Industry)12.6 ( Co.,)12.6 ( Ltd.)50 ( )]TJ 0.057 Tc 2.181 -1.231 Td [(terminated)12.5 ( the)12.5 ( relevant)12.4 ( agreement)12.5 ( for)12.5 ( fulfilling)12.5 ( the)12.5 ( transfer)12.4 ( of)12.5 ( the)32 ( )]TJ 0.034 Tc 0.074 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(remaining)9 ( )0.5 (2)9 (4)9 (%)9 ( )0.5 (equity)9 ( )0.5 (interest)9 ( )0.5 (in)9 ( )0.5 (Fuyao)9 ( )0.5 (Group)9 ( )0.5 (Beijing)9 ( )0.5 (Futong)9 ( )0.5 (Safety)9 ( )]TJ 0.056 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(Glass)12.3 ( Co.,)12.3 ( Ltd.)12.3 ( \(hereinafter)12.3 ( referred)12.3 ( to)12.3 ( as)12.3 ( \223)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf [(Beijing)12.3 ( Futong)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf [(\224\).)12.2 ( The)31 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.06 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Company derecognized the )Tj -0.025 Tw (consideration)Tj 0.06 Tw ( receivable )Tj (for equity transfer )Tj 0.063 Tc 0.082 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(o)-12.1 (f R)-12.2 (M)-12.1 (B321,400,00)]TJ 0 Tc 0 Tw (0)Tj 0.075 Tc 0.07 Tw 9.491 0 Td [( and)12.3 ( retained)12.4 ( 2)12.4 (4)12.3 (%)12.4 ( equity)12.4 ( interest)12.3 ( in)12.4 ( Beijing)50 ( )]TJ 0.033 Tc -0.033 Tw -9.491 -1.231 Td (Futong)Tj 0.075 Tw [(.)8 ( )0.5 (At)8 ( )0.5 (present,)8 ( )0.5 (the)8 ( )0.5 (Company)8 ( )0.5 (holds)8 ( )]TJ 17.664 0 Td [(a)8 ( )0.5 (total)8 ( )0.5 (of)8 ( )0.5 (4)8 (9)8 (%)8 ( )0.5 (equity)8 ( )0.5 (interest)8.1 ( )]TJ 0.027 Tc 0.081 Tw -17.664 -1.231 Td [(held)2 ( in)2 ( )0.5 (Beijing)2 ( )0.5 (Futong.)2 ( The)2 ( )0.5 (termination)2 ( )0.5 (for)2 ( )0.5 (fulfilling)2 ( )0.5 (the)2 ( )0.5 (transform)1.9 ( )0.5 (of)2 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.017 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(the )0.5 (remaining 24% )0.5 (equity )]TJ -0.025 Tw 11.301 0 Td (interest)Tj 0.017 Tw [( )0.5 (by Taiyuan )0.5 (Jinnuo )0.5 (Industry )0.5 (Co., )0.5 (Ltd. )]TJ 0.047 Tc 0.07 Tw -11.301 -1.231 Td [(has)12.9 ( led)12.8 ( )]TJ 0.034 Tc -0.034 Tw [(t)-12.7 (o )]TJ 0.047 Tc 0.07 Tw 4.769 0 Td [(the)12.9 ( reduction)12.8 ( of)12.9 ( investment)12.8 ( income)12.9 ( by)12.9 ( RMB)12.8 (2)12.9 (1)12.8 (2)12.9 (,)12.8 (1)12.9 (2)12.8 (8)12.9 (,)12.8 (8)12.9 (0)12.8 (0)12.9 (,)22 ( )]TJ 0.039 Tc -4.769 -1.231 Td [(resulting)12.2 ( in)12.1 ( a)12.2 ( decrease)12.2 ( of)12.1 ( RMB)12.2 (2)12.1 (1)12.2 (2)12.2 (,)12.2 (1)12.1 (2)12.2 (8)12.2 (,)12.2 (8)12.1 (0)12.2 (0)12.2 ( in)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( total)12.2 ( profit)12.2 ( for)12.2 ( the)14 ( )]TJ 0.065 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(Reporting)12.3 ( Period)12.3 ( as)12.4 ( compared)12.3 ( to)12.3 ( the)12.4 ( corresponding)12.3 ( period)12.3 ( of)12.3 ( the)40 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (previous year.)Tj ET endstream endobj 86 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 Tm (\226 2 \226)Tj ET q 0 Tc 0 g /GS1 gs 0 TL/Fm0 Do Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 56.6929 776.409 Tm (IMPORTANT NOTICE)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.07 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -2.462 Td [(The)12.4 ( board)12.3 ( of)12.4 ( directors,)12.3 ( board)12.3 ( of)12.4 ( supervisors,)12.3 ( directors,)12.3 ( supervisors)12.3 ( and)12.3 ( senior)45 ( )]TJ 0.075 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(management)12.3 ( members)12.4 ( of)12.3 ( the)12.4 ( Company)12.3 ( warrant)12.4 ( the)12.4 ( truthfulness,)12.3 ( accuracy)12.4 ( and)50 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.05 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (completeness of the contents stated in the Quarterly Report and that the\ re are no false )Tj 0.035 Tc 0.073 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(presentations,)10 ( )0.5 (misleading)10 ( )0.5 (statements)10 ( )0.5 (or)10 ( )0.6 (material)10 ( )0.5 (omissions)10.1 ( )0.5 (thereof)10 ( )0.5 (and)10 ( )0.5 (shall)10 ( )0.5 (assume)10 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (joint and several legal liabilities.)Tj 0.032 Tc 0.076 Tw 0 -2.462 Td [(Person-in-charge)7 ( )0.5 (of)7 ( )0.5 (the)7 ( )0.5 (Company,)7 ( )0.5 (the)7 ( )0.5 (principal-in-charge)7 ( )0.5 (of)7 ( )0.5 (accounting)7 ( )0.5 (and)7 ( )0.5 (head)7 ( )0.5 (of)7 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.059 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (the Accounting Department \(person-in-charge of accounting\) warrant the\ truthfulness, )Tj 0.058 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (accuracy and completeness of the information of the financial statement \ set out in the )Tj 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Quarterly Report.)Tj 0 -2.462 Td (The first quarterly financial statement has not been audited.)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0 -2.462 Td [(I. )-1216.5 (MAJOR FINANCIAL DATA)]TJ 2.181 -2.462 Td [(\(I\) )-775.5 (Major accounting data and financial indicators)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 13 0 3.4833 13 374.5031 472.409 Tm [(Unit: Yuan )-750 (Currency: RMB)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 113.3858 328.409 Tm (Items)Tj 0 Tw 22.998 2.462 Td (During the)Tj 0.056 -1.231 Td ( Reporting )Tj -0.025 Tw 1.85 -1.231 Td (Period)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.629 8.615 Td (Increase/)Tj 0 Tw -2.844 -1.231 Td (decrease during )Tj 0.881 -1.231 Td (the Reporting )Tj 1.878 -1.231 Td (Period as )Tj -2.377 -1.231 Td (compared with )Tj -1.322 -1.231 Td (the corresponding)Tj 3.48 -1.231 Td ( period of )Tj -1.602 -1.231 Td (previous year)Tj -0.025 Tw 11.7 0 3.4833 13 519.1255 312.409 Tm (\(%\))Tj 0 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 113.3858 280.409 Tm (Operating revenue)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.812 0 Td (8,835,664,711)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 12.18 0 Td (25.29)Tj 0 Tw -33.992 -1.231 Td (Net profit attributable to shareholders of the )Tj 1.114 -1.231 Td (listed company)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.697 0 Td (1,387,825,463)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 12.18 0 Td (51.76)Tj 0 Tw -33.992 -1.231 Td (Net profit attributable to shareholders of the )Tj 1.114 -1.231 Td (listed company, net of non-recurring gains )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (or losses)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 20.697 0 Td (1,517,878,496)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 12.18 0 Td (72.89)Tj 0 Tw -33.992 -1.231 Td (Net cash flows from operating activities)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 21.812 0 Td (1,300,199,825)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 12.347 0 Td (-7.63)Tj 0 Tw -34.159 -1.231 Td (Basic earnings per share)Tj 11.7 0 3.4833 13 234.4436 168.409 Tm ( \(Yuan/share\))Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 418.0176 168.409 Tm (0.53)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.955 0 Td (51.43)Tj 0 Tw -33.992 -1.231 Td (Diluted earnings per share)Tj 11.7 0 3.4833 13 244.1314 152.409 Tm ( \(Yuan/share\))Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 418.0176 152.409 Tm (0.53)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 7.955 0 Td (51.43)Tj 0.024 Tc 0 Tw -33.992 -2.462 Td (Return rate on weighted average net assets )Tj -0.024 Tw 11.7 0 3.4833 13 326.3997 120.409 Tm (\(%\))Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw 11.7 0 0 13 418.0176 120.409 Tm (4.32)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw 2.824 1.231 Td (Increased by 1.22 )Tj 0.055 -1.231 Td (percentage points)Tj ET endstream endobj 82 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 Tm (\226 1 \226)Tj 0.065 Tc 0.07 Tw 13 0 3.4833 13 55.3588 776.3179 Tm [(Hong)12.1 ( Kong)12.1 ( Exchanges)12 ( and)12.1 ( Clearing)12 ( Limited)12 ( and)12 ( The)12 ( Stock)12.1 ( Exchange)12.1 ( of)12.1 ( Hong)40 ( )]TJ 0.03 Tc 0.078 Tw 0.33 -1.231 Td [(Kong)5 ( )0.5 (Limited)5 ( )0.5 (take)5 ( )0.5 (no)5 ( )0.5 (responsibility)5 ( )0.5 (for)5 ( )0.5 (the)5 ( )0.5 (contents)5 ( )0.5 (of)5 ( )0.6 (this)5 ( )0.5 (announcement,)5 ( )0.5 (make)5 ( )0.5 (no)5 ( )]TJ 0.027 Tc 0.081 Tw 0.33 -1.231 Td [(representation)2 ( )0.5 (as)2 ( )0.5 (to)2 ( )0.5 (its)2 ( )0.5 (accuracy)2 ( )0.5 (or)2 ( )0.5 (completeness)2 ( )0.5 (and)1.9 ( )0.5 (expressly)2 ( )0.5 (disclaim)2 ( any)2 ( )0.5 (liability)2 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.077 Tw 0.33 -1.231 Td (whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the w\ hole or any )Tj 0 Tw 0.33 -1.231 Td (part of the contents of this announcement.)Tj ET /PlacedGraphic /MC0 BDC EMC q 73.958 626.378 447.358 70.2 re W n BT /GS1 gs /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 12.6 0 0 12.6 246.5456 629.1253 Tm (\(Stock Code: 3606)Tj (\))Tj /T1_2 1 Tf 11.181 0 0 11.181 73.9586 644.198 Tm (\(A joint stoc)Tj ET Q BT /GS1 gs /T1_2 1 Tf 0 Tc 11.181 0 0 11.181 128.3985 644.198 Tm (k limited company incorpor)Tj 11.067 0 Td (ated in the )Tj -0.08 Tc 0.08 Tw (Pe)Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw 5.447 0 Td (ople\222)Tj ET q 73.958 626.378 447.358 70.2 re W n BT 11.181 0 0 11.181 335.5688 644.198 Tm (s Republic of China with limited liability\))Tj ET 0 0 0 0 k q 1 0 0 1 443.8586 663.148 cm 0 0 m 0.646 0.015 1.154 0.473 1.123 0.931 c 1.091 1.386 0.786 1.584 0.365 1.601 c -0.148 1.622 -0.662 1.167 -0.651 0.695 c -0.639 0.204 -0.339 0.002 0 0 c 1.587 -0.607 m 2.908 -0.889 3.958 -0.013 4.204 1.611 c 3.783 1.611 3.366 1.629 2.951 1.602 c 2.812 1.593 2.614 1.506 2.557 1.396 c 2.215 0.737 1.906 0.061 1.587 -0.607 c -261.147 26.582 7.227 1.057 re -114.16 10.954 m -114.571 12.333 -114.965 13.659 -115.368 15.01 c -118.039 15.01 l -117.772 13.569 -117.347 12.261 -116.44 11.149 c -116.36 11.051 -116.201 10.966 -116.075 10.962 c -115.437 10.944 -114.797 10.954 -114.16 10.954 c -132.438 10.951 m -131.861 10.951 -131.256 10.927 -130.656 10.966 c -130.46 10.978 -130.213 11.111 -130.094 11.268 c -129.254 12.369 -128.843 13.647 -128.577 15.058 c -129.45 15.058 -130.263 15.07 -131.074 15.046 c -131.191 15.042 -131.372 14.888 -131.405 14.771 c -131.756 13.531 -132.082 12.284 -132.438 10.951 c -252.815 26.578 10.357 1.051 re -234.455 21.096 m -234.018 21.096 -233.601 21.066 -233.193 21.112 c -233.042 21.13 -232.803 21.316 -232.787 21.448 c -232.571 23.244 -232.38 25.045 -232.213 26.847 c -232.201 26.97 -232.414 27.221 -232.536 27.231 c -233.091 27.273 -233.65 27.249 -234.227 27.249 c -234.304 25.184 -234.378 23.189 -234.455 21.096 c -239.78 27.219 m -239.813 27.133 -239.852 27.075 -239.854 27.018 c -239.897 25.129 -239.705 23.263 -239.266 21.426 c -239.234 21.295 -239.036 21.124 -238.903 21.112 c -238.473 21.072 -238.037 21.097 -237.603 21.097 c -237.68 23.179 -237.755 25.191 -237.83 27.219 c h -178.536 26.185 m -178.536 27.293 l -183.203 27.293 l -183.239 27.523 -183.266 27.7 -183.295 27.885 c -185.606 27.885 l -185.659 27.664 -185.702 27.486 -185.758 27.255 c -190.402 27.255 l -190.402 26.185 l h -59.322 27.732 m -60.083 27.732 -60.79 27.714 -61.495 27.74 c -61.898 27.755 -62.041 27.601 -62.086 27.21 c -62.144 26.714 -62.252 26.22 -62.389 25.739 c -62.787 24.34 -63.21 22.948 -63.638 21.507 c -62.984 21.507 -62.321 21.493 -61.659 21.518 c -61.525 21.523 -61.339 21.637 -61.273 21.755 c -60.249 23.597 -59.659 25.581 -59.322 27.732 c 32.23 24.726 -14.956 -1.049 re -150.709 0.005 m -150.289 2.366 -149.872 4.682 -149.47 7 c -149.396 7.426 -149.667 7.624 -150.055 7.636 c -150.657 7.655 -151.26 7.641 -151.908 7.641 c -152.333 5.264 -152.762 2.93 -153.142 0.589 c -153.169 0.424 -152.852 0.052 -152.668 0.032 c -152.031 -0.039 -151.382 0.005 -150.709 0.005 c -4.195 19.159 m -3.544 19.159 -2.879 19.141 -2.217 19.174 c -2.073 19.181 -1.886 19.343 -1.805 19.483 c -0.37 21.984 0.573 24.672 1.236 27.55 c 0.458 27.55 -0.272 27.525 -0.999 27.56 c -1.385 27.579 -1.507 27.399 -1.583 27.079 c -1.728 26.469 -1.856 25.852 -2.058 25.261 c -2.745 23.25 -3.461 21.249 -4.195 19.159 c -188.924 1.021 m -189.911 1.021 -190.851 1.018 -191.79 1.021 c -192.869 1.025 -193.049 1.255 -192.855 2.301 c -192.58 3.78 -192.319 5.261 -192.061 6.742 c -191.94 7.431 -192.105 7.633 -192.787 7.651 c -193.206 7.662 -193.63 7.693 -194.041 7.634 c -194.219 7.608 -194.481 7.402 -194.512 7.24 c -194.83 5.621 -195.117 3.996 -195.392 2.369 c -195.617 1.04 -194.75 0.019 -193.393 0.004 c -192.221 -0.008 -191.049 -0.003 -189.877 0.003 c -189.159 0.006 -189.005 0.165 -188.924 1.021 c 14.897 1.021 m 13.921 1.021 13.002 1.02 12.083 1.021 c 10.941 1.022 10.768 1.243 10.977 2.375 c 11.254 3.874 11.516 5.377 11.792 6.877 c 11.864 7.267 11.767 7.59 11.347 7.619 c 10.69 7.665 10.028 7.631 9.369 7.631 c 9.051 5.824 8.718 4.1 8.452 2.366 c 8.235 0.944 9.071 0.012 10.499 0.003 c 11.629 -0.004 12.76 -0.001 13.891 0.003 c 14.677 0.005 14.794 0.119 14.897 1.021 c -51.271 27.74 m -53.624 27.74 -56.05 27.746 -58.475 27.726 c -58.618 27.725 -58.823 27.539 -58.887 27.39 c -58.982 27.172 -58.975 26.911 -59.025 26.57 c -58.319 26.57 l -56.916 26.57 -55.514 26.561 -54.112 26.575 c -53.746 26.579 -53.601 26.478 -53.475 26.09 c -53.025 24.704 -52.504 23.341 -51.978 21.982 c -51.903 21.788 -51.661 21.543 -51.48 21.528 c -50.822 21.473 -50.156 21.506 -49.528 21.506 c -50.112 23.595 -50.683 25.636 -51.271 27.74 c -255.797 23.958 m -255.797 22.832 -255.856 21.763 -255.785 20.702 c -255.59 17.761 -255.345 14.822 -255.1 11.884 c -255.084 11.698 -254.918 11.392 -254.788 11.372 c -254.351 11.308 -253.9 11.348 -253.547 11.348 c -253.645 15.617 -253.741 19.773 -253.838 23.958 c h -261.199 23.968 m -261.306 19.747 -261.412 15.58 -261.519 11.378 c -260.048 11.378 l -259.294 15.543 -259.194 19.737 -259.29 23.968 c h 17.645 0.002 m 18.249 0.002 18.791 -0.001 19.333 0.002 c 20.044 0.007 20.241 0.186 20.363 0.899 c 20.66 2.627 20.97 4.354 21.257 6.084 c 21.32 6.466 21.483 6.611 21.876 6.593 c 22.522 6.563 23.171 6.585 23.803 6.585 c 24.158 7.469 24.053 7.643 23.188 7.644 c 21.116 7.647 19.043 7.633 16.971 7.655 c 16.534 7.659 16.372 7.506 16.359 7.091 c 16.346 6.637 16.626 6.583 16.973 6.585 c 17.552 6.587 18.132 6.585 18.796 6.585 c 18.407 4.359 18.034 2.227 17.645 0.002 c -105.982 0.003 m -105.272 0.003 -104.658 -0.061 -104.068 0.031 c -103.793 0.074 -103.507 0.382 -103.334 0.642 c -103.197 0.849 -103.227 1.165 -103.18 1.433 c -102.878 3.132 -102.575 4.832 -102.264 6.574 c -101.529 6.574 -100.841 6.591 -100.155 6.568 c -99.744 6.554 -99.667 6.772 -99.65 7.108 c -99.632 7.44 -99.743 7.64 -100.096 7.64 c -102.437 7.642 -104.777 7.641 -107.104 7.641 c -107.418 6.707 -107.326 6.577 -106.392 6.574 c -105.896 6.573 -105.399 6.574 -104.837 6.574 c -105.224 4.354 -105.596 2.221 -105.982 0.003 c -10.712 7.63 m -12.427 7.63 -14.102 7.681 -15.771 7.615 c -17.181 7.558 -18.224 6.576 -18.498 5.192 c -18.685 4.25 -18.831 3.3 -19.004 2.355 c -19.234 1.106 -18.405 0.048 -17.139 0.007 c -16.511 -0.014 -15.883 0.002 -15.255 0.002 c -14.173 0.002 -13.091 0.002 -12.027 0.002 c -11.837 0.904 -11.905 0.992 -12.735 0.994 c -13.781 0.996 -14.828 0.987 -15.874 0.998 c -16.515 1.005 -16.783 1.306 -16.683 1.892 c -16.476 3.107 -16.264 4.32 -16.039 5.532 c -15.878 6.398 -15.62 6.598 -14.711 6.602 c -13.706 6.605 -12.702 6.595 -11.697 6.604 c -10.906 6.611 -10.78 6.743 -10.712 7.63 c -231.436 27.683 m -231.436 26.694 l -230.731 26.694 -230.065 26.689 -229.4 26.696 c -229.076 26.699 -228.877 26.588 -228.879 26.232 c -228.883 25.675 -228.88 25.119 -228.88 24.562 c -228.939 24.543 -228.998 24.524 -229.057 24.505 c -229.328 25.111 -229.599 25.716 -229.879 26.342 c -231.491 26.342 l -231.347 25.92 -231.235 25.547 -231.092 25.186 c -230.838 24.545 -230.432 24.146 -229.663 24.276 c -229.417 24.318 -229.15 24.238 -228.893 24.214 c -228.897 24.161 -228.9 24.108 -228.904 24.055 c -229.018 24.028 -229.13 23.983 -229.245 23.976 c -230.733 23.881 -230.762 23.865 -231.259 22.418 c -231.399 22.011 -231.505 21.591 -231.633 21.157 c -229.869 21.157 l -229.589 22.035 -229.331 22.845 -229.072 23.654 c -229.005 23.638 -228.938 23.622 -228.87 23.606 c -228.87 20.965 l -226.468 20.965 l -226.468 23.091 -226.457 25.178 -226.49 27.265 c -226.492 27.407 -226.81 27.661 -226.985 27.665 c -228.447 27.697 -229.911 27.683 -231.436 27.683 c -223.567 20.938 m -222.799 20.938 -222.093 20.923 -221.39 20.956 c -221.287 20.961 -221.113 21.198 -221.112 21.328 c -221.094 23.255 -221.088 25.181 -221.121 27.107 c -221.124 27.298 -221.399 27.644 -221.556 27.648 c -223.056 27.69 -224.558 27.673 -226.096 27.673 c -226.096 26.692 l -225.4 26.692 -224.732 26.719 -224.07 26.674 c -223.895 26.662 -223.608 26.437 -223.593 26.288 c -223.537 25.721 -223.57 25.146 -223.57 24.574 c -223.632 24.56 -223.694 24.546 -223.757 24.532 c -224.017 25.13 -224.277 25.729 -224.541 26.336 c -226.169 26.336 l -226.006 25.885 -225.879 25.496 -225.726 25.117 c -225.483 24.515 -225.088 24.162 -224.375 24.276 c -224.12 24.317 -223.846 24.244 -223.581 24.223 c -223.585 24.139 -223.589 24.055 -223.592 23.971 c -223.968 23.971 -224.348 24.006 -224.717 23.958 c -224.936 23.93 -225.25 23.825 -225.328 23.662 c -225.712 22.867 -226.03 22.04 -226.406 21.141 c -224.54 21.141 l -224.27 22.004 -224.014 22.824 -223.758 23.644 c -223.694 23.631 -223.631 23.618 -223.567 23.605 c h -258.371 4.399 m -258.313 4.755 -258.272 5.063 -258.211 5.367 c -257.994 6.453 -257.774 6.629 -256.655 6.63 c -255.462 6.632 -254.268 6.626 -253.075 6.633 c -252.251 6.637 -252.104 6.799 -252.134 7.657 c -254.015 7.657 -255.897 7.668 -257.779 7.654 c -259.282 7.642 -260.532 6.533 -260.768 5.043 c -260.831 4.651 -260.907 4.261 -260.975 3.871 c -261.195 2.605 -261.413 1.339 -261.642 0.013 c -261.021 0.013 -260.48 0.018 -259.938 0.011 c -259.383 0.004 -259.098 0.268 -259.018 0.82 c -258.919 1.502 -258.751 2.174 -258.667 2.857 c -258.617 3.264 -258.441 3.376 -258.056 3.37 c -256.842 3.351 -255.628 3.358 -254.413 3.363 c -253.597 3.367 -253.468 3.506 -253.45 4.399 c h 14.202 19.229 m 14.202 19.334 14.217 19.382 14.2 19.413 c 12.876 21.848 11.9 24.415 11.316 27.125 c 11.224 27.553 10.963 27.555 10.629 27.554 c 8.015 27.547 5.401 27.551 2.787 27.551 c 1.747 27.551 1.747 27.551 1.586 26.418 c 8.782 26.418 l 8.852 26.184 8.906 26.005 8.958 25.825 c 9.575 23.665 10.436 21.612 11.647 19.715 c 11.77 19.522 11.978 19.267 12.164 19.252 c 12.84 19.196 13.524 19.229 14.202 19.229 c -14.307 19.179 m -14.29 19.024 -14.296 18.94 -14.27 18.866 c -13.277 16.122 -11.74 13.762 -9.539 11.804 c -8.547 10.921 -7.501 11.112 -6.436 11.132 c -7.631 12.584 -8.807 14.013 -10.019 15.485 c -8.983 15.835 -7.561 17.894 -7.392 19.18 c -8.188 19.18 -8.977 19.196 -9.764 19.164 c -9.891 19.158 -10.047 18.954 -10.124 18.808 c -10.371 18.338 -10.588 17.852 -10.889 17.218 c -11.159 17.852 -11.348 18.333 -11.569 18.797 c -11.64 18.946 -11.792 19.157 -11.914 19.162 c -12.699 19.195 -13.486 19.179 -14.307 19.179 c -252.306 25.731 m -252.306 24.524 -252.328 23.378 -252.296 22.233 c -252.281 21.713 -251.966 21.362 -251.415 21.36 c -248.886 21.348 -246.357 21.349 -243.828 21.358 c -243.354 21.36 -242.98 21.621 -242.963 22.097 c -242.921 23.299 -242.949 24.505 -242.949 25.731 c h -80.933 27.703 m -80.933 26.62 -80.882 25.593 -80.947 24.573 c -81.011 23.558 -81.19 22.55 -81.323 21.505 c -80.615 21.505 l -79.227 21.504 -79.188 21.497 -78.914 22.884 c -78.675 24.087 -78.538 25.31 -78.354 26.535 c -74.751 26.535 l -74.715 26.218 -74.714 25.942 -74.649 25.683 c -74.333 24.435 -74.012 23.187 -73.659 21.95 c -73.608 21.774 -73.378 21.541 -73.215 21.527 c -72.604 21.477 -71.986 21.507 -71.281 21.507 c -72.211 23.533 -72.245 25.601 -72.25 27.703 c h -108.812 7.632 m -110.839 7.632 -112.868 7.703 -114.886 7.589 c -115.501 7.555 -116.188 7.119 -116.661 6.675 c -117.331 6.046 -117.593 5.167 -117.182 4.261 c -116.796 3.411 -115.993 3.288 -115.169 3.279 c -114.353 3.27 -113.537 3.28 -112.721 3.272 c -112.278 3.268 -111.932 3.096 -111.871 2.615 c -111.752 1.665 -112.248 1.082 -113.202 1.068 c -114.457 1.049 -115.713 1.069 -116.968 1.059 c -117.783 1.053 -117.935 0.89 -117.969 0.023 c -115.901 0.023 -113.832 -0.032 -111.77 0.061 c -111.23 0.085 -110.632 0.481 -110.198 0.863 c -109.471 1.501 -109.221 2.396 -109.55 3.321 c -109.879 4.247 -110.749 4.336 -111.581 4.364 c -112.417 4.392 -113.256 4.343 -114.091 4.39 c -114.341 4.404 -114.69 4.563 -114.805 4.764 c -115.218 5.485 -114.551 6.552 -113.719 6.556 c -112.422 6.564 -111.124 6.556 -109.827 6.559 c -108.988 6.561 -108.849 6.706 -108.812 7.632 c -167.613 0.011 m -165.557 0.011 -163.547 -0.029 -161.541 0.038 c -161.039 0.055 -160.488 0.332 -160.064 0.635 c -159.189 1.26 -158.809 2.459 -159.156 3.305 c -159.553 4.274 -160.438 4.343 -161.312 4.367 c -162.107 4.388 -162.906 4.338 -163.697 4.393 c -163.964 4.411 -164.336 4.589 -164.451 4.805 c -164.837 5.531 -164.178 6.548 -163.36 6.554 c -162.062 6.565 -160.764 6.556 -159.467 6.56 c -158.622 6.562 -158.5 6.685 -158.418 7.595 c -158.474 7.612 -158.531 7.645 -158.588 7.645 c -160.493 7.648 -162.401 7.707 -164.301 7.612 c -164.918 7.581 -165.594 7.252 -166.103 6.871 c -166.917 6.26 -167.19 5.125 -166.847 4.332 c -166.449 3.413 -165.621 3.284 -164.75 3.278 c -163.954 3.272 -163.159 3.282 -162.363 3.273 c -161.897 3.268 -161.533 3.097 -161.493 2.57 c -161.42 1.589 -161.882 1.08 -162.873 1.067 c -164.108 1.052 -165.343 1.067 -166.578 1.056 c -167.399 1.05 -167.518 0.926 -167.613 0.011 c -168.311 7.628 m -170.337 7.628 -172.364 7.677 -174.388 7.608 c -175.359 7.575 -176.117 7.021 -176.563 6.12 c -177.309 4.614 -176.566 3.341 -174.894 3.284 c -174.12 3.257 -173.345 3.279 -172.57 3.277 c -171.43 3.273 -171.161 2.88 -171.495 1.785 c -171.661 1.241 -172.036 1.078 -172.538 1.075 c -173.856 1.066 -175.175 1.071 -176.494 1.055 c -177.31 1.045 -177.464 0.863 -177.413 0.011 c -175.408 0.011 -173.4 -0.027 -171.394 0.025 c -170.196 0.056 -169.188 1.026 -168.949 2.202 c -168.751 3.179 -169.182 3.985 -170.074 4.225 c -170.433 4.322 -170.816 4.355 -171.19 4.365 c -171.985 4.386 -172.783 4.342 -173.575 4.389 c -173.827 4.404 -174.173 4.558 -174.291 4.758 c -174.714 5.474 -174.05 6.551 -173.216 6.556 c -171.897 6.564 -170.578 6.554 -169.259 6.56 c -168.482 6.563 -168.298 6.771 -168.311 7.628 c -124.399 15.465 m -124.399 13.674 l -124.399 12.207 -124.399 12.207 -125.753 11.983 c -125.504 10.951 -125.504 10.951 -124.512 10.951 c -124.093 10.951 -123.675 10.95 -123.256 10.952 c -122.103 10.957 -121.776 11.285 -121.773 12.448 c -121.77 13.444 -121.772 14.44 -121.772 15.488 c -114.021 15.488 l -114.021 16.617 l -114.741 16.617 l -116.876 16.617 -119.011 16.614 -121.145 16.622 c -121.343 16.623 -121.547 16.668 -121.736 16.732 c -121.959 16.807 -122.163 16.991 -122.385 17.01 c -122.884 17.053 -123.389 17.031 -123.891 17.018 c -124.05 17.013 -124.213 16.966 -124.364 16.912 c -124.605 16.825 -124.838 16.632 -125.075 16.629 c -127.377 16.608 -129.679 16.617 -131.981 16.616 c -132.205 16.615 -132.428 16.597 -132.654 16.587 c -132.654 15.465 l h -67.978 3.558 m -68.085 2.923 -68.161 2.367 -68.277 1.82 c -68.391 1.28 -68.751 1.001 -69.306 0.997 c -69.976 0.992 -70.646 0.984 -71.315 0.999 c -71.912 1.013 -72.154 1.302 -72.056 1.878 c -71.851 3.092 -71.638 4.306 -71.414 5.517 c -71.251 6.398 -70.998 6.609 -70.115 6.614 c -68.692 6.621 -67.269 6.612 -65.846 6.62 c -65.077 6.624 -64.911 6.806 -64.914 7.624 c -67.025 7.624 -69.138 7.68 -71.247 7.603 c -72.514 7.557 -73.608 6.59 -73.838 5.479 c -74.062 4.396 -74.244 3.303 -74.399 2.208 c -74.57 1.002 -73.724 0.029 -72.494 0.008 c -71.155 -0.014 -69.814 -0.037 -68.476 0.015 c -67.29 0.061 -66.363 0.671 -65.951 1.773 c -65.63 2.632 -65.556 3.583 -65.355 4.579 c -66.725 4.579 -67.976 4.562 -69.226 4.588 c -69.634 4.597 -69.801 4.431 -69.821 4.065 c -69.844 3.626 -69.548 3.556 -69.201 3.557 c -68.809 3.559 -68.417 3.558 -67.978 3.558 c -196.586 4.579 m -197.97 4.579 -199.204 4.567 -200.438 4.586 c -200.817 4.592 -201.038 4.488 -201.057 4.085 c -201.078 3.654 -200.808 3.553 -200.454 3.55 c -200.048 3.547 -199.643 3.549 -199.205 3.549 c -199.317 2.905 -199.402 2.37 -199.505 1.838 c -199.599 1.351 -199.903 1.033 -200.395 1.009 c -201.147 0.972 -201.903 0.97 -202.654 1.008 c -203.153 1.033 -203.399 1.335 -203.305 1.86 c -203.087 3.073 -202.884 4.288 -202.655 5.499 c -202.482 6.415 -202.234 6.612 -201.307 6.616 c -199.905 6.622 -198.502 6.612 -197.1 6.618 c -196.301 6.622 -196.186 6.744 -196.136 7.569 c -196.172 7.588 -196.208 7.624 -196.243 7.624 c -198.294 7.628 -200.347 7.678 -202.395 7.613 c -203.823 7.568 -204.852 6.563 -205.126 5.129 c -205.307 4.185 -205.472 3.239 -205.626 2.291 c -205.825 1.06 -204.996 0.034 -203.75 0.009 c -202.39 -0.018 -201.027 -0.048 -199.67 0.02 c -198.493 0.078 -197.569 0.694 -197.17 1.811 c -196.867 2.661 -196.786 3.589 -196.586 4.579 c -31.395 1.513 m -30.172 1.513 -29.001 1.498 -27.83 1.517 c -26.498 1.539 -25.277 2.541 -25.028 3.793 c -24.934 4.264 -24.853 4.738 -24.777 5.213 c -24.573 6.491 -25.266 7.539 -26.551 7.596 c -28.596 7.687 -30.647 7.62 -32.752 7.62 c -33.199 5.079 -33.641 2.568 -34.088 0.026 c -31.703 0.026 l -31.603 0.51 -31.506 0.975 -31.395 1.513 c -83.079 2.271 m -83.139 1.375 -83.485 1.023 -84.3 1.016 c -85.681 1.003 -87.063 1.013 -88.445 1.012 c -88.748 1.011 -89.096 1.099 -89.096 0.589 c -89.095 0.142 -88.862 0.001 -88.467 0.002 c -86.729 0.004 -84.991 -0.023 -83.254 0.015 c -82.08 0.041 -80.848 1.045 -80.616 2.181 c -80.295 3.757 -80.059 5.349 -79.772 6.932 c -79.679 7.448 -79.936 7.628 -80.385 7.639 c -80.927 7.652 -81.47 7.642 -82.068 7.642 c -82.328 6.204 -82.583 4.791 -82.848 3.323 c -83.659 3.323 -84.451 3.315 -85.243 3.325 c -86.12 3.336 -86.33 3.599 -86.172 4.448 c -86.023 5.249 -85.879 6.05 -85.729 6.851 c -85.646 7.293 -85.756 7.617 -86.262 7.635 c -86.843 7.657 -87.424 7.64 -88.035 7.64 c -88.201 6.702 -88.347 5.819 -88.515 4.941 c -88.822 3.341 -87.961 2.283 -86.321 2.273 c -85.255 2.266 -84.19 2.271 -83.079 2.271 c -241.129 1.013 m -241.374 0.218 -241.236 0.006 -240.509 0.004 c -238.771 -0.002 -237.034 -0.008 -235.296 0.005 c -234.112 0.014 -232.781 0.937 -232.543 2.029 c -232.186 3.66 -231.933 5.314 -231.639 6.959 c -231.564 7.38 -231.767 7.613 -232.174 7.628 c -232.755 7.65 -233.337 7.634 -233.954 7.634 c -234.185 6.336 -234.396 5.083 -234.644 3.838 c -234.682 3.649 -234.892 3.355 -235.033 3.348 c -235.931 3.306 -236.834 3.306 -237.732 3.346 c -238.272 3.369 -238.463 3.698 -238.364 4.263 c -238.21 5.148 -238.061 6.033 -237.9 6.917 c -237.827 7.319 -237.947 7.6 -238.375 7.627 c -238.896 7.659 -239.423 7.666 -239.943 7.622 c -240.067 7.611 -240.239 7.368 -240.272 7.208 c -240.429 6.451 -240.46 5.659 -240.695 4.931 c -241.137 3.557 -239.995 2.185 -238.412 2.261 c -237.265 2.315 -236.115 2.271 -234.963 2.271 c -235.036 1.338 -235.35 1.02 -236.21 1.016 c -237.842 1.006 -239.473 1.013 -241.129 1.013 c -250.424 7.644 m -250.477 7.493 -250.535 7.381 -250.556 7.262 c -250.857 5.577 -251.169 3.893 -251.443 2.203 c -251.612 1.16 -250.758 0.057 -249.663 0.028 c -247.512 -0.03 -245.359 0.011 -243.16 0.011 c -243.066 0.525 -242.976 1.014 -242.888 1.503 c -242.575 3.25 -242.257 4.996 -241.954 6.745 c -241.834 7.439 -241.997 7.625 -242.688 7.643 c -243.022 7.652 -243.359 7.625 -243.692 7.65 c -244.092 7.681 -244.267 7.569 -244.338 7.124 c -244.636 5.248 -244.995 3.381 -245.312 1.508 c -245.371 1.161 -245.482 0.993 -245.866 1.005 c -246.639 1.03 -247.414 1.001 -248.188 1.016 c -248.916 1.031 -249.156 1.348 -249.032 2.051 c -248.749 3.655 -248.484 5.263 -248.19 6.865 c -248.086 7.43 -248.32 7.646 -248.85 7.645 c -249.371 7.643 -249.892 7.644 -250.424 7.644 c -127.171 7.643 m -127.479 5.875 -127.782 4.169 -128.07 2.46 c -128.311 1.034 -127.442 0.01 -125.982 0.004 c -124.098 -0.004 -122.214 0.001 -120.33 0.004 c -120.168 0.004 -120.007 0.029 -119.833 0.044 c -119.703 0.775 -119.578 1.472 -119.454 2.169 c -119.187 3.67 -118.913 5.17 -118.656 6.674 c -118.517 7.484 -118.659 7.637 -119.488 7.644 c -119.802 7.647 -120.119 7.62 -120.43 7.651 c -120.836 7.693 -120.96 7.522 -121.024 7.134 c -121.336 5.238 -121.674 3.346 -122.029 1.457 c -122.061 1.291 -122.276 1.039 -122.414 1.033 c -123.292 0.996 -124.173 0.99 -125.051 1.029 c -125.616 1.055 -125.825 1.395 -125.724 1.981 c -125.443 3.607 -125.17 5.235 -124.869 6.858 c -124.774 7.373 -124.941 7.631 -125.458 7.641 c -126 7.652 -126.543 7.643 -127.171 7.643 c -6.313 0.003 m -5.664 0.003 -5.015 -0.011 -4.367 0.005 c -3.148 0.036 -1.931 1.002 -1.682 2.177 c -1.465 3.198 -1.284 4.228 -1.135 5.261 c -0.939 6.622 -1.754 7.591 -3.136 7.63 c -4.349 7.664 -5.564 7.662 -6.777 7.63 c -8.054 7.597 -9.262 6.738 -9.525 5.616 c -9.796 4.459 -10.008 3.283 -10.149 2.103 c -10.288 0.941 -9.431 0.039 -8.26 0.006 c -7.611 -0.013 -6.962 0.002 -6.313 0.003 c -50.217 0.002 m -49.589 0.002 -48.961 -0.008 -48.333 0.004 c -47.032 0.029 -45.855 0.984 -45.595 2.255 c -45.402 3.196 -45.257 4.147 -45.086 5.093 c -44.819 6.567 -45.586 7.583 -47.061 7.629 c -48.274 7.667 -49.491 7.668 -50.704 7.629 c -52.159 7.582 -53.276 6.594 -53.541 5.177 c -53.722 4.212 -53.89 3.244 -54.052 2.276 c -54.252 1.078 -53.439 0.06 -52.227 0.009 c -51.558 -0.019 -50.887 0.004 -50.217 0.002 c -140.395 0.002 m -140.083 1.789 -139.772 3.495 -139.492 5.206 c -139.275 6.532 -140.093 7.587 -141.448 7.625 c -143.415 7.679 -145.384 7.65 -147.352 7.628 c -147.499 7.627 -147.734 7.414 -147.774 7.26 c -147.92 6.695 -148.005 6.114 -148.106 5.537 c -148.386 3.932 -148.658 2.325 -148.942 0.721 c -149.027 0.24 -148.861 -0.003 -148.359 0.001 c -147.799 0.006 -147.238 0.002 -146.644 0.002 c -146.253 2.206 -145.872 4.359 -145.479 6.574 c -144.507 6.574 -143.569 6.585 -142.631 6.57 c -141.95 6.559 -141.744 6.307 -141.86 5.61 c -142.129 4.002 -142.417 2.398 -142.699 0.793 c -142.803 0.199 -142.666 0.015 -142.076 0.004 c -141.535 -0.006 -140.993 0.002 -140.395 0.002 c -216.656 0.003 m -215.986 0.003 -215.315 -0.015 -214.646 0.006 c -213.42 0.044 -212.149 1.071 -211.916 2.231 c -211.718 3.213 -211.542 4.201 -211.398 5.193 c -211.198 6.582 -212.006 7.581 -213.405 7.631 c -214.659 7.675 -215.917 7.672 -217.172 7.632 c -218.508 7.589 -219.762 6.628 -220.013 5.453 c -220.24 4.392 -220.426 3.319 -220.564 2.242 c -220.722 1.01 -219.846 0.039 -218.603 0.006 c -217.954 -0.011 -217.305 0.003 -216.656 0.003 c -222.632 0.002 m -222.317 1.784 -221.98 3.502 -221.716 5.231 c -221.517 6.53 -222.283 7.556 -223.586 7.61 c -225.526 7.69 -227.471 7.631 -229.403 7.631 c -229.704 6.709 -229.61 6.579 -228.679 6.576 c -228.449 6.575 -228.218 6.575 -227.988 6.574 c -226.901 6.572 -225.813 6.578 -224.725 6.563 c -224.232 6.555 -224.027 6.275 -224.057 5.782 c -224.084 5.335 -224.166 5.041 -224.742 5.069 c -225.743 5.117 -226.749 5.081 -227.753 5.081 c -228.883 5.08 -229.802 4.618 -230.418 3.69 c -230.945 2.897 -231.176 1.986 -230.703 1.081 c -230.259 0.231 -229.475 -0.039 -228.54 -0.005 c -227.641 0.027 -226.741 0.002 -225.841 0.002 c h -179.249 0.005 m -178.939 1.786 -178.605 3.507 -178.349 5.24 c -178.145 6.622 -179.006 7.609 -180.408 7.635 c -182.145 7.668 -183.884 7.636 -185.622 7.651 c -185.979 7.654 -186.1 7.509 -186.121 7.177 c -186.143 6.828 -186.049 6.598 -185.663 6.581 c -185.496 6.574 -185.328 6.574 -185.16 6.574 c -183.925 6.573 -182.689 6.571 -181.454 6.573 c -180.958 6.574 -180.654 6.385 -180.661 5.839 c -180.668 5.328 -180.811 5.045 -181.426 5.082 c -182.386 5.141 -183.352 5.103 -184.315 5.095 c -185.467 5.086 -186.433 4.623 -187.012 3.642 c -188.135 1.741 -187.233 0.107 -185.604 0.029 c -183.516 -0.071 -181.42 0.005 -179.249 0.005 c -35.688 0.008 m -35.269 2.368 -34.849 4.706 -34.444 7.045 c -34.374 7.451 -34.651 7.623 -35.005 7.634 c -35.629 7.654 -36.253 7.64 -36.912 7.64 c -37.309 5.418 -37.697 3.244 -38.093 1.021 c -38.939 1.021 -39.752 1.01 -40.565 1.024 c -41.326 1.037 -41.544 1.344 -41.407 2.113 c -41.124 3.696 -40.858 5.282 -40.577 6.865 c -40.48 7.409 -40.695 7.657 -41.242 7.646 c -41.682 7.638 -42.122 7.631 -42.561 7.649 c -42.884 7.663 -43.039 7.576 -43.098 7.217 c -43.363 5.61 -43.678 4.012 -43.946 2.405 c -44.151 1.171 -43.344 0.053 -42.143 0.023 c -40.012 -0.031 -37.878 0.008 -35.688 0.008 c -63.172 7.639 m -63.622 5.075 -64.063 2.565 -64.514 0.002 c -63.949 0.002 -63.511 0 -63.073 0.002 c -62.295 0.005 -62.095 0.176 -61.948 0.953 c -61.819 1.64 -61.686 2.328 -61.553 3.025 c -60.993 3.025 -60.511 2.999 -60.033 3.034 c -59.672 3.061 -59.516 2.909 -59.394 2.596 c -59.151 1.973 -58.919 1.337 -58.586 0.763 c -58.406 0.453 -58.055 0.112 -57.728 0.045 c -57.159 -0.071 -56.549 0.013 -55.891 0.013 c -56.355 1.11 -56.782 2.119 -57.188 3.081 c -56.739 3.383 -56.329 3.602 -55.988 3.901 c -55.244 4.553 -54.967 5.561 -55.265 6.337 c -55.587 7.174 -56.335 7.627 -57.426 7.638 c -57.97 7.644 -58.515 7.639 -59.059 7.639 c -60.417 7.639 -61.774 7.639 -63.172 7.639 c -92.069 3.105 m -91.693 3.333 -91.355 3.502 -91.059 3.725 c -90.209 4.365 -89.833 5.401 -90.109 6.264 c -90.387 7.131 -91.193 7.633 -92.347 7.637 c -94.064 7.643 -95.782 7.629 -97.5 7.647 c -97.902 7.651 -98.088 7.557 -98.151 7.114 c -98.306 6.018 -98.533 4.933 -98.725 3.842 c -98.946 2.578 -99.161 1.314 -99.387 0.002 c -99.104 0.002 -98.896 0.002 -98.689 0.002 c -97.076 0.004 -97.02 -0.218 -96.68 1.639 c -96.422 3.049 -96.41 3.03 -94.958 3.036 c -94.549 3.038 -94.366 2.889 -94.231 2.528 c -94.005 1.922 -93.789 1.298 -93.456 0.751 c -93.262 0.434 -92.876 0.118 -92.524 0.039 c -91.991 -0.08 -91.412 0.008 -90.762 0.008 c -91.214 1.078 -91.634 2.074 -92.069 3.105 c 24.295 0.01 m 26.428 0.01 28.497 -0.029 30.563 0.025 c 31.745 0.056 32.85 1.122 33.073 2.298 c 33.256 3.261 33.421 4.228 33.584 5.194 c 33.818 6.587 33.044 7.59 31.625 7.625 c 29.766 7.67 27.904 7.652 26.044 7.627 c 25.879 7.625 25.601 7.392 25.571 7.23 c 25.131 4.852 24.724 2.467 24.295 0.01 c -138.815 0.013 m -136.554 0.013 -134.38 -0.033 -132.21 0.031 c -131.046 0.066 -129.964 1.134 -129.737 2.287 c -129.544 3.27 -129.37 4.258 -129.216 5.248 c -129.016 6.53 -129.724 7.551 -131.017 7.6 c -133.145 7.682 -135.279 7.623 -137.472 7.623 c -137.916 5.105 -138.358 2.603 -138.815 0.013 c -253.561 24.702 m -253.561 25.8 l -261.503 25.8 l -261.503 24.68 l -258.762 24.68 l -258.762 11.034 l -256.249 11.034 l -256.249 24.702 l h -64.837 10.968 m -64.837 11.71 l -64.837 15.521 -64.819 19.331 -64.849 23.142 c -64.857 24.061 -64.745 24.91 -64.316 25.736 c -63.998 26.348 -63.79 27.019 -63.502 27.742 c -64.426 27.742 -65.2 27.72 -65.972 27.752 c -66.349 27.768 -66.453 27.584 -66.582 27.283 c -67.357 25.483 -68.158 23.694 -68.949 21.901 c -68.996 21.794 -69.034 21.684 -69.105 21.501 c -67.484 21.501 l -67.484 10.968 l h -195.391 20.173 m -195.391 13.608 l -196.038 13.445 -196.658 13.288 -197.27 13.134 c -197.27 11.065 l -195.458 11.701 -193.718 12.276 -192.007 12.925 c -190.821 13.376 -190.839 13.422 -190.938 14.707 c -190.94 14.727 -190.951 14.747 -190.97 14.804 c -191.598 14.633 -192.23 14.461 -192.894 14.281 c -192.894 20.174 l -191.066 20.174 l -191.066 21.348 l -192.895 21.348 l -192.895 26.287 l -191.046 26.287 l -191.046 27.364 l -197.258 27.364 l -197.258 26.26 l -195.392 26.26 l -195.392 21.317 l -197.284 21.317 l -197.284 20.173 l h -218.508 20.146 m -216.461 20.146 l -216.461 18.028 -216.454 15.981 -216.478 13.934 c -216.479 13.806 -216.706 13.616 -216.863 13.567 c -217.414 13.396 -217.979 13.275 -218.517 13.14 c -218.517 11.056 l -216.637 11.727 -214.842 12.336 -213.072 13.01 c -212.067 13.393 -211.981 13.676 -212.295 14.794 c -212.85 14.638 -213.406 14.482 -214.005 14.315 c -214.005 20.171 l -212.055 20.171 l -212.055 21.351 l -213.998 21.351 l -213.998 26.297 l -212.042 26.297 l -212.042 27.358 l -218.501 27.358 l -218.501 26.253 l -216.508 26.253 l -216.508 21.308 l -218.508 21.308 l h -75.009 14.498 m -74.774 14.762 -74.636 14.915 -74.5 15.069 c -73.368 16.345 -72.369 17.703 -71.839 19.353 c -71.449 20.568 -71.665 20.877 -72.927 20.878 c -75.522 20.882 -78.118 20.88 -80.713 20.878 c -80.894 20.877 -81.075 20.854 -81.248 20.841 c -81.248 19.745 l -78.816 19.745 l -77.56 19.745 -76.305 19.749 -75.049 19.742 c -74.791 19.74 -74.407 19.794 -74.561 19.341 c -74.952 18.193 -75.583 17.182 -76.436 16.16 c -77.072 17.117 -77.642 17.988 -78.23 18.847 c -78.335 19.001 -78.512 19.204 -78.663 19.211 c -79.508 19.246 -80.355 19.227 -81.201 19.227 c -81.248 19.168 -81.294 19.107 -81.341 19.047 c -80.205 17.54 -79.07 16.033 -77.866 14.436 c -79.116 13.346 -80.408 12.22 -81.773 11.029 c -81.157 11.029 -80.633 11.064 -80.117 11.02 c -79.493 10.967 -78.983 11.149 -78.503 11.542 c -77.812 12.107 -77.091 12.635 -76.408 13.159 c -75.566 12.503 -74.762 11.869 -73.947 11.248 c -73.786 11.125 -73.589 10.976 -73.404 10.97 c -72.578 10.939 -71.75 10.956 -70.868 10.956 c -72.268 12.154 -73.609 13.301 -75.009 14.498 c -63.402 10.951 m -62.739 10.951 -62.214 10.989 -61.696 10.941 c -61.211 10.895 -61 11.101 -60.819 11.522 c -59.757 13.992 -59.03 16.559 -58.576 19.202 c -58.505 19.617 -58.37 19.775 -57.941 19.753 c -57.273 19.72 -56.602 19.745 -55.931 19.745 c -55.061 19.745 -54.19 19.745 -53.28 19.745 c -53.28 17.376 -53.27 15.096 -53.287 12.818 c -53.291 12.338 -53.563 12.042 -54.087 12.049 c -54.474 12.055 -54.863 12.05 -55.266 12.05 c -55.001 10.941 -55.001 10.941 -54.007 10.941 c -53.358 10.941 -52.709 10.939 -52.059 10.941 c -50.925 10.945 -50.612 11.251 -50.609 12.399 c -50.603 15.038 -50.606 17.677 -50.609 20.315 c -50.609 20.494 -50.638 20.672 -50.651 20.827 c -62.994 20.827 l -62.994 19.742 l -61.148 19.742 l -61.594 16.72 -62.254 13.828 -63.402 10.951 c 17.003 26.516 m 33.178 26.516 l 33.178 26.213 33.179 25.967 33.178 25.721 c 33.178 15.108 l 33.178 14.438 33.184 13.768 33.178 13.098 c 33.17 12.262 32.964 12.055 32.147 12.049 c 31.653 12.045 31.158 12.048 30.651 12.048 c 30.906 10.94 30.906 10.94 31.907 10.941 c 32.744 10.941 33.582 10.939 34.419 10.941 c 35.521 10.945 35.837 11.259 35.837 12.358 c 35.838 17.235 35.838 22.112 35.838 26.989 c 35.838 27.631 l 17.003 27.631 l h -234.923 20.717 m -234.923 27.647 l -237.166 27.647 l -237.166 20.701 l -240.014 20.701 l -240.024 20.489 -240.04 20.325 -240.037 20.161 c -240.035 19.982 -240.015 19.802 -240.004 19.63 c -239.7 19.608 -239.456 19.591 -239.174 19.571 c -239.059 16.663 -239.326 13.832 -240.015 11.056 c -239.939 11.016 -239.904 10.981 -239.868 10.98 c -239.45 10.972 -239.028 11 -238.614 10.956 c -238.128 10.903 -237.919 11.1 -237.779 11.557 c -237.076 13.857 -236.772 16.207 -236.785 18.606 c -236.787 18.929 -236.786 19.253 -236.786 19.554 c -235.161 19.554 l -235.161 18.825 l -235.161 16.627 -235.166 14.43 -235.158 12.232 c -235.156 11.404 -234.828 11.051 -234.006 10.977 c -233.673 10.948 -233.336 10.966 -233.002 10.965 c -232.074 10.964 -232.074 10.964 -231.826 11.923 c -232.795 12.102 -232.795 12.102 -232.796 13.122 c -232.796 15.047 -232.797 16.973 -232.794 18.898 c -232.794 19.12 -232.775 19.342 -232.764 19.561 c -232.481 19.596 -232.261 19.623 -232.043 19.649 c -232.043 20.717 l h 17.484 22.07 m 17.484 19.454 17.482 16.901 17.485 14.348 c 17.486 13.472 17.765 13.195 18.658 13.194 c 22.511 13.191 26.363 13.191 30.216 13.194 c 31.125 13.195 31.423 13.492 31.424 14.393 c 31.428 16.78 31.426 19.167 31.424 21.555 c 31.424 21.716 31.405 21.878 31.392 22.07 c h 14.138 10.841 m 12.483 13.264 11.226 15.738 10.153 18.31 c 10.098 18.441 9.938 18.616 9.823 18.62 c 8.961 18.646 8.099 18.634 7.096 18.634 c 7.832 17.199 8.495 15.907 9.215 14.504 c 6.144 14.115 3.132 13.734 0.121 13.352 c 0.093 13.414 0.066 13.477 0.039 13.539 c 2.168 15.806 3.269 18.612 4.354 21.531 c 3.566 21.531 2.857 21.504 2.151 21.541 c 1.685 21.566 1.465 21.41 1.272 20.969 c 0.344 18.846 -0.614 16.734 -1.606 14.64 c -1.95 13.914 -2.24 13.033 -3.38 13.255 c -3.38 12.16 l -3.38 11.074 l -3.134 11.074 -2.97 11.069 -2.806 11.075 c 1.407 11.239 5.571 11.743 9.615 12.989 c 10.071 13.13 10.281 13.034 10.533 12.673 c 10.902 12.141 11.327 11.646 11.752 11.157 c 11.877 11.014 12.081 10.866 12.257 10.855 c 12.836 10.817 13.419 10.841 14.138 10.841 c -221.134 17.466 m -223.749 17.466 l -223.749 19.003 l -221.145 19.003 l -221.145 20.046 l -221.231 20.072 -221.27 20.094 -221.31 20.094 c -221.959 20.098 -222.609 20.076 -223.255 20.116 c -223.444 20.128 -223.616 20.398 -223.804 20.408 c -224.593 20.452 -225.386 20.443 -226.178 20.454 c -226.185 19.97 -226.549 20.111 -226.811 20.105 c -227.351 20.093 -227.892 20.101 -228.446 20.101 c -228.446 20.589 l -229.204 20.589 -229.934 20.597 -230.664 20.58 c -230.779 20.577 -230.953 20.483 -230.995 20.385 c -231.421 19.397 -231.825 18.398 -232.248 17.374 c -231.908 17.357 -231.603 17.342 -231.242 17.324 c -231.242 12.593 l -231.242 11.279 -230.933 10.966 -229.629 10.965 c -227.012 10.964 -224.396 10.964 -221.779 10.966 c -221.576 10.966 -221.373 10.986 -221.183 10.996 c -220.969 12.102 -220.983 12.12 -222.01 12.12 c -222.588 12.121 -223.165 12.12 -223.745 12.12 c -223.745 13.639 l -223.119 13.639 -222.538 13.638 -221.956 13.639 c -221.009 13.64 -220.907 13.792 -221.229 14.804 c -223.744 14.804 l -223.744 16.331 l -221.134 16.331 l h -175.544 11.311 m -157.231 11.311 l -157.231 12.44 l -164.98 12.44 l -164.98 26.166 l -157.777 26.166 l -157.777 27.228 l -174.984 27.228 l -174.984 26.144 l -167.781 26.144 l -167.781 12.418 l -175.544 12.418 l h -252.833 20.503 m -252.833 17.925 -252.834 15.438 -252.832 12.95 c -252.832 11.688 -252.26 11.008 -250.998 10.981 c -248.739 10.932 -246.477 10.937 -244.218 10.98 c -243.11 11.001 -242.433 11.622 -242.427 12.521 c -242.409 15.074 -242.418 17.627 -242.419 20.181 c -242.419 20.28 -242.448 20.379 -242.467 20.503 c h -14.816 19.646 m -12.81 19.646 -10.887 19.641 -8.964 19.648 c -7.798 19.653 -7.459 19.99 -7.455 21.141 c -7.448 22.899 -7.452 24.657 -7.452 26.415 c -7.452 27.63 l -17.281 27.63 l -17.304 27.539 -17.332 27.481 -17.332 27.423 c -17.335 22.337 -17.339 17.252 -17.33 12.166 c -17.329 11.466 -16.948 11.097 -16.23 11.074 c -15.456 11.05 -14.681 11.067 -13.907 11.066 c -12.959 11.066 -12.848 11.167 -12.72 12.175 c -13.142 12.175 -13.559 12.181 -13.975 12.173 c -14.524 12.163 -14.807 12.456 -14.81 12.973 c -14.824 15.167 -14.816 17.361 -14.816 19.646 c -18.67 27.613 m -25.721 27.613 l -25.721 10.981 l -23.192 10.981 l -23.192 26.505 l -21.193 26.505 l -21.193 24.876 -21.169 23.268 -21.224 21.664 c -21.231 21.464 -21.632 21.203 -21.899 21.107 c -22.166 21.011 -22.495 21.086 -22.823 21.086 c -22.532 20.159 -22.519 20.195 -21.761 19.932 c -21.521 19.848 -21.208 19.518 -21.201 19.293 c -21.153 17.745 -21.164 16.195 -21.186 14.646 c -21.193 14.14 -21.516 13.907 -22.021 13.925 c -22.298 13.935 -22.576 13.927 -22.879 13.927 c -22.583 12.823 -22.583 12.823 -21.618 12.823 c -21.095 12.823 -20.571 12.821 -20.047 12.823 c -18.995 12.827 -18.66 13.155 -18.656 14.213 c -18.65 15.784 -18.659 17.355 -18.652 18.925 c -18.649 19.579 -18.641 20.224 -19.219 20.445 c -19.018 20.845 -18.702 21.188 -18.693 21.539 c -18.645 23.547 -18.67 25.557 -18.67 27.613 c -82.192 27.708 m -89.778 27.708 l -89.882 22.124 -89.55 16.557 -90.371 10.952 c -89.875 10.952 -89.439 10.978 -89.008 10.943 c -88.64 10.914 -88.474 11.058 -88.407 11.403 c -88.228 12.324 -87.997 13.237 -87.858 14.165 c -87.677 15.376 -87.564 16.597 -87.423 17.808 c -84.691 17.808 l -84.691 13.377 l -84.692 12.225 -84.763 12.144 -85.889 12.014 c -85.585 10.957 -85.585 10.957 -84.51 10.957 c -84.238 10.957 -83.966 10.956 -83.694 10.957 c -82.532 10.963 -82.192 11.297 -82.192 12.443 c -82.191 17.172 -82.192 21.902 -82.192 26.632 c h -121.029 23.004 m -114.369 23.004 l -114.369 24.132 l -121.016 24.132 l -121.016 25.782 l -114.361 25.782 l -114.361 26.901 l -121.014 26.901 l -121.056 27.191 -121.088 27.411 -121.12 27.627 c -123.616 27.627 l -123.637 27.37 -123.656 27.151 -123.675 26.918 c -129.116 26.918 l -129.079 27.174 -129.048 27.394 -129.015 27.621 c -131.737 27.621 l -132.202 26.414 -132.639 25.28 -133.074 24.15 c -132.831 24.136 -132.564 24.12 -132.235 24.101 c -132.235 23.391 l -132.235 21.925 -132.238 20.46 -132.236 18.994 c -132.233 17.733 -131.955 17.459 -130.676 17.459 c -125.441 17.458 -120.206 17.459 -114.971 17.459 c -114.354 17.459 l -114.354 18.595 l -121.026 18.595 l -121.026 20.225 l -114.351 20.225 l -114.351 21.353 l -121.029 21.353 l h -93.025 27.483 m -111.258 27.483 l -111.258 26.835 l -111.258 22.059 -111.259 17.283 -111.258 12.507 c -111.257 11.256 -110.956 10.957 -109.698 10.957 c -104.692 10.956 -99.686 10.957 -94.679 10.957 c -93.323 10.957 -93.025 11.255 -93.025 12.621 c -93.024 17.334 -93.024 22.047 -93.025 26.76 c h -181.425 21.743 m -181.476 21.714 -181.528 21.686 -181.579 21.658 c -182.169 22.201 -182.759 22.744 -183.324 23.264 c -182.749 24.095 -182.211 24.873 -181.594 25.765 c -182.773 25.672 -183.986 26.249 -184.463 24.579 c -184.912 26.34 -186.147 25.632 -187.104 25.752 c -187.142 25.703 -187.18 25.654 -187.217 25.605 c -186.683 24.843 -186.149 24.081 -185.58 23.269 c -186.178 22.718 -186.781 22.162 -187.521 21.481 c -187.521 25.725 l -189.881 25.725 l -189.881 24.189 -189.881 22.687 -189.88 21.185 c -189.88 19.961 -189.541 19.622 -188.318 19.62 c -187.514 19.618 -186.71 19.619 -185.906 19.619 c -185.88 19.546 -185.855 19.472 -185.829 19.398 c -185.984 19.297 -186.127 19.155 -186.297 19.106 c -186.471 19.055 -186.671 19.093 -186.859 19.093 c -188.023 19.093 -189.186 19.093 -190.355 19.093 c -190.355 11.079 l -187.964 11.079 l -187.964 17.93 l -185.997 17.93 l -186.406 16.724 -186.629 15.511 -187.218 14.514 c -187.664 13.76 -187.474 13.135 -187.556 12.259 c -185.847 12.746 -184.291 13.189 -182.674 13.65 c -182.447 12.76 -181.637 13.031 -180.918 12.95 c -180.945 12.67 -180.883 12.307 -181.01 12.219 c -181.254 12.05 -181.606 12.036 -181.914 11.958 c -181.814 11.294 -181.517 10.896 -180.758 11.032 c -180.474 11.083 -180.173 11.036 -179.88 11.041 c -178.888 11.058 -178.562 11.374 -178.558 12.364 c -178.551 14.437 -178.555 16.51 -178.559 18.583 c -178.559 18.741 -178.593 18.899 -178.617 19.104 c -183.535 19.104 l -183.565 19.17 -183.595 19.237 -183.625 19.303 c -183.449 19.408 -183.275 19.599 -183.096 19.605 c -182.154 19.636 -181.211 19.604 -180.269 19.626 c -179.458 19.645 -179.094 20.028 -179.074 20.836 c -179.061 21.38 -179.07 21.925 -179.07 22.469 c -179.069 23.55 -179.07 24.63 -179.07 25.72 c -181.425 25.72 l h -202.903 14.92 m -202.701 15.211 -202.57 15.4 -202.439 15.589 c -201.261 17.286 -200.31 19.087 -199.88 21.13 c -199.606 22.43 -199.933 22.849 -201.234 22.852 c -202.169 22.855 -203.105 22.853 -204.068 22.853 c -204.068 26.145 l -203.578 26.145 -203.122 26.136 -202.666 26.148 c -202.228 26.161 -202.071 25.948 -202.086 25.531 c -202.103 25.058 -202.09 24.585 -202.09 24.127 c -199.788 23.794 -199.7 23.863 -199.725 25.921 c -199.736 26.885 -200.094 27.259 -201.046 27.269 c -202.048 27.28 -203.051 27.271 -204.063 27.271 c -204.094 27.521 -204.119 27.721 -204.143 27.919 c -206.435 27.919 l -206.473 27.691 -206.505 27.496 -206.548 27.24 c -211.344 27.24 l -211.429 21.785 -211.108 16.387 -211.917 10.965 c -211.526 10.965 -211.23 11.002 -210.948 10.957 c -210.241 10.845 -210.002 11.153 -209.84 11.831 c -209.14 14.766 -208.944 17.74 -208.998 20.741 c -209.003 21.046 -208.999 21.351 -208.999 21.713 c -208.515 21.713 -208.121 21.713 -207.728 21.713 c -206.199 21.712 -204.67 21.715 -203.141 21.708 c -202.823 21.707 -202.462 21.715 -202.552 21.217 c -202.814 19.771 -203.409 18.462 -204.24 17.041 c -204.899 18.49 -205.491 19.79 -206.079 21.082 c -208.744 21.082 l -208 18.846 -206.876 16.857 -205.552 14.904 c -206.693 13.594 -207.807 12.314 -208.983 10.965 c -208.281 10.965 -207.673 10.92 -207.076 10.982 c -206.734 11.017 -206.355 11.156 -206.09 11.369 c -205.424 11.904 -204.815 12.508 -204.171 13.095 c -203.731 12.624 -203.209 12.055 -202.675 11.497 c -202.518 11.333 -202.335 11.084 -202.153 11.074 c -201.317 11.029 -200.477 11.054 -199.635 11.054 c -200.752 12.375 -201.817 13.635 -202.903 14.92 c -41.052 27.742 m -42.05 27.742 -42.969 27.71 -43.884 27.754 c -44.376 27.778 -44.638 27.62 -44.694 27.143 c -44.744 26.72 -44.974 26.607 -45.378 26.626 c -46.018 26.657 -46.661 26.635 -47.322 26.635 c -47.322 25.516 l -45.159 25.516 l -45.992 23.89 -46.755 22.401 -47.543 20.863 c -45.867 20.863 l -45.867 10.987 l -43.193 10.987 l -43.193 15.68 l -31.685 15.68 l -31.685 14.725 -31.663 13.808 -31.695 12.893 c -31.711 12.441 -31.98 12.166 -32.474 12.174 c -32.862 12.181 -33.251 12.176 -33.652 12.176 c -33.424 11.085 -33.404 11.066 -32.466 11.066 c -31.754 11.066 -31.042 11.061 -30.33 11.068 c -29.358 11.076 -29.018 11.421 -29.017 12.399 c -29.015 15.855 -29.016 19.311 -29.017 22.767 c -29.017 22.949 -29.032 23.132 -29.044 23.382 c -42.932 23.382 l -42.629 23.941 -42.32 24.395 -42.132 24.894 c -41.933 25.424 -41.613 25.525 -41.089 25.522 c -37.13 25.499 -33.172 25.51 -29.213 25.51 c -28.557 25.51 l -28.557 26.649 l -41.329 26.649 l -41.231 27.037 -41.151 27.352 -41.052 27.742 c -146.482 12.084 m -146.482 27.837 l -149.188 27.837 l -149.188 14.375 l -149.256 14.367 -149.324 14.36 -149.392 14.352 c -150.122 18.605 -150.853 22.857 -151.588 27.137 c -154.055 27.137 l -154.046 26.942 -154.05 26.797 -154.031 26.654 c -153.496 22.58 -152.483 18.619 -151.188 14.726 c -150.739 13.375 -150.736 13.377 -149.329 13.294 c -149.292 13.291 -149.258 13.258 -149.215 13.235 c -149.215 12.033 l -154.313 12.033 l -154.313 10.996 l -135.427 10.996 l -135.427 12.094 l -140.582 12.094 l -140.582 13.311 l -140.292 13.311 -140.038 13.345 -139.798 13.304 c -139.209 13.202 -138.979 13.47 -138.798 14.012 c -137.711 17.265 -136.791 20.56 -136.158 23.932 c -135.96 24.987 -135.833 26.056 -135.673 27.127 c -138.323 27.127 l -138.754 22.738 -139.579 18.48 -140.514 14.241 c -140.565 14.247 -140.615 14.252 -140.666 14.257 c -140.666 27.849 l -143.306 27.849 l -143.306 12.084 l h f Q 0.894 0.635 0.078 0 k q 1 0 0 1 156.7479 686.4491 cm 0 0 m -0.382 0.034 -0.602 0.071 -0.822 0.071 c -7.357 0.074 -13.892 0.069 -20.426 0.077 c -21.728 0.079 -22.785 -0.314 -23.5 -1.487 c -26.06 -5.687 -28.643 -9.873 -31.213 -14.066 c -31.312 -14.227 -31.371 -14.413 -31.473 -14.645 c -31.241 -14.666 -31.118 -14.686 -30.996 -14.686 c -27.812 -14.688 -24.628 -14.68 -21.445 -14.698 c -21.014 -14.7 -20.814 -14.496 -20.615 -14.171 c -19.281 -11.993 -17.937 -9.822 -16.594 -7.651 c -16.01 -6.708 -15.443 -6.518 -14.291 -6.89 c -15.854 -9.431 -17.412 -11.965 -18.97 -14.499 c -18.933 -14.56 -18.895 -14.621 -18.857 -14.682 c -9.143 -14.682 l -9.381 -15.105 -9.571 -15.383 -9.702 -15.686 c -9.969 -16.306 -10.401 -16.483 -11.08 -16.476 c -14.536 -16.437 -17.992 -16.456 -21.448 -16.462 c -21.668 -16.463 -22 -16.454 -22.09 -16.582 c -22.695 -17.442 -23.249 -18.337 -23.895 -19.339 c -23.455 -19.377 -23.192 -19.418 -22.93 -19.419 c -21.107 -19.425 -19.285 -19.423 -17.463 -19.423 c -12.834 -19.423 -8.205 -19.419 -3.576 -19.425 c -2.269 -19.426 -1.154 -19.096 -0.418 -17.892 c 2.147 -13.695 4.731 -9.511 7.304 -5.318 c 7.413 -5.141 7.474 -4.934 7.598 -4.645 c 6.789 -4.645 l 3.815 -4.645 0.84 -4.662 -2.134 -4.631 c -2.733 -4.625 -3.076 -4.81 -3.385 -5.325 c -4.675 -7.479 -6.009 -9.607 -7.331 -11.742 c -7.879 -12.626 -8.391 -12.793 -9.49 -12.435 c -7.919 -9.882 -6.355 -7.338 -4.79 -4.793 c -4.838 -4.737 -4.886 -4.681 -4.934 -4.625 c -14.739 -4.625 l -14.508 -4.23 -14.309 -3.96 -14.184 -3.66 c -13.924 -3.033 -13.499 -2.85 -12.817 -2.858 c -9.361 -2.896 -5.905 -2.881 -2.449 -2.865 c -2.187 -2.864 -1.811 -2.793 -1.683 -2.615 c -1.114 -1.82 -0.616 -0.974 0 0 c -11.504 10.129 m -10.998 10.029 -10.471 9.987 -9.991 9.816 c -9.13 9.51 -8.215 9.251 -7.466 8.756 c 0.022 3.809 7.482 -1.179 14.945 -6.165 c 16.068 -6.915 16.844 -7.914 17.018 -9.307 c 17.144 -10.32 16.858 -11.218 16.233 -11.988 c 15.895 -12.405 15.482 -12.786 15.038 -13.085 c 7.788 -17.977 0.526 -22.85 -6.73 -27.734 c -8.057 -28.627 -9.487 -29.207 -11.098 -29.305 c -11.278 -29.316 -11.452 -29.408 -11.629 -29.462 c -12.258 -29.462 l -12.415 -29.41 -12.569 -29.32 -12.728 -29.313 c -14.504 -29.231 -16.018 -28.507 -17.463 -27.52 c -21.052 -25.066 -24.672 -22.657 -28.279 -20.23 c -31.782 -17.873 -35.284 -15.513 -38.788 -13.157 c -39.869 -12.43 -40.675 -11.515 -40.902 -10.181 c -40.914 -10.109 -40.992 -10.047 -41.04 -9.981 c -41.04 -9.353 l -40.984 -9.244 -40.897 -9.141 -40.877 -9.026 c -40.672 -7.835 -39.994 -6.949 -39.028 -6.298 c -31.675 -1.339 -24.326 3.624 -16.937 8.527 c -16.021 9.135 -14.889 9.433 -13.835 9.813 c -13.336 9.993 -12.785 10.028 -12.258 10.129 c h f Q 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 479.8206 663.7739 cm 0 0 m -0.162 -0.159 -0.306 -0.426 -0.488 -0.455 c -0.843 -0.51 -1.263 -0.52 -1.564 -0.368 c -1.698 -0.3 -1.722 0.266 -1.598 0.503 c -1.382 0.914 -0.95 1.085 -0.47 0.914 c -0.301 0.854 -0.156 0.726 0 0.628 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 297.3766 675.2318 cm 0 0 m 3.176 0 l 3.176 15.765 l 5.816 15.765 l 5.816 2.173 l 5.867 2.168 5.917 2.163 5.968 2.158 c 6.903 6.396 7.728 10.654 8.159 15.043 c 10.809 15.043 l 10.649 13.972 10.522 12.903 10.324 11.848 c 9.691 8.477 8.771 5.181 7.684 1.928 c 7.503 1.386 7.273 1.119 6.684 1.22 c 6.444 1.261 6.19 1.227 5.9 1.227 c 5.9 0.01 l 11.055 0.01 l 11.055 -1.087 l -7.831 -1.087 l -7.831 -0.051 l -2.733 -0.051 l -2.733 1.151 l -2.776 1.174 -2.81 1.208 -2.847 1.21 c -4.254 1.293 -4.257 1.291 -4.706 2.642 c -6.001 6.535 -7.014 10.496 -7.549 14.57 c -7.568 14.713 -7.564 14.858 -7.573 15.053 c -5.106 15.053 l -4.371 10.774 -3.64 6.521 -2.91 2.269 c -2.842 2.276 -2.774 2.284 -2.706 2.291 c -2.706 15.754 l 0 15.754 l h f Q 400.671 680.034 11.462 2.05 re 412.13 685.345 -11.441 -2.059 re 412.13 683.285 m 402.807 690.89 m 402.708 690.5 402.628 690.185 402.53 689.797 c 415.302 689.797 l 415.302 688.658 l 414.646 688.658 l 410.687 688.658 406.729 688.647 402.77 688.67 c 402.246 688.673 401.926 688.572 401.727 688.042 c 401.539 687.543 401.23 687.089 400.927 686.53 c 414.815 686.53 l 414.827 686.28 414.842 686.097 414.842 685.915 c 414.843 682.459 414.844 679.003 414.842 675.547 c 414.841 674.569 414.501 674.224 413.529 674.216 c 412.817 674.209 412.105 674.214 411.393 674.214 c 410.455 674.214 410.435 674.233 410.207 675.324 c 410.608 675.324 410.997 675.329 411.385 675.323 c 411.879 675.314 412.148 675.589 412.164 676.041 c 412.196 676.956 412.174 677.873 412.174 678.828 c 400.666 678.828 l 400.666 674.135 l 397.992 674.135 l 397.992 684.011 l 396.316 684.011 l 397.104 685.549 397.867 687.038 398.7 688.664 c 396.537 688.664 l 396.537 689.783 l 397.198 689.783 397.841 689.805 398.481 689.774 c 398.885 689.755 399.115 689.868 399.165 690.291 c 399.221 690.768 399.483 690.926 399.975 690.902 c 400.89 690.858 401.809 690.89 402.807 690.89 c f 234.905 686.033 2.439 3.23 re 234.905 689.263 m 240.956 678.068 m 242.042 676.783 243.107 675.523 244.224 674.202 c 243.382 674.202 242.542 674.177 241.706 674.222 c 241.524 674.232 241.341 674.481 241.184 674.645 c 240.65 675.203 240.128 675.772 239.688 676.243 c 239.044 675.656 238.435 675.052 237.769 674.517 c 237.504 674.304 237.125 674.165 236.783 674.13 c 236.186 674.068 235.578 674.113 234.876 674.113 c 236.052 675.462 237.166 676.742 238.307 678.052 c 236.983 680.005 235.859 681.994 235.115 684.23 c 237.78 684.23 l 238.368 682.938 238.96 681.638 239.619 680.189 c 240.45 681.61 241.045 682.919 241.307 684.365 c 241.397 684.863 241.036 684.855 240.718 684.856 c 239.189 684.863 237.66 684.86 236.131 684.861 c 235.738 684.861 235.344 684.861 234.86 684.861 c 234.86 684.499 234.856 684.194 234.861 683.889 c 234.915 680.888 234.719 677.914 234.019 674.979 c 233.857 674.301 233.618 673.993 232.911 674.105 c 232.629 674.15 232.333 674.113 231.942 674.113 c 232.751 679.535 232.43 684.933 232.515 690.388 c 237.311 690.388 l 237.354 690.644 237.386 690.839 237.424 691.067 c 239.716 691.067 l 239.74 690.869 239.765 690.669 239.796 690.419 c 240.808 690.419 241.811 690.428 242.813 690.417 c 243.765 690.407 244.123 690.033 244.134 689.069 c 244.159 687.011 244.071 686.942 241.769 687.275 c 241.769 687.733 241.756 688.206 241.773 688.679 c 241.788 689.096 241.631 689.309 241.193 689.296 c 240.737 689.284 240.281 689.293 239.791 689.293 c 239.791 686.001 l 240.754 686.001 241.69 686.003 242.625 686 c 243.926 685.997 244.253 685.578 243.979 684.278 c 243.549 682.235 242.598 680.434 241.42 678.737 c 241.289 678.548 241.158 678.359 240.956 678.068 c f q 1 0 0 1 262.4536 684.0614 cm 0 0 m -0.028 0.047 -0.055 0.093 -0.082 0.14 c -0.612 0.201 -1.184 0.158 -1.66 0.352 c -2.166 0.558 -2.581 0.988 -3.105 1.371 c -3.88 0.482 -4.85 -0.037 -6.137 0.122 c -5.964 -0.098 -5.791 -0.274 -5.615 -0.276 c -3.92 -0.298 -2.226 -0.299 -0.531 -0.278 c -0.353 -0.276 -0.177 -0.097 0 0 c 0.441 -2.948 m -0.435 -2.948 -1.286 -2.939 -2.137 -2.959 c -2.242 -2.961 -2.396 -3.093 -2.439 -3.2 c -2.84 -4.199 -3.222 -5.206 -3.627 -6.258 c -3.127 -6.153 -2.598 -6.042 -2.062 -5.929 c -2.243 -5.34 -2.399 -4.833 -2.58 -4.241 c -1.958 -4.241 -1.437 -4.207 -0.924 -4.26 c -0.753 -4.277 -0.517 -4.486 -0.462 -4.656 c -0.188 -5.514 0.036 -6.388 0.277 -7.256 c 0.332 -7.245 0.386 -7.233 0.441 -7.221 c h -0.02 0.829 m -0.02 4.806 l 2.335 4.806 l 2.335 3.717 2.336 2.636 2.335 1.556 c 2.335 1.011 2.344 0.467 2.331 -0.078 c 2.311 -0.885 1.947 -1.268 1.136 -1.287 c 0.194 -1.309 -0.749 -1.277 -1.691 -1.308 c -1.87 -1.314 -2.044 -1.505 -2.22 -1.611 c -2.19 -1.677 -2.16 -1.743 -2.13 -1.81 c 2.788 -1.81 l 2.812 -2.014 2.846 -2.172 2.846 -2.33 c 2.85 -4.403 2.854 -6.476 2.847 -8.549 c 2.843 -9.539 2.517 -9.856 1.525 -9.873 c 1.232 -9.878 0.931 -9.83 0.647 -9.881 c -0.112 -10.017 -0.409 -9.619 -0.509 -8.955 c -0.201 -8.877 0.151 -8.864 0.395 -8.694 c 0.522 -8.606 0.46 -8.244 0.487 -7.964 c -0.232 -7.882 -1.042 -8.153 -1.269 -7.263 c -2.886 -7.724 -4.442 -8.167 -6.151 -8.655 c -6.069 -7.778 -6.259 -7.153 -5.813 -6.399 c -5.224 -5.402 -5.001 -4.189 -4.592 -2.984 c -6.559 -2.984 l -6.559 -9.834 l -8.95 -9.834 l -8.95 -1.82 l -7.781 -1.82 -6.618 -1.82 -5.454 -1.82 c -5.266 -1.82 -5.066 -1.859 -4.892 -1.808 c -4.722 -1.758 -4.579 -1.616 -4.424 -1.515 c -4.45 -1.442 -4.475 -1.368 -4.501 -1.294 c -5.305 -1.294 -6.109 -1.295 -6.913 -1.294 c -8.136 -1.291 -8.475 -0.952 -8.475 0.271 c -8.476 1.773 -8.476 3.275 -8.476 4.811 c -6.116 4.811 l -6.116 0.567 l -5.376 1.249 -4.773 1.805 -4.175 2.356 c -4.744 3.168 -5.278 3.93 -5.812 4.692 c -5.775 4.741 -5.737 4.79 -5.699 4.839 c -4.742 4.719 -3.507 5.426 -3.058 3.665 c -2.581 5.336 -1.368 4.759 -0.189 4.851 c -0.806 3.959 -1.344 3.182 -1.919 2.351 c -1.354 1.831 -0.764 1.287 -0.174 0.744 c -0.123 0.773 -0.071 0.801 -0.02 0.829 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 335.1396 689.5187 cm 0 0 m -0.015 -0.179 -0.034 -0.302 -0.034 -0.426 c -0.036 -4.717 -0.039 -9.008 -0.034 -13.299 c -0.033 -14.118 0.18 -14.312 1.032 -14.312 c 4.675 -14.314 8.317 -14.313 11.959 -14.313 c 13.01 -14.313 13.184 -14.135 13.185 -13.066 c 13.185 -0.696 l 13.185 0 l h 15.694 1.113 m 15.694 0.389 l 15.695 -4.324 15.695 -9.037 15.694 -13.749 c 15.694 -15.115 15.396 -15.413 14.04 -15.413 c 9.033 -15.414 4.027 -15.414 -0.979 -15.413 c -2.237 -15.413 -2.538 -15.115 -2.539 -13.864 c -2.54 -9.088 -2.539 -4.312 -2.539 0.464 c -2.539 1.113 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 320.1916 683.3203 cm 0 0 m -6.023 0 l -6.023 -0.677 l -6.024 -1.583 -6.024 -1.584 -5.117 -1.585 c -3.631 -1.586 -2.145 -1.585 -0.659 -1.585 c 0 -1.585 l h -0.003 5.535 -5.982 -1.547 re -0.007 2.767 -5.981 -1.552 re 2.638 2.831 m 2.638 1.181 l 9.316 1.181 l 9.316 0.052 l 2.641 0.052 l 2.641 -1.578 l 9.313 -1.578 l 9.313 -2.713 l 8.696 -2.713 l 3.461 -2.714 -1.774 -2.714 -7.009 -2.713 c -8.288 -2.713 -8.566 -2.439 -8.569 -1.178 c -8.571 0.287 -8.568 1.753 -8.568 3.219 c -8.568 3.929 l -8.897 3.948 -9.164 3.964 -9.407 3.978 c -8.972 5.108 -8.535 6.241 -8.07 7.449 c -5.348 7.449 l -5.381 7.222 -5.412 7.002 -5.449 6.746 c -0.008 6.746 l 0.011 6.979 0.03 7.198 0.051 7.454 c 2.547 7.454 l 2.579 7.239 2.611 7.019 2.653 6.729 c 9.306 6.729 l 9.306 5.61 l 2.651 5.61 l 2.651 3.959 l 9.298 3.959 l 9.298 2.831 l h f Q 356.455 686.565 2.675 3.116 re 359.114 685.33 -2.659 -3.181 re 359.114 682.148 m 361.667 690.856 m 361.667 689.78 l 361.667 685.05 361.668 680.32 361.667 675.591 c 361.667 674.445 361.327 674.111 360.165 674.105 c 359.893 674.104 359.621 674.105 359.349 674.105 c 358.274 674.105 358.274 674.105 357.97 675.162 c 359.096 675.292 359.167 675.373 359.168 676.525 c 359.168 680.956 l 356.436 680.956 l 356.295 679.745 356.182 678.524 356.001 677.313 c 355.862 676.385 355.631 675.472 355.452 674.551 c 355.385 674.206 355.219 674.062 354.851 674.091 c 354.42 674.126 353.984 674.1 353.488 674.1 c 354.309 679.705 353.977 685.272 354.081 690.856 c h f q 1 0 0 1 425.1886 690.7607 cm 0 0 m 0 -2.056 0.025 -4.066 -0.023 -6.074 c -0.032 -6.424 -0.348 -6.767 -0.549 -7.168 c 0.029 -7.389 0.021 -8.034 0.018 -8.687 c 0.011 -10.258 0.02 -11.829 0.014 -13.4 c 0.01 -14.457 -0.325 -14.785 -1.377 -14.789 c -1.901 -14.791 -2.425 -14.789 -2.948 -14.789 c -3.913 -14.789 -3.913 -14.789 -4.209 -13.686 c -3.906 -13.686 -3.628 -13.678 -3.351 -13.688 c -2.846 -13.705 -2.523 -13.472 -2.516 -12.967 c -2.494 -11.418 -2.483 -9.868 -2.531 -8.32 c -2.538 -8.094 -2.851 -7.765 -3.091 -7.681 c -3.849 -7.417 -3.862 -7.454 -4.153 -6.527 c -3.825 -6.527 -3.496 -6.601 -3.229 -6.505 c -2.962 -6.409 -2.561 -6.149 -2.554 -5.949 c -2.499 -4.344 -2.523 -2.737 -2.523 -1.107 c -4.522 -1.107 l -4.522 -16.632 l -7.051 -16.632 l -7.051 0 l h f Q 429.063 687.489 4.737 2.15 re 429.072 683.899 m 430.457 683.899 431.791 683.866 433.121 683.929 c 433.368 683.941 433.751 684.31 433.802 684.567 c 433.908 685.103 433.834 685.674 433.834 686.256 c 429.072 686.256 l h 429.043 682.794 m 429.043 680.509 429.035 678.315 429.049 676.121 c 429.052 675.604 429.335 675.311 429.884 675.321 c 430.3 675.329 430.717 675.323 431.139 675.323 c 431.011 674.315 430.9 674.214 429.952 674.214 c 429.178 674.215 428.403 674.198 427.629 674.222 c 426.911 674.245 426.53 674.614 426.529 675.314 c 426.52 680.4 426.524 685.485 426.527 690.571 c 426.527 690.629 426.555 690.687 426.578 690.778 c 436.407 690.778 l 436.407 689.563 l 436.407 687.805 436.411 686.047 436.404 684.289 c 436.4 683.138 436.061 682.801 434.895 682.797 c 432.972 682.789 431.049 682.794 429.043 682.794 c f 197.541 679.702 1.361 2.796 re 197.541 682.498 m 197.536 675.29 m 197.908 675.29 198.227 675.25 198.527 675.307 c 198.68 675.336 198.913 675.534 198.917 675.663 c 198.951 676.594 198.935 677.526 198.935 678.466 c 197.536 678.466 l h 194.981 682.481 -1.416 -2.786 re 194.986 678.46 m 193.518 678.46 l 193.518 676.491 l 193.518 675.202 193.52 675.199 194.809 675.3 c 194.864 675.305 194.917 675.346 194.986 675.377 c h 191.026 683.651 m 201.392 683.651 l 201.411 683.527 201.44 683.428 201.44 683.329 c 201.441 680.775 201.45 678.222 201.432 675.669 c 201.426 674.771 200.749 674.149 199.641 674.128 c 197.382 674.085 195.12 674.08 192.861 674.129 c 191.599 674.156 191.027 674.836 191.027 676.098 c 191.025 678.586 191.026 681.073 191.026 683.651 c f q 1 0 0 1 268.3146 674.4587 cm 0 0 m 0 1.107 l 7.763 1.107 l 7.763 14.833 l 0.56 14.833 l 0.56 15.917 l 17.767 15.917 l 17.767 14.855 l 10.564 14.855 l 10.564 1.129 l 18.313 1.129 l 18.313 0 l h f Q 215.211 677.989 2.391 1.444 re 217.622 682.096 -2.415 -1.441 re 215.17 676.746 m 215.17 676.372 215.125 676.052 215.187 675.755 c 215.223 675.581 215.42 675.317 215.559 675.307 c 216.238 675.26 216.922 675.286 217.629 675.286 c 217.629 676.746 l h 222.725 680.614 m 222.725 679.479 l 220.115 679.479 l 220.115 677.952 l 222.63 677.952 l 222.952 676.94 222.85 676.788 221.903 676.787 c 221.321 676.786 220.74 676.787 220.114 676.787 c 220.114 675.268 l 220.694 675.268 221.271 675.269 221.849 675.268 c 222.876 675.268 222.89 675.25 222.676 674.144 c 222.486 674.134 222.283 674.114 222.08 674.114 c 219.463 674.112 216.847 674.112 214.23 674.113 c 212.926 674.114 212.617 674.427 212.617 675.741 c 212.617 680.472 l 212.256 680.49 211.951 680.505 211.611 680.522 c 212.034 681.547 212.438 682.545 212.864 683.534 c 212.906 683.631 213.08 683.725 213.195 683.728 c 213.925 683.745 214.655 683.737 215.413 683.737 c 215.413 683.249 l 215.967 683.249 216.508 683.241 217.048 683.253 c 217.31 683.259 217.674 683.118 217.681 683.602 c 218.473 683.591 219.266 683.6 220.055 683.556 c 220.243 683.546 220.415 683.276 220.604 683.264 c 221.25 683.224 221.9 683.246 222.549 683.242 c 222.589 683.242 222.628 683.22 222.714 683.194 c 222.714 682.151 l 220.11 682.151 l 220.11 680.614 l h f q 1 0 0 1 457.9966 673.9885 cm 0 0 m -0.719 0 -1.302 -0.024 -1.881 0.014 c -2.057 0.026 -2.261 0.173 -2.386 0.317 c -2.811 0.805 -3.236 1.301 -3.605 1.832 c -3.857 2.194 -4.067 2.289 -4.523 2.149 c -8.567 0.902 -12.731 0.399 -16.944 0.235 c -17.108 0.228 -17.272 0.234 -17.518 0.234 c -17.518 1.319 l -17.518 2.414 l -16.378 2.192 -16.088 3.073 -15.744 3.799 c -14.752 5.894 -13.794 8.005 -12.866 10.128 c -12.673 10.57 -12.453 10.725 -11.987 10.701 c -11.281 10.663 -10.572 10.691 -9.784 10.691 c -10.869 7.771 -11.97 4.966 -14.099 2.698 c -14.072 2.636 -14.045 2.574 -14.017 2.512 c -11.006 2.893 -7.994 3.275 -4.923 3.664 c -5.643 5.067 -6.306 6.359 -7.042 7.793 c -6.039 7.793 -5.177 7.805 -4.315 7.779 c -4.2 7.776 -4.04 7.6 -3.985 7.47 c -2.912 4.898 -1.655 2.424 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 463.9676 684.0841 cm 0 0 m 0 -2.123 -0.009 -4.192 0.022 -6.261 c 0.024 -6.383 0.347 -6.602 0.523 -6.603 c 3.057 -6.625 5.591 -6.61 8.125 -6.626 c 8.566 -6.628 8.71 -6.479 8.701 -6.043 c 8.679 -4.913 8.694 -3.782 8.695 -2.651 c 8.695 0 l h -2.625 1.134 m 11.283 1.134 l 11.296 0.942 11.315 0.78 11.315 0.618 c 11.317 -1.769 11.319 -4.156 11.315 -6.543 c 11.314 -7.444 11.016 -7.741 10.107 -7.742 c 6.254 -7.745 2.402 -7.745 -1.451 -7.742 c -2.344 -7.741 -2.623 -7.464 -2.624 -6.588 c -2.627 -4.035 -2.625 -1.482 -2.625 1.134 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 208.9356 683.8654 cm 0 0 m 2.88 0 l 2.88 -1.068 l 2.662 -1.095 2.442 -1.121 2.159 -1.156 c 2.148 -1.375 2.129 -1.597 2.129 -1.819 c 2.126 -3.745 2.127 -5.67 2.127 -7.595 c 2.128 -8.615 2.128 -8.615 3.097 -8.795 c 2.849 -9.753 2.849 -9.754 1.921 -9.752 c 1.587 -9.752 1.25 -9.77 0.917 -9.74 c 0.095 -9.667 -0.233 -9.314 -0.235 -8.485 c -0.243 -6.288 -0.238 -4.09 -0.238 -1.893 c -0.238 -1.163 l -1.863 -1.163 l -1.863 -1.464 -1.864 -1.788 -1.862 -2.112 c -1.849 -4.51 -2.153 -6.861 -2.856 -9.16 c -2.996 -9.617 -3.205 -9.814 -3.691 -9.762 c -4.105 -9.717 -4.527 -9.746 -4.945 -9.738 c -4.981 -9.737 -5.016 -9.702 -5.092 -9.661 c -4.403 -6.885 -4.136 -4.054 -4.251 -1.146 c -4.533 -1.126 -4.777 -1.109 -5.081 -1.088 c -5.092 -0.915 -5.112 -0.736 -5.114 -0.556 c -5.117 -0.392 -5.101 -0.229 -5.091 -0.016 c -2.243 -0.016 l -2.243 6.93 l 0 6.93 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 460.8616 689.6637 cm 0 0 m 0 1.115 l 18.835 1.115 l 18.835 0.474 l 18.835 -4.404 18.835 -9.281 18.834 -14.158 c 18.834 -15.256 18.518 -15.571 17.416 -15.574 c 16.579 -15.577 15.741 -15.575 14.904 -15.575 c 13.903 -15.575 13.903 -15.575 13.648 -14.468 c 14.155 -14.468 14.65 -14.47 15.144 -14.467 c 15.961 -14.461 16.167 -14.253 16.175 -13.417 c 16.181 -12.748 16.175 -12.078 16.175 -11.408 c 16.175 -0.795 l 16.176 -0.549 16.175 -0.303 16.175 0 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 380.4566 674.0995 cm 0 0 m 1.148 2.876 1.808 5.769 2.254 8.79 c 0.408 8.79 l 0.408 9.876 l 12.751 9.876 l 12.764 9.721 12.793 9.542 12.793 9.364 c 12.796 6.725 12.799 4.087 12.793 1.448 c 12.79 0.3 12.477 -0.007 11.343 -0.01 c 10.693 -0.012 10.044 -0.011 9.395 -0.011 c 8.401 -0.011 8.401 -0.011 8.136 1.099 c 8.539 1.099 8.928 1.103 9.315 1.098 c 9.839 1.09 10.111 1.386 10.115 1.866 c 10.132 4.145 10.122 6.424 10.122 8.794 c 9.212 8.794 8.341 8.794 7.471 8.794 c 6.8 8.794 6.129 8.769 5.461 8.802 c 5.032 8.823 4.897 8.665 4.826 8.251 c 4.372 5.607 3.645 3.041 2.583 0.57 c 2.402 0.149 2.191 -0.056 1.706 -0.011 c 1.188 0.037 0.663 0 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 368.8496 677.6464 cm 0 0 m 1.4 -1.198 2.741 -2.345 4.141 -3.542 c 3.259 -3.542 2.431 -3.559 1.605 -3.529 c 1.42 -3.522 1.223 -3.373 1.062 -3.25 c 0.247 -2.629 -0.557 -1.996 -1.399 -1.34 c -2.082 -1.863 -2.803 -2.392 -3.494 -2.957 c -3.974 -3.349 -4.484 -3.531 -5.108 -3.478 c -5.624 -3.434 -6.148 -3.469 -6.764 -3.469 c -5.399 -2.278 -4.107 -1.152 -2.857 -0.062 c -4.061 1.535 -5.196 3.042 -6.332 4.549 c -6.285 4.609 -6.239 4.669 -6.192 4.729 c -5.346 4.729 -4.499 4.747 -3.654 4.712 c -3.503 4.706 -3.326 4.502 -3.221 4.349 c -2.633 3.49 -2.063 2.618 -1.427 1.661 c -0.574 2.683 0.057 3.694 0.448 4.843 c 0.602 5.295 0.218 5.242 -0.04 5.243 c -1.296 5.25 -2.551 5.247 -3.807 5.247 c -6.239 5.247 l -6.239 6.343 l -6.066 6.355 -5.885 6.379 -5.704 6.379 c -3.109 6.382 -0.513 6.384 2.082 6.38 c 3.344 6.378 3.56 6.069 3.17 4.854 c 2.64 3.204 1.641 1.847 0.509 0.571 c 0.373 0.417 0.235 0.263 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 225.3506 683.2944 cm 0 0 m 0 1.162 l 2 1.162 l 2 6.107 l 0.007 6.107 l 0.007 7.212 l 6.466 7.212 l 6.466 6.15 l 4.51 6.15 l 4.51 1.204 l 6.453 1.204 l 6.453 0.024 l 4.503 0.024 l 4.503 -5.832 l 5.102 -5.664 5.658 -5.508 6.213 -5.353 c 6.527 -6.47 6.441 -6.754 5.436 -7.136 c 3.666 -7.81 1.871 -8.419 -0.009 -9.09 c -0.009 -7.007 l 0.529 -6.872 1.094 -6.75 1.645 -6.579 c 1.802 -6.53 2.029 -6.34 2.03 -6.212 c 2.054 -4.166 2.047 -2.119 2.047 0 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 248.4676 683.3206 cm 0 0 m -1.893 0 l -1.893 1.145 l -0.001 1.145 l -0.001 6.087 l -1.867 6.087 l -1.867 7.191 l 4.345 7.191 l 4.345 6.115 l 2.496 6.115 l 2.496 1.176 l 4.325 1.176 l 4.325 0.001 l 2.497 0.001 l 2.497 -5.892 l 3.161 -5.711 3.793 -5.539 4.421 -5.368 c 4.44 -5.425 4.451 -5.445 4.453 -5.465 c 4.552 -6.75 4.57 -6.797 3.384 -7.247 c 1.673 -7.897 -0.067 -8.471 -1.879 -9.108 c -1.879 -7.038 l -1.267 -6.884 -0.647 -6.728 0 -6.565 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 379.0215 674.1161 cm 0 0 m -2.647 0 l -2.647 10.533 l -4.268 10.533 l -4.197 10.716 -4.159 10.826 -4.112 10.933 c -3.321 12.726 -2.52 14.515 -1.745 16.315 c -1.616 16.616 -1.512 16.8 -1.135 16.784 c -0.363 16.752 0.411 16.774 1.335 16.774 c 1.047 16.05 0.839 15.38 0.521 14.768 c 0.092 13.942 -0.02 13.093 -0.012 12.174 c 0.018 8.363 0 4.553 0 0.742 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 190.2976 687.8499 cm 0 0 m -2.688 0 l -2.688 -13.668 l -5.201 -13.668 l -5.201 -0.022 l -7.942 -0.022 l -7.942 1.099 l 0 1.099 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 308.6416 669.7439 cm 0 0 m -0.329 -1.867 -0.653 -3.703 -0.986 -5.597 c 0.082 -5.597 1.087 -5.657 2.077 -5.562 c 2.396 -5.531 2.867 -5.132 2.938 -4.825 c 3.249 -3.488 3.446 -2.124 3.667 -0.767 c 3.748 -0.266 3.469 -0.012 2.991 -0.004 c 2.012 0.011 1.032 0 0 0 c -3.598 -6.583 m -3.141 -3.993 -2.699 -1.491 -2.255 1.027 c -0.062 1.027 2.072 1.086 4.2 1.005 c 5.493 0.955 6.201 -0.066 6.001 -1.348 c 5.847 -2.338 5.673 -3.325 5.48 -4.308 c 5.253 -5.461 4.171 -6.53 3.007 -6.564 c 0.837 -6.629 -1.337 -6.583 -3.598 -6.583 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 470.7646 664.1453 cm 0 0 m 0.955 0 1.852 -0.023 2.746 0.009 c 3.257 0.028 3.585 0.323 3.678 0.855 c 3.895 2.108 4.122 3.359 4.35 4.611 c 4.479 5.324 4.287 5.579 3.551 5.598 c 2.841 5.615 2.13 5.586 1.42 5.609 c 1.07 5.62 0.944 5.466 0.891 5.149 c 0.606 3.465 0.31 1.782 0 0 c -2.611 -0.988 m -2.182 1.47 -1.775 3.854 -1.335 6.232 c -1.305 6.394 -1.027 6.627 -0.862 6.629 c 0.998 6.655 2.86 6.673 4.719 6.627 c 6.138 6.593 6.912 5.59 6.678 4.197 c 6.515 3.23 6.35 2.264 6.167 1.301 c 5.944 0.125 4.839 -0.942 3.657 -0.972 c 1.591 -1.026 -0.478 -0.988 -2.611 -0.988 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 347.5926 667.1771 cm 0 0 m 0.813 0 1.563 -0.003 2.313 0.001 c 3.123 0.005 3.324 0.154 3.561 0.939 c 3.633 1.178 3.68 1.425 3.719 1.671 c 3.818 2.287 3.628 2.558 3.019 2.581 c 2.289 2.608 1.555 2.607 0.826 2.566 c 0.671 2.557 0.431 2.347 0.395 2.192 c 0.237 1.504 0.139 0.802 0 0 c 4.197 -0.924 m 4.632 -1.955 5.052 -2.951 5.504 -4.021 c 4.854 -4.021 4.275 -4.109 3.742 -3.99 c 3.39 -3.911 3.004 -3.596 2.81 -3.278 c 2.477 -2.731 2.261 -2.107 2.035 -1.501 c 1.9 -1.14 1.717 -0.991 1.308 -0.993 c -0.144 -1 -0.156 -0.98 -0.414 -2.39 c -0.754 -4.247 -0.81 -4.025 -2.423 -4.027 c -2.63 -4.028 -2.838 -4.027 -3.121 -4.027 c -2.895 -2.715 -2.68 -1.451 -2.459 -0.187 c -2.267 0.904 -2.04 1.989 -1.885 3.085 c -1.822 3.528 -1.636 3.622 -1.234 3.617 c 0.484 3.6 2.202 3.614 3.919 3.608 c 5.073 3.604 5.879 3.102 6.157 2.235 c 6.433 1.372 6.057 0.336 5.207 -0.304 c 4.911 -0.527 4.573 -0.696 4.197 -0.924 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 382.9126 669.7575 cm 0 0 m -0.148 -0.882 -0.286 -1.694 -0.434 -2.573 c 0.514 -2.573 1.371 -2.617 2.219 -2.547 c 2.488 -2.525 2.836 -2.254 2.964 -2.003 c 3.157 -1.625 3.209 -1.169 3.281 -0.74 c 3.36 -0.266 3.089 -0.018 2.645 -0.007 c 1.79 0.016 0.934 0 0 0 c -2.226 1.03 m -0.828 1.03 0.529 1.03 1.887 1.03 c 2.431 1.03 2.976 1.034 3.52 1.029 c 4.611 1.018 5.359 0.565 5.681 -0.273 c 5.979 -1.048 5.702 -2.057 4.958 -2.709 c 4.617 -3.007 4.207 -3.226 3.758 -3.529 c 4.164 -4.491 4.591 -5.5 5.055 -6.596 c 4.397 -6.596 3.787 -6.681 3.218 -6.564 c 2.891 -6.497 2.54 -6.157 2.36 -5.847 c 2.027 -5.273 1.795 -4.637 1.552 -4.014 c 1.43 -3.7 1.274 -3.549 0.913 -3.575 c 0.435 -3.611 -0.047 -3.584 -0.607 -3.584 c -0.74 -4.282 -0.873 -4.969 -1.002 -5.657 c -1.149 -6.433 -1.349 -6.604 -2.127 -6.607 c -2.565 -6.609 -3.003 -6.608 -3.568 -6.608 c -3.117 -4.045 -2.676 -1.534 -2.226 1.03 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 408.1706 663.1558 cm 0 0 m -2.19 0 -4.324 -0.038 -6.455 0.015 c -7.656 0.045 -8.463 1.164 -8.258 2.398 c -7.99 4.004 -7.675 5.602 -7.41 7.209 c -7.351 7.568 -7.196 7.655 -6.873 7.642 c -6.434 7.623 -5.994 7.63 -5.554 7.639 c -5.007 7.65 -4.792 7.401 -4.889 6.857 c -5.17 5.274 -5.436 3.688 -5.719 2.105 c -5.856 1.336 -5.638 1.029 -4.877 1.016 c -4.064 1.003 -3.251 1.013 -2.405 1.013 c -2.009 3.236 -1.621 5.41 -1.224 7.632 c -0.565 7.632 0.059 7.646 0.683 7.627 c 1.037 7.615 1.314 7.443 1.244 7.038 c 0.839 4.698 0.419 2.361 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 262.8846 667.1823 cm 0 0 m -1.764 0 l -3.809 0 -3.809 0 -4.132 -2.002 c -4.141 -2.064 -4.146 -2.127 -4.152 -2.189 c -4.205 -2.682 -3.947 -2.978 -3.491 -2.996 c -2.514 -3.033 -1.536 -3.007 -0.554 -3.007 c -0.497 -2.779 -0.44 -2.601 -0.409 -2.418 c -0.273 -1.64 -0.145 -0.86 0 0 c 1.725 -4.03 m -0.446 -4.03 -2.542 -4.105 -4.63 -4.005 c -6.259 -3.927 -7.161 -2.294 -6.038 -0.392 c -5.459 0.589 -4.493 1.052 -3.341 1.061 c -2.378 1.069 -1.412 1.106 -0.452 1.048 c 0.163 1.011 0.306 1.293 0.313 1.805 c 0.32 2.35 0.016 2.54 -0.48 2.539 c -1.715 2.537 -2.951 2.539 -4.186 2.54 c -4.354 2.54 -4.522 2.539 -4.689 2.547 c -5.075 2.564 -5.169 2.793 -5.147 3.142 c -5.126 3.474 -5.005 3.62 -4.648 3.617 c -2.91 3.602 -1.171 3.634 0.566 3.601 c 1.968 3.575 2.829 2.587 2.625 1.206 c 2.369 -0.527 2.035 -2.249 1.725 -4.03 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 219.4946 667.179 cm 0 0 m -0.64 0 -1.22 -0.015 -1.8 0.003 c -3.931 0.066 -3.844 -0.111 -4.165 -2.134 c -4.168 -2.154 -4.176 -2.174 -4.179 -2.195 c -4.239 -2.655 -4.004 -2.966 -3.581 -2.985 c -2.568 -3.029 -1.552 -2.999 -0.519 -2.999 c -0.343 -1.979 -0.177 -1.023 0 0 c 1.732 -4.029 m -1.477 -4.029 l -2.377 -4.029 -3.277 -4.004 -4.176 -4.036 c -5.111 -4.07 -5.895 -3.8 -6.339 -2.95 c -6.812 -2.045 -6.581 -1.134 -6.054 -0.341 c -5.438 0.587 -4.519 1.049 -3.389 1.05 c -2.385 1.05 -1.379 1.086 -0.378 1.038 c 0.198 1.01 0.28 1.304 0.307 1.751 c 0.337 2.244 0.132 2.524 -0.361 2.532 c -1.449 2.547 -2.537 2.541 -3.624 2.543 c -3.854 2.544 -4.085 2.544 -4.315 2.544 c -5.246 2.548 -5.34 2.678 -5.039 3.6 c -3.107 3.6 -1.162 3.659 0.778 3.579 c 2.081 3.525 2.847 2.499 2.648 1.2 c 2.384 -0.529 2.047 -2.247 1.732 -4.029 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 228.4106 669.7081 cm 0 0 m -0.398 0 -0.796 0.016 -1.192 -0.004 c -1.669 -0.029 -1.989 -0.312 -2.075 -0.76 c -2.321 -2.052 -2.544 -3.348 -2.743 -4.648 c -2.833 -5.238 -2.586 -5.516 -1.99 -5.54 c -1.343 -5.565 -0.693 -5.564 -0.045 -5.54 c 0.603 -5.517 0.938 -5.199 1.054 -4.558 c 1.221 -3.634 1.395 -2.711 1.547 -1.785 c 1.842 0.013 1.837 0.014 0 0 c -1.208 -6.557 m -1.857 -6.557 -2.506 -6.571 -3.155 -6.554 c -4.398 -6.521 -5.274 -5.55 -5.116 -4.318 c -4.978 -3.242 -4.792 -2.168 -4.565 -1.107 c -4.314 0.068 -3.06 1.029 -1.724 1.072 c -0.469 1.111 0.789 1.115 2.043 1.071 c 3.442 1.021 4.25 0.022 4.05 -1.367 c 3.906 -2.359 3.73 -3.347 3.532 -4.33 c 3.299 -5.49 2.028 -6.516 0.802 -6.554 c 0.133 -6.575 -0.538 -6.558 -1.208 -6.557 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 303.4636 663.1499 cm 0 0 m -0.598 0 -1.14 -0.008 -1.681 0.002 c -2.271 0.013 -2.408 0.197 -2.304 0.792 c -2.022 2.397 -1.734 4 -1.465 5.608 c -1.349 6.305 -1.555 6.557 -2.236 6.568 c -3.174 6.583 -4.112 6.572 -5.084 6.572 c -5.477 4.358 -5.858 2.204 -6.249 0 c -6.843 0 -7.404 0.004 -7.964 -0.001 c -8.466 -0.005 -8.632 0.238 -8.547 0.719 c -8.263 2.323 -7.991 3.93 -7.711 5.536 c -7.61 6.112 -7.525 6.693 -7.379 7.258 c -7.339 7.412 -7.104 7.625 -6.957 7.626 c -4.989 7.648 -3.02 7.677 -1.053 7.623 c 0.302 7.585 1.12 6.53 0.903 5.204 c 0.623 3.493 0.312 1.787 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 393.7755 664.1426 cm 0 0 m 0.272 0 0.544 -0.002 0.816 0 c 1.586 0.009 1.896 0.236 2.037 0.973 c 2.276 2.224 2.49 3.48 2.708 4.736 c 2.797 5.243 2.592 5.573 2.062 5.592 c 1.352 5.616 0.638 5.619 -0.072 5.582 c -0.562 5.556 -0.868 5.271 -0.952 4.76 c -1.116 3.77 -1.251 2.774 -1.478 1.798 c -1.928 -0.138 -1.489 -0.028 0 0 c -0.134 -0.991 m -0.804 -0.991 -1.475 -1.014 -2.144 -0.986 c -3.356 -0.934 -4.169 0.084 -3.969 1.281 c -3.807 2.25 -3.639 3.217 -3.458 4.182 c -3.193 5.599 -2.076 6.587 -0.621 6.634 c 0.592 6.673 1.809 6.673 3.022 6.635 c 4.497 6.589 5.264 5.573 4.997 4.098 c 4.826 3.152 4.681 2.202 4.488 1.26 c 4.228 -0.011 3.051 -0.966 1.75 -0.99 c 1.122 -1.002 0.494 -0.992 -0.134 -0.991 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 437.7446 664.1447 cm 0 0 m 0.334 0 0.67 -0.013 1.003 0.003 c 1.501 0.026 1.855 0.294 1.946 0.773 c 2.201 2.105 2.414 3.445 2.643 4.781 c 2.736 5.321 2.465 5.581 1.96 5.596 c 1.291 5.616 0.622 5.607 -0.047 5.589 c -0.609 5.574 -0.928 5.254 -1.026 4.712 c -1.2 3.747 -1.375 2.782 -1.535 1.815 c -1.834 -0.002 -1.829 -0.002 0 0 c -0.199 -0.994 m -0.848 -0.994 -1.497 -1.01 -2.146 -0.991 c -3.317 -0.957 -4.174 -0.055 -4.035 1.107 c -3.894 2.286 -3.682 3.463 -3.411 4.619 c -3.148 5.742 -1.94 6.6 -0.663 6.633 c 0.55 6.665 1.765 6.667 2.978 6.633 c 4.36 6.594 5.175 5.625 4.979 4.264 c 4.83 3.231 4.649 2.201 4.432 1.181 c 4.183 0.005 2.966 -0.961 1.747 -0.991 c 1.099 -1.008 0.45 -0.994 -0.199 -0.994 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 316.6876 670.7914 cm 0 0 m 0.628 0 1.171 0.008 1.713 -0.002 c 2.23 -0.012 2.397 -0.27 2.302 -0.785 c 2.001 -2.408 1.728 -4.036 1.447 -5.662 c 1.346 -6.248 1.555 -6.589 2.12 -6.614 c 2.998 -6.654 3.879 -6.648 4.757 -6.611 c 4.895 -6.605 5.11 -6.352 5.142 -6.186 c 5.497 -4.298 5.835 -2.406 6.147 -0.509 c 6.211 -0.122 6.335 0.049 6.741 0.008 c 7.052 -0.024 7.369 0.003 7.683 0 c 8.512 -0.007 8.654 -0.159 8.515 -0.97 c 8.258 -2.473 7.984 -3.973 7.717 -5.474 c 7.593 -6.172 7.468 -6.869 7.338 -7.599 c 7.164 -7.614 7.003 -7.64 6.841 -7.64 c 4.957 -7.643 3.073 -7.648 1.189 -7.64 c -0.271 -7.633 -1.14 -6.61 -0.899 -5.183 c -0.611 -3.474 -0.308 -1.768 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 193.4346 670.7925 cm 0 0 m 0.532 0 1.053 -0.001 1.574 0 c 2.104 0.002 2.338 -0.214 2.234 -0.78 c 1.94 -2.382 1.675 -3.989 1.392 -5.593 c 1.268 -6.296 1.508 -6.613 2.236 -6.628 c 3.01 -6.644 3.785 -6.615 4.558 -6.639 c 4.942 -6.652 5.053 -6.484 5.112 -6.136 c 5.429 -4.263 5.788 -2.397 6.086 -0.521 c 6.157 -0.076 6.332 0.036 6.732 0.006 c 7.065 -0.02 7.402 0.007 7.736 -0.001 c 8.427 -0.019 8.59 -0.205 8.47 -0.9 c 8.167 -2.648 7.849 -4.394 7.536 -6.141 c 7.448 -6.631 7.358 -7.12 7.264 -7.634 c 5.065 -7.634 2.912 -7.675 0.761 -7.617 c -0.334 -7.588 -1.188 -6.485 -1.019 -5.442 c -0.745 -3.752 -0.433 -2.068 -0.132 -0.382 c -0.111 -0.263 -0.053 -0.151 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 202.7296 664.1607 cm 0 0 m 1.656 0 3.287 -0.007 4.919 0.003 c 5.779 0.008 6.093 0.326 6.166 1.259 c 5.014 1.259 3.864 1.303 2.717 1.248 c 1.134 1.173 -0.008 2.544 0.434 3.918 c 0.669 4.646 0.7 5.439 0.857 6.195 c 0.89 6.356 1.062 6.599 1.186 6.609 c 1.706 6.654 2.233 6.647 2.754 6.614 c 3.182 6.587 3.302 6.306 3.229 5.904 c 3.068 5.021 2.919 4.135 2.765 3.25 c 2.666 2.685 2.857 2.357 3.397 2.333 c 4.295 2.293 5.198 2.294 6.096 2.335 c 6.237 2.342 6.447 2.636 6.485 2.826 c 6.733 4.071 6.944 5.323 7.175 6.621 c 7.792 6.621 8.374 6.638 8.955 6.616 c 9.362 6.6 9.565 6.367 9.49 5.947 c 9.196 4.302 8.943 2.647 8.586 1.016 c 8.348 -0.076 7.017 -0.998 5.833 -1.007 c 4.095 -1.02 2.358 -1.015 0.62 -1.009 c -0.107 -1.007 -0.245 -0.795 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 360.7796 665.4195 cm 0 0 m -1.111 0 -2.176 -0.005 -3.242 0.001 c -4.882 0.012 -5.743 1.07 -5.436 2.669 c -5.268 3.548 -5.122 4.431 -4.956 5.369 c -4.345 5.369 -3.764 5.385 -3.183 5.364 c -2.677 5.346 -2.567 5.022 -2.65 4.58 c -2.8 3.779 -2.944 2.977 -3.093 2.177 c -3.251 1.328 -3.041 1.065 -2.164 1.054 c -1.372 1.044 -0.58 1.051 0.231 1.051 c 0.496 2.52 0.751 3.932 1.011 5.371 c 1.609 5.371 2.152 5.381 2.694 5.368 c 3.143 5.357 3.4 5.177 3.307 4.66 c 3.02 3.078 2.784 1.485 2.463 -0.09 c 2.231 -1.226 0.999 -2.231 -0.175 -2.257 c -1.912 -2.295 -3.65 -2.268 -5.388 -2.27 c -5.783 -2.27 -6.016 -2.13 -6.017 -1.683 c -6.017 -1.172 -5.669 -1.26 -5.366 -1.26 c -3.984 -1.258 -2.602 -1.269 -1.221 -1.256 c -0.406 -1.248 -0.06 -0.896 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 412.6226 665.6598 cm 0 0 m 0.98 0 1.865 -0.064 2.731 0.032 c 3.069 0.07 3.557 0.413 3.647 0.715 c 3.902 1.57 3.996 2.474 4.132 3.362 c 4.192 3.754 4.002 4.053 3.601 4.066 c 2.648 4.097 1.694 4.076 0.715 4.076 c 0.475 2.707 0.244 1.391 0 0 c -0.159 -0.999 m -0.27 -1.537 -0.367 -2.002 -0.467 -2.485 c -2.852 -2.485 l -2.405 0.056 -1.963 2.568 -1.516 5.109 c 0.589 5.109 2.64 5.175 4.685 5.084 c 5.97 5.027 6.663 3.979 6.459 2.701 c 6.383 2.227 6.302 1.753 6.208 1.281 c 5.959 0.029 4.738 -0.973 3.406 -0.995 c 2.235 -1.013 1.064 -0.999 -0.159 -0.999 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 247.2726 667.7271 cm 0 0 m -0.2 -0.99 -0.281 -1.918 -0.584 -2.768 c -0.983 -3.885 -1.907 -4.501 -3.084 -4.559 c -4.441 -4.627 -5.804 -4.597 -7.164 -4.57 c -8.41 -4.545 -9.239 -3.519 -9.04 -2.288 c -8.886 -1.34 -8.721 -0.394 -8.54 0.55 c -8.266 1.984 -7.237 2.989 -5.809 3.034 c -3.761 3.099 -1.708 3.049 0.343 3.045 c 0.378 3.045 0.414 3.009 0.45 2.989 c 0.4 2.165 0.285 2.043 -0.514 2.039 c -1.916 2.033 -3.319 2.043 -4.721 2.037 c -5.648 2.033 -5.896 1.836 -6.069 0.92 c -6.298 -0.291 -6.501 -1.506 -6.719 -2.719 c -6.813 -3.244 -6.567 -3.546 -6.068 -3.571 c -5.317 -3.609 -4.561 -3.607 -3.809 -3.57 c -3.317 -3.546 -3.013 -3.228 -2.919 -2.741 c -2.816 -2.209 -2.731 -1.674 -2.619 -1.03 c -3.057 -1.03 -3.462 -1.032 -3.868 -1.029 c -4.222 -1.026 -4.492 -0.925 -4.471 -0.494 c -4.452 -0.091 -4.231 0.013 -3.852 0.007 c -2.618 -0.012 -1.384 0 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 375.8806 666.7057 cm 0 0 m -0.439 0 -0.831 0.001 -1.223 -0 c -1.57 -0.001 -1.866 0.068 -1.843 0.508 c -1.823 0.874 -1.656 1.039 -1.248 1.031 c 0.002 1.004 1.253 1.021 2.623 1.021 c 2.422 0.026 2.348 -0.925 2.027 -1.784 c 1.615 -2.887 0.688 -3.497 -0.498 -3.543 c -1.836 -3.594 -3.177 -3.572 -4.516 -3.55 c -5.746 -3.529 -6.592 -2.556 -6.421 -1.35 c -6.266 -0.255 -6.084 0.839 -5.86 1.922 c -5.63 3.032 -4.536 4 -3.269 4.046 c -1.16 4.122 0.953 4.066 3.064 4.066 c 3.067 3.249 2.901 3.066 2.132 3.062 c 0.709 3.055 -0.714 3.064 -2.137 3.056 c -3.02 3.051 -3.273 2.84 -3.436 1.96 c -3.66 0.748 -3.873 -0.465 -4.078 -1.68 c -4.176 -2.256 -3.934 -2.544 -3.337 -2.558 c -2.668 -2.574 -1.998 -2.566 -1.328 -2.561 c -0.773 -2.557 -0.413 -2.278 -0.299 -1.737 c -0.183 -1.19 -0.107 -0.635 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 319.4596 678.6128 cm 0 0 m -8.255 0 l -8.255 1.122 l -8.029 1.132 -7.806 1.151 -7.582 1.151 c -5.28 1.153 -2.978 1.143 -0.676 1.165 c -0.439 1.167 -0.206 1.361 0.035 1.447 c 0.186 1.502 0.349 1.549 0.508 1.553 c 1.01 1.566 1.515 1.588 2.014 1.545 c 2.236 1.526 2.44 1.342 2.663 1.267 c 2.852 1.203 3.056 1.158 3.254 1.158 c 5.388 1.15 7.523 1.152 9.658 1.152 c 10.378 1.152 l 10.378 0.023 l 2.627 0.023 l 2.627 -1.025 2.629 -2.021 2.626 -3.017 c 2.623 -4.18 2.296 -4.508 1.143 -4.513 c 0.724 -4.515 0.306 -4.513 -0.113 -4.513 c -1.105 -4.513 -1.105 -4.513 -1.354 -3.482 c 0 -3.257 0 -3.257 0 -1.791 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 275.5476 670.7765 cm 0 0 m 0.013 -0.858 -0.171 -1.065 -0.948 -1.069 c -2.267 -1.074 -3.586 -1.064 -4.905 -1.073 c -5.739 -1.078 -6.403 -2.155 -5.98 -2.871 c -5.862 -3.07 -5.516 -3.224 -5.264 -3.239 c -4.472 -3.286 -3.674 -3.243 -2.879 -3.263 c -2.505 -3.273 -2.122 -3.307 -1.763 -3.403 c -0.871 -3.643 -0.44 -4.45 -0.638 -5.426 c -0.877 -6.603 -1.885 -7.572 -3.083 -7.604 c -5.089 -7.656 -7.097 -7.618 -9.102 -7.618 c -9.153 -6.766 -8.999 -6.584 -8.183 -6.574 c -6.864 -6.557 -5.545 -6.563 -4.227 -6.554 c -3.725 -6.55 -3.35 -6.387 -3.184 -5.843 c -2.85 -4.749 -3.119 -4.355 -4.259 -4.352 c -5.034 -4.35 -5.809 -4.371 -6.583 -4.344 c -8.255 -4.287 -8.998 -3.014 -8.252 -1.509 c -7.806 -0.608 -7.048 -0.054 -6.077 -0.021 c -4.053 0.048 -2.026 0 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 276.2456 663.1586 cm 0 0 m 0.095 0.915 0.214 1.039 1.035 1.046 c 2.27 1.056 3.505 1.041 4.74 1.057 c 5.731 1.069 6.193 1.578 6.12 2.56 c 6.08 3.087 5.716 3.257 5.25 3.262 c 4.454 3.271 3.659 3.262 2.863 3.268 c 1.992 3.274 1.164 3.402 0.766 4.322 c 0.423 5.115 0.696 6.249 1.51 6.86 c 2.019 7.241 2.695 7.571 3.312 7.601 c 5.212 7.696 7.12 7.637 9.025 7.635 c 9.082 7.635 9.139 7.602 9.195 7.585 c 9.113 6.674 8.991 6.551 8.146 6.549 c 6.849 6.546 5.551 6.554 4.253 6.544 c 3.435 6.537 2.776 5.52 3.162 4.795 c 3.277 4.578 3.649 4.4 3.916 4.382 c 4.707 4.327 5.506 4.377 6.301 4.356 c 7.175 4.332 8.06 4.264 8.457 3.295 c 8.804 2.448 8.424 1.249 7.549 0.624 c 7.125 0.321 6.574 0.045 6.072 0.028 c 4.066 -0.04 2.056 0 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 335.0466 670.7799 cm 0 0 m -0.037 -0.926 -0.176 -1.071 -1.015 -1.073 c -2.312 -1.076 -3.61 -1.068 -4.907 -1.076 c -5.739 -1.08 -6.406 -2.147 -5.993 -2.868 c -5.878 -3.069 -5.529 -3.228 -5.279 -3.242 c -4.444 -3.289 -3.605 -3.24 -2.769 -3.268 c -1.937 -3.296 -1.067 -3.385 -0.738 -4.311 c -0.409 -5.236 -0.659 -6.13 -1.386 -6.769 c -1.82 -7.151 -2.418 -7.547 -2.958 -7.571 c -5.02 -7.664 -7.089 -7.609 -9.157 -7.609 c -9.123 -6.742 -8.971 -6.579 -8.156 -6.573 c -6.901 -6.563 -5.645 -6.582 -4.39 -6.564 c -3.436 -6.55 -2.94 -5.967 -3.059 -5.017 c -3.12 -4.536 -3.466 -4.364 -3.909 -4.36 c -4.725 -4.352 -5.541 -4.362 -6.357 -4.353 c -7.181 -4.344 -7.984 -4.221 -8.37 -3.371 c -8.781 -2.464 -8.519 -1.586 -7.849 -0.957 c -7.376 -0.513 -6.689 -0.077 -6.074 -0.043 c -4.056 0.071 -2.027 0 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 362.9256 690.8511 cm 0 0 m 8.683 0 l 8.688 -2.102 8.722 -4.17 9.652 -6.196 c 8.947 -6.196 8.329 -6.226 7.718 -6.176 c 7.555 -6.162 7.325 -5.929 7.274 -5.754 c 6.921 -4.516 6.6 -3.268 6.284 -2.02 c 6.219 -1.761 6.218 -1.485 6.182 -1.169 c 2.579 -1.169 l 2.395 -2.393 2.258 -3.616 2.019 -4.819 c 1.745 -6.206 1.706 -6.199 0.318 -6.199 c -0.39 -6.199 l -0.257 -5.153 -0.078 -4.145 -0.014 -3.13 c 0.051 -2.111 0 -1.083 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 198.4276 687.7357 cm 0 0 m -4.397 0 l -4.397 -0.581 -4.432 -1.125 -4.376 -1.659 c -4.36 -1.821 -4.099 -2.082 -3.944 -2.087 c -2.772 -2.123 -1.599 -2.12 -0.427 -2.089 c -0.282 -2.086 -0.031 -1.859 -0.02 -1.72 c 0.028 -1.163 0 -0.599 0 0 c -6.875 1.143 m 2.482 1.143 l 2.482 -0.083 2.51 -1.288 2.468 -2.491 c 2.451 -2.967 2.077 -3.228 1.603 -3.229 c -0.926 -3.239 -3.455 -3.24 -5.984 -3.228 c -6.535 -3.226 -6.85 -2.875 -6.865 -2.354 c -6.897 -1.21 -6.875 -0.064 -6.875 1.143 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 429.5515 682.3269 cm 0 0 m 0.821 0 1.608 0.016 2.393 -0.017 c 2.515 -0.022 2.667 -0.233 2.738 -0.381 c 2.959 -0.846 3.148 -1.327 3.418 -1.961 c 3.719 -1.327 3.936 -0.841 4.183 -0.371 c 4.26 -0.225 4.416 -0.021 4.543 -0.015 c 5.33 0.017 6.119 0.001 6.915 0.001 c 6.746 -1.285 5.324 -3.344 4.288 -3.693 c 5.5 -5.166 6.676 -6.595 7.871 -8.047 c 6.806 -8.067 5.76 -8.258 4.768 -7.375 c 2.567 -5.417 1.03 -3.057 0.037 -0.313 c 0.011 -0.239 0.017 -0.154 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 458.0606 682.3775 cm 0 0 m -0.678 0 -1.362 -0.034 -2.038 0.022 c -2.224 0.038 -2.432 0.293 -2.555 0.486 c -3.766 2.383 -4.627 4.436 -5.244 6.595 c -5.296 6.775 -5.35 6.954 -5.42 7.188 c -12.616 7.188 l -12.455 8.321 -12.455 8.321 -11.415 8.321 c -8.801 8.321 -6.187 8.318 -3.573 8.324 c -3.239 8.325 -2.978 8.323 -2.886 7.896 c -2.302 5.185 -1.326 2.619 -0.002 0.184 c 0.015 0.153 0 0.104 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 185.4876 667.5468 cm 0 0 m 4.921 0 l 4.903 -0.893 4.774 -1.032 3.958 -1.036 c 2.743 -1.041 1.529 -1.048 0.315 -1.029 c -0.07 -1.023 -0.246 -1.135 -0.296 -1.542 c -0.38 -2.225 -0.548 -2.897 -0.647 -3.579 c -0.727 -4.131 -1.012 -4.395 -1.567 -4.388 c -2.109 -4.38 -2.65 -4.386 -3.271 -4.386 c -3.042 -3.06 -2.824 -1.794 -2.604 -0.528 c -2.536 -0.137 -2.46 0.252 -2.397 0.644 c -2.161 2.134 -0.911 3.244 0.592 3.255 c 2.474 3.269 4.356 3.259 6.237 3.259 c 6.267 2.4 6.12 2.238 5.296 2.234 c 4.103 2.227 2.909 2.233 1.716 2.232 c 0.597 2.231 0.377 2.054 0.16 0.968 c 0.099 0.664 0.058 0.356 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 220.2916 684.0864 cm 0 0 m 0 2.667 l -0.064 2.68 -0.127 2.693 -0.191 2.705 c -0.447 1.886 -0.703 1.066 -0.973 0.203 c -2.839 0.203 l -2.463 1.102 -2.145 1.928 -1.761 2.724 c -1.683 2.887 -1.369 2.991 -1.15 3.02 c -0.781 3.067 -0.401 3.033 -0.025 3.033 c -0.022 3.117 -0.018 3.201 -0.014 3.285 c -0.279 3.306 -0.553 3.379 -0.808 3.338 c -1.521 3.224 -1.916 3.576 -2.159 4.179 c -2.312 4.557 -2.439 4.947 -2.602 5.397 c -0.974 5.397 l -0.71 4.79 -0.45 4.192 -0.19 3.594 c -0.127 3.608 -0.065 3.622 -0.003 3.636 c -0.003 4.208 0.03 4.783 -0.026 5.349 c -0.041 5.498 -0.328 5.723 -0.503 5.735 c -1.165 5.781 -1.833 5.754 -2.529 5.754 c -2.529 6.734 l -0.991 6.734 0.511 6.751 2.011 6.71 c 2.168 6.705 2.443 6.359 2.446 6.168 c 2.479 4.243 2.473 2.316 2.455 0.39 c 2.454 0.259 2.28 0.022 2.177 0.017 c 1.474 -0.016 0.768 0 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 212.4226 690.8315 cm 0 0 m 1.525 0 2.989 0.014 4.451 -0.018 c 4.626 -0.022 4.944 -0.276 4.946 -0.418 c 4.979 -2.505 4.968 -4.593 4.968 -6.718 c 2.566 -6.718 l 2.566 -4.077 l 2.498 -4.061 2.431 -4.045 2.364 -4.029 c 2.105 -4.839 1.847 -5.648 1.567 -6.526 c -0.197 -6.526 l -0.069 -6.092 0.037 -5.673 0.177 -5.265 c 0.674 -3.819 0.703 -3.803 2.191 -3.708 c 2.306 -3.7 2.418 -3.656 2.532 -3.628 c 2.536 -3.575 2.539 -3.522 2.543 -3.469 c 2.286 -3.445 2.019 -3.366 1.773 -3.407 c 1.004 -3.537 0.598 -3.138 0.344 -2.497 c 0.201 -2.137 0.089 -1.763 -0.055 -1.342 c 1.557 -1.342 l 1.837 -1.967 2.108 -2.573 2.379 -3.178 c 2.438 -3.159 2.497 -3.14 2.556 -3.121 c 2.556 -2.565 2.553 -2.008 2.557 -1.452 c 2.559 -1.095 2.36 -0.984 2.036 -0.988 c 1.371 -0.995 0.705 -0.99 0 -0.99 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 433.1466 670.7783 cm 0 0 m -0.068 -0.887 -0.194 -1.019 -0.985 -1.026 c -1.99 -1.036 -2.994 -1.025 -3.999 -1.029 c -4.908 -1.032 -5.166 -1.233 -5.327 -2.099 c -5.552 -3.31 -5.764 -4.524 -5.971 -5.738 c -6.071 -6.324 -5.803 -6.625 -5.162 -6.632 c -4.116 -6.644 -3.069 -6.634 -2.023 -6.636 c -1.193 -6.638 -1.125 -6.726 -1.315 -7.629 c -2.379 -7.629 -3.461 -7.629 -4.543 -7.629 c -5.171 -7.628 -5.799 -7.644 -6.427 -7.624 c -7.693 -7.582 -8.522 -6.524 -8.292 -5.275 c -8.119 -4.33 -7.973 -3.38 -7.786 -2.438 c -7.512 -1.054 -6.469 -0.072 -5.059 -0.016 c -3.39 0.051 -1.715 0 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 337.8766 663.1508 cm 0 0 m 0.386 2.218 0.758 4.351 1.145 6.571 c 0.583 6.571 0.086 6.57 -0.41 6.571 c -1.344 6.574 -1.436 6.704 -1.122 7.638 c 1.205 7.638 3.545 7.639 5.886 7.637 c 6.239 7.637 6.35 7.437 6.332 7.105 c 6.315 6.77 6.238 6.551 5.827 6.565 c 5.141 6.589 4.453 6.571 3.718 6.571 c 3.407 4.829 3.104 3.129 2.802 1.43 c 2.755 1.163 2.785 0.846 2.648 0.639 c 2.475 0.379 2.189 0.072 1.914 0.028 c 1.324 -0.064 0.71 0 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 461.5036 663.1496 cm 0 0 m 0.389 2.225 0.762 4.357 1.151 6.584 c 0.487 6.584 -0.093 6.585 -0.672 6.583 c -1.019 6.582 -1.299 6.636 -1.286 7.089 c -1.273 7.505 -1.111 7.658 -0.674 7.653 c 1.398 7.631 3.471 7.645 5.543 7.643 c 6.408 7.642 6.513 7.467 6.158 6.583 c 5.526 6.583 4.877 6.561 4.231 6.591 c 3.838 6.609 3.675 6.464 3.612 6.083 c 3.325 4.352 3.015 2.626 2.718 0.897 c 2.596 0.185 2.399 0.005 1.688 0.001 c 1.146 -0.003 0.604 0 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 182.6596 687.1157 cm 0 0 m 1.909 0 l 2.005 -4.231 1.905 -8.425 1.151 -12.59 c -0.32 -12.59 l -0.213 -8.388 -0.107 -4.22 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 188.0616 687.1064 cm 0 0 m 1.959 0 l 2.056 -4.186 2.152 -8.341 2.25 -12.61 c 1.897 -12.61 1.446 -12.65 1.009 -12.586 c 0.879 -12.566 0.713 -12.261 0.697 -12.075 c 0.452 -9.136 0.207 -6.198 0.012 -3.256 c -0.059 -2.195 0 -1.126 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 392.5876 690.8884 cm 0 0 m 0.588 -2.104 1.159 -4.145 1.743 -6.234 c 1.115 -6.234 0.449 -6.267 -0.209 -6.213 c -0.39 -6.197 -0.632 -5.952 -0.707 -5.759 c -1.233 -4.399 -1.754 -3.036 -2.204 -1.651 c -2.33 -1.263 -2.475 -1.162 -2.841 -1.165 c -4.243 -1.179 -5.645 -1.171 -7.048 -1.171 c -7.754 -1.171 l -7.704 -0.83 -7.711 -0.568 -7.616 -0.35 c -7.552 -0.202 -7.347 -0.016 -7.204 -0.015 c -4.779 0.006 -2.353 0 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 458.7556 664.1688 cm 0 0 m -0.103 -0.902 -0.22 -1.016 -1.006 -1.018 c -2.137 -1.022 -3.268 -1.025 -4.398 -1.018 c -5.826 -1.009 -6.662 -0.077 -6.445 1.345 c -6.179 3.08 -5.846 4.804 -5.528 6.61 c -4.869 6.61 -4.207 6.644 -3.55 6.598 c -3.13 6.569 -3.033 6.247 -3.105 5.856 c -3.381 4.356 -3.643 2.854 -3.92 1.354 c -4.129 0.222 -3.956 0.001 -2.814 0 c -1.895 -0.001 -0.976 0 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 254.9346 664.1686 cm 0 0 m -0.081 -0.856 -0.235 -1.014 -0.953 -1.018 c -2.125 -1.023 -3.297 -1.028 -4.469 -1.016 c -5.826 -1.002 -6.693 0.019 -6.468 1.348 c -6.193 2.975 -5.906 4.6 -5.588 6.219 c -5.557 6.381 -5.295 6.588 -5.117 6.613 c -4.706 6.672 -4.282 6.641 -3.863 6.63 c -3.181 6.612 -3.016 6.411 -3.137 5.721 c -3.395 4.24 -3.656 2.759 -3.931 1.281 c -4.125 0.235 -3.945 0.004 -2.866 0.001 c -1.927 -0.002 -0.987 0 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 439.6636 682.3071 cm 0 0 m 0.734 2.089 1.45 4.091 2.137 6.102 c 2.339 6.693 2.467 7.31 2.612 7.919 c 2.688 8.24 2.81 8.42 3.196 8.401 c 3.923 8.366 4.653 8.391 5.431 8.391 c 4.768 5.513 3.825 2.825 2.39 0.324 c 2.309 0.184 2.122 0.022 1.978 0.014 c 1.316 -0.019 0.651 0 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 293.1496 663.1526 cm 0 0 m -0.673 0 -1.322 -0.043 -1.959 0.027 c -2.143 0.047 -2.46 0.419 -2.433 0.584 c -2.053 2.926 -1.624 5.26 -1.199 7.636 c -0.551 7.636 0.052 7.65 0.654 7.631 c 1.042 7.619 1.313 7.421 1.239 6.996 c 0.837 4.677 0.42 2.361 0 0 c f Q 476.089 686.824 -14.956 1.049 re f q 1 0 0 1 384.5366 690.8805 cm 0 0 m -0.337 -2.152 -0.927 -4.136 -1.951 -5.977 c -2.017 -6.095 -2.203 -6.21 -2.337 -6.215 c -2.999 -6.239 -3.662 -6.226 -4.316 -6.226 c -3.888 -4.784 -3.465 -3.392 -3.067 -1.994 c -2.93 -1.513 -2.822 -1.018 -2.764 -0.523 c -2.719 -0.131 -2.576 0.022 -2.173 0.007 c -1.468 -0.019 -0.761 0 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 265.3226 689.3333 cm 0 0 m -11.866 0 l -11.866 1.07 l -7.222 1.07 l -7.166 1.301 -7.123 1.478 -7.07 1.7 c -4.759 1.7 l -4.73 1.515 -4.703 1.338 -4.667 1.108 c 0 1.108 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 204.0786 690.3674 cm 0 0 m 1.95 0 l 2.025 -2.029 2.1 -4.04 2.177 -6.123 c 1.743 -6.123 1.307 -6.148 0.877 -6.108 c 0.744 -6.095 0.546 -5.924 0.514 -5.793 c 0.075 -3.956 -0.117 -2.091 -0.074 -0.202 c -0.072 -0.144 -0.033 -0.087 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 209.4036 684.2444 cm 0 0 m 0.077 2.092 0.151 4.088 0.228 6.153 c 0.805 6.153 1.364 6.176 1.919 6.134 c 2.041 6.125 2.254 5.873 2.242 5.75 c 2.075 3.948 1.884 2.148 1.668 0.351 c 1.652 0.22 1.413 0.033 1.262 0.016 c 0.854 -0.031 0.437 0 0 0 c f Q 191.044 690.777 10.357 -1.051 re f q 1 0 0 1 311.4206 674.0995 cm 0 0 m 0.356 1.332 0.682 2.579 1.033 3.819 c 1.066 3.937 1.247 4.091 1.364 4.094 c 2.175 4.118 2.988 4.107 3.861 4.107 c 3.595 2.695 3.184 1.418 2.344 0.316 c 2.225 0.159 1.978 0.027 1.782 0.014 c 1.182 -0.025 0.577 0 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 329.6986 674.1017 cm 0 0 m -0.637 0 -1.277 -0.01 -1.915 0.009 c -2.041 0.012 -2.2 0.097 -2.28 0.196 c -3.187 1.307 -3.612 2.616 -3.879 4.057 c -1.208 4.057 l -0.805 2.705 -0.411 1.379 0 0 c f Q 182.712 690.787 7.227 -1.057 re f q 1 0 0 1 445.4456 662.5408 cm 0 0 m 0.319 0.669 0.628 1.345 0.97 2.003 c 1.027 2.114 1.225 2.2 1.364 2.209 c 1.779 2.236 2.196 2.219 2.617 2.219 c 2.371 0.594 1.321 -0.281 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 443.8586 663.148 cm 0 0 m -0.339 0.002 -0.639 0.204 -0.651 0.695 c -0.662 1.167 -0.148 1.622 0.365 1.601 c 0.786 1.584 1.091 1.386 1.123 0.931 c 1.154 0.473 0.646 0.015 0 0 c f Q 0 0 0 0 k q 1 0 0 1 156.7479 686.4491 cm 0 0 m -0.616 -0.974 -1.114 -1.82 -1.683 -2.615 c -1.811 -2.793 -2.187 -2.864 -2.449 -2.865 c -5.905 -2.881 -9.361 -2.896 -12.817 -2.858 c -13.499 -2.85 -13.924 -3.033 -14.184 -3.66 c -14.309 -3.96 -14.508 -4.23 -14.739 -4.625 c -4.934 -4.625 l -4.886 -4.681 -4.838 -4.737 -4.79 -4.793 c -6.355 -7.338 -7.919 -9.882 -9.49 -12.435 c -8.391 -12.793 -7.879 -12.626 -7.331 -11.742 c -6.009 -9.607 -4.675 -7.479 -3.385 -5.325 c -3.076 -4.81 -2.733 -4.625 -2.134 -4.631 c 0.84 -4.662 3.815 -4.645 6.789 -4.645 c 7.598 -4.645 l 7.474 -4.934 7.413 -5.141 7.304 -5.318 c 4.731 -9.511 2.147 -13.695 -0.418 -17.892 c -1.154 -19.096 -2.269 -19.426 -3.576 -19.425 c -8.205 -19.419 -12.834 -19.423 -17.463 -19.423 c -19.285 -19.423 -21.107 -19.425 -22.93 -19.419 c -23.192 -19.418 -23.455 -19.377 -23.895 -19.339 c -23.249 -18.337 -22.695 -17.442 -22.09 -16.582 c -22 -16.454 -21.668 -16.463 -21.448 -16.462 c -17.992 -16.456 -14.536 -16.437 -11.08 -16.476 c -10.401 -16.483 -9.969 -16.306 -9.702 -15.686 c -9.571 -15.383 -9.381 -15.105 -9.143 -14.682 c -18.857 -14.682 l -18.895 -14.621 -18.933 -14.56 -18.97 -14.499 c -17.412 -11.965 -15.854 -9.431 -14.291 -6.89 c -15.443 -6.518 -16.01 -6.708 -16.594 -7.651 c -17.937 -9.822 -19.281 -11.993 -20.615 -14.171 c -20.814 -14.496 -21.014 -14.7 -21.445 -14.698 c -24.628 -14.68 -27.812 -14.688 -30.996 -14.686 c -31.118 -14.686 -31.241 -14.666 -31.473 -14.645 c -31.371 -14.413 -31.312 -14.227 -31.213 -14.066 c -28.643 -9.873 -26.06 -5.687 -23.5 -1.487 c -22.785 -0.314 -21.728 0.079 -20.426 0.077 c -13.892 0.069 -7.357 0.074 -0.822 0.071 c -0.602 0.071 -0.382 0.034 0 0 c f Q 412.13 683.285 -11.441 2.059 re f 400.671 682.084 11.462 -2.05 re f 234.905 689.263 2.439 -3.23 re f q 1 0 0 1 262.8946 681.1137 cm 0 0 m 0 -4.274 l -0.055 -4.285 -0.109 -4.297 -0.164 -4.309 c -0.405 -3.44 -0.629 -2.567 -0.903 -1.709 c -0.958 -1.539 -1.194 -1.329 -1.365 -1.312 c -1.878 -1.26 -2.399 -1.293 -3.021 -1.293 c -2.84 -1.885 -2.684 -2.392 -2.503 -2.982 c -3.039 -3.094 -3.568 -3.205 -4.068 -3.31 c -3.663 -2.258 -3.281 -1.251 -2.88 -0.253 c -2.837 -0.145 -2.683 -0.013 -2.578 -0.011 c -1.727 0.009 -0.876 0 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 262.4536 684.0614 cm 0 0 m -0.177 -0.097 -0.353 -0.276 -0.531 -0.278 c -2.226 -0.299 -3.92 -0.298 -5.615 -0.276 c -5.791 -0.274 -5.964 -0.098 -6.137 0.122 c -4.85 -0.037 -3.88 0.482 -3.105 1.371 c -2.581 0.988 -2.166 0.558 -1.66 0.352 c -1.184 0.158 -0.612 0.201 -0.082 0.14 c -0.055 0.093 -0.028 0.047 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 342.4156 685.6525 cm 0 0 m -0.8 0 -1.51 -0.021 -2.218 0.008 c -2.622 0.024 -2.784 -0.098 -2.889 -0.514 c -3.594 -3.317 -4.609 -6.01 -5.831 -8.628 c -5.924 -8.827 -6.004 -9.033 -6.115 -9.295 c -5.46 -9.295 -4.894 -9.321 -4.332 -9.281 c -4.139 -9.267 -3.888 -9.136 -3.78 -8.979 c -1.923 -6.274 -0.723 -3.29 0 0 c -0.822 -8.447 m -0.684 -9.482 -0.606 -9.553 0.32 -9.553 c 0.969 -9.553 1.617 -9.555 2.266 -9.553 c 3.369 -9.549 3.682 -9.241 3.683 -8.137 c 3.687 -5.459 3.685 -2.781 3.685 -0.103 c 3.685 0.582 l 4.18 0.604 4.587 0.622 4.996 0.64 c 4.996 1.841 l 4.555 1.862 4.148 1.88 3.682 1.901 c 3.682 3.073 l 1.034 3.073 l 1.034 1.85 l -6.368 1.85 l -6.368 0.6 l 1.031 0.6 l 1.031 -2.223 1.041 -4.979 1.021 -7.736 c 1.018 -8.189 0.721 -8.454 0.235 -8.448 c -0.115 -8.443 -0.465 -8.447 -0.822 -8.447 c -7.276 3.866 m 5.909 3.866 l 5.909 3.171 l 5.909 -9.2 l 5.908 -10.269 5.734 -10.447 4.683 -10.447 c 1.041 -10.447 -2.601 -10.448 -6.244 -10.446 c -7.096 -10.445 -7.309 -10.252 -7.31 -9.433 c -7.315 -5.142 -7.312 -0.851 -7.31 3.44 c -7.31 3.564 -7.291 3.687 -7.276 3.866 c f Q 320.185 684.536 -5.981 1.552 re f 320.189 687.308 -5.982 1.547 re f q 1 0 0 1 320.1916 683.3203 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.585 l -0.659 -1.585 l -2.145 -1.585 -3.631 -1.586 -5.117 -1.585 c -6.024 -1.584 -6.024 -1.583 -6.023 -0.677 c -6.023 0 l h f Q 359.114 682.148 -2.659 3.181 re f 356.455 689.681 2.675 -3.116 re f q 1 0 0 1 429.0716 683.8993 cm 0 0 m 0 2.357 l 4.762 2.357 l 4.762 1.775 4.836 1.203 4.73 0.668 c 4.679 0.41 4.296 0.042 4.049 0.03 c 2.719 -0.033 1.385 0 0 0 c f Q 429.063 689.64 4.737 -2.15 re f q 1 0 0 1 194.9856 678.4598 cm 0 0 m 0 -3.083 l -0.069 -3.114 -0.122 -3.155 -0.177 -3.159 c -1.466 -3.261 -1.468 -3.258 -1.468 -1.969 c -1.468 0 l h f Q 194.981 679.694 -1.416 2.786 re f q 1 0 0 1 197.5356 675.29 cm 0 0 m 0 3.176 l 1.399 3.176 l 1.399 2.236 1.415 1.304 1.381 0.373 c 1.377 0.244 1.144 0.045 0.991 0.017 c 0.691 -0.04 0.372 0 0 0 c f Q 197.541 682.498 1.361 -2.796 re f q 1 0 0 1 215.1696 676.7465 cm 0 0 m 2.459 0 l 2.459 -1.46 l 1.752 -1.46 1.068 -1.486 0.389 -1.439 c 0.25 -1.43 0.053 -1.166 0.017 -0.992 c -0.045 -0.694 0 -0.374 0 0 c f Q 217.622 680.656 -2.415 1.441 re f 215.211 679.433 2.391 -1.444 re f q 1 0 0 1 463.9676 684.0841 cm 0 0 m 8.695 0 l 8.695 -2.651 l 8.694 -3.782 8.679 -4.913 8.701 -6.043 c 8.71 -6.479 8.566 -6.628 8.125 -6.626 c 5.591 -6.61 3.057 -6.625 0.523 -6.603 c 0.347 -6.602 0.024 -6.383 0.022 -6.261 c -0.009 -4.192 0 -2.123 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 308.6416 669.7439 cm 0 0 m 1.032 0 2.012 0.011 2.991 -0.004 c 3.469 -0.012 3.748 -0.266 3.667 -0.767 c 3.446 -2.124 3.249 -3.488 2.938 -4.825 c 2.867 -5.132 2.396 -5.531 2.077 -5.562 c 1.087 -5.657 0.082 -5.597 -0.986 -5.597 c -0.653 -3.703 -0.329 -1.867 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 470.7646 664.1453 cm 0 0 m 0.31 1.782 0.606 3.465 0.891 5.149 c 0.944 5.466 1.07 5.62 1.42 5.609 c 2.13 5.586 2.841 5.615 3.551 5.598 c 4.287 5.579 4.479 5.324 4.35 4.611 c 4.122 3.359 3.895 2.108 3.678 0.855 c 3.585 0.323 3.257 0.028 2.746 0.009 c 1.852 -0.023 0.955 0 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 347.5926 667.1771 cm 0 0 m 0.139 0.802 0.237 1.504 0.395 2.192 c 0.431 2.347 0.671 2.557 0.826 2.566 c 1.555 2.607 2.289 2.608 3.019 2.581 c 3.628 2.558 3.818 2.287 3.719 1.671 c 3.68 1.425 3.633 1.178 3.561 0.939 c 3.324 0.154 3.123 0.005 2.313 0.001 c 1.563 -0.003 0.813 0 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 382.9126 669.7575 cm 0 0 m 0.934 0 1.79 0.016 2.645 -0.007 c 3.089 -0.018 3.36 -0.266 3.281 -0.74 c 3.209 -1.169 3.157 -1.625 2.964 -2.003 c 2.836 -2.254 2.488 -2.525 2.219 -2.547 c 1.371 -2.617 0.514 -2.573 -0.434 -2.573 c -0.286 -1.694 -0.148 -0.882 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 262.8846 667.1823 cm 0 0 m -0.145 -0.86 -0.273 -1.64 -0.409 -2.418 c -0.44 -2.601 -0.497 -2.779 -0.554 -3.007 c -1.536 -3.007 -2.514 -3.033 -3.491 -2.996 c -3.947 -2.978 -4.205 -2.682 -4.152 -2.189 c -4.146 -2.127 -4.141 -2.064 -4.132 -2.002 c -3.809 0 -3.809 0 -1.764 0 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 219.4946 667.179 cm 0 0 m -0.177 -1.023 -0.343 -1.979 -0.519 -2.999 c -1.552 -2.999 -2.568 -3.029 -3.581 -2.985 c -4.004 -2.966 -4.239 -2.655 -4.179 -2.195 c -4.176 -2.174 -4.168 -2.154 -4.165 -2.134 c -3.844 -0.111 -3.931 0.066 -1.8 0.003 c -1.22 -0.015 -0.64 0 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 228.4106 669.7081 cm 0 0 m 1.837 0.014 1.842 0.013 1.547 -1.785 c 1.395 -2.711 1.221 -3.634 1.054 -4.558 c 0.938 -5.199 0.603 -5.517 -0.045 -5.54 c -0.693 -5.564 -1.343 -5.565 -1.99 -5.54 c -2.586 -5.516 -2.833 -5.238 -2.743 -4.648 c -2.544 -3.348 -2.321 -2.052 -2.075 -0.76 c -1.989 -0.312 -1.669 -0.029 -1.192 -0.004 c -0.796 0.016 -0.398 0 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 393.7755 664.1425 cm 0 0 m -1.489 -0.028 -1.928 -0.138 -1.478 1.798 c -1.251 2.774 -1.116 3.77 -0.952 4.76 c -0.868 5.271 -0.562 5.556 -0.072 5.582 c 0.638 5.619 1.352 5.617 2.062 5.592 c 2.592 5.573 2.797 5.243 2.708 4.736 c 2.49 3.481 2.276 2.224 2.037 0.973 c 1.896 0.236 1.586 0.009 0.816 0.001 c 0.544 -0.002 0.272 0 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 437.7446 664.1447 cm 0 0 m -1.829 -0.002 -1.834 -0.002 -1.535 1.815 c -1.375 2.782 -1.2 3.747 -1.026 4.712 c -0.928 5.254 -0.609 5.574 -0.047 5.589 c 0.622 5.607 1.291 5.616 1.96 5.596 c 2.465 5.581 2.736 5.321 2.643 4.781 c 2.414 3.445 2.201 2.105 1.946 0.773 c 1.855 0.294 1.501 0.026 1.003 0.003 c 0.67 -0.013 0.334 0 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 412.6226 665.6598 cm 0 0 m 0.244 1.391 0.475 2.707 0.715 4.076 c 1.694 4.076 2.648 4.097 3.601 4.066 c 4.002 4.053 4.192 3.754 4.132 3.362 c 3.996 2.474 3.902 1.57 3.647 0.715 c 3.557 0.413 3.069 0.07 2.731 0.032 c 1.865 -0.064 0.98 0 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 198.4276 687.7357 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.599 0.028 -1.163 -0.02 -1.72 c -0.031 -1.859 -0.282 -2.086 -0.427 -2.089 c -1.599 -2.12 -2.772 -2.123 -3.944 -2.087 c -4.099 -2.082 -4.36 -1.821 -4.376 -1.659 c -4.432 -1.125 -4.397 -0.581 -4.397 0 c h f Q 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 341.5936 677.2059 cm 0 0 m 0.357 0 0.707 0.004 1.057 -0.001 c 1.543 -0.007 1.84 0.258 1.843 0.711 c 1.863 3.467 1.853 6.224 1.853 9.046 c -5.546 9.046 l -5.546 10.297 l 1.856 10.297 l 1.856 11.52 l 4.504 11.52 l 4.504 10.348 l 4.97 10.327 5.377 10.308 5.818 10.288 c 5.818 9.087 l 5.409 9.069 5.002 9.051 4.507 9.029 c 4.507 8.344 l 4.507 5.666 4.509 2.988 4.505 0.309 c 4.504 -0.795 4.191 -1.103 3.088 -1.106 c 2.439 -1.108 1.791 -1.106 1.142 -1.106 c 0.216 -1.106 0.138 -1.035 0 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 342.4156 685.6525 cm 0 0 m -0.723 -3.29 -1.923 -6.274 -3.78 -8.979 c -3.888 -9.136 -4.139 -9.267 -4.332 -9.281 c -4.894 -9.321 -5.46 -9.295 -6.115 -9.295 c -6.004 -9.033 -5.924 -8.827 -5.831 -8.628 c -4.609 -6.01 -3.594 -3.317 -2.889 -0.514 c -2.784 -0.098 -2.622 0.024 -2.218 0.008 c -1.51 -0.021 -0.8 0 0 0 c f Q Q BT /GS0 gs /T1_3 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 15 0 0 15 170.8817 593.3782 Tm (2024 FIRST QUARTERLY REPORT)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.078 Tc 0.07 Tw 13 0 0 13 56.6929 561.3783 Tm [(This)12.7 ( announcement)12.7 ( is)12.6 ( made)12.7 ( pursuant)12.7 ( to)12.7 ( Rules)12.7 ( 1)12.6 (3)12.7 (.)12.7 (0)12.6 (9)12.7 ( and)12.7 ( 1)12.6 (3)12.7 (.)12.7 (1)12.6 (0)12.7 (B)12.7 ( of)12.7 ( the)12.7 ( Rules)53.1 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.002 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(Governing )0.5 (the )0.5 (Listing )0.5 (of Securities )0.5 (on )0.5 (The )0.5 (Stock )0.5 (Exchange )0.5 (of )0.5 (Hong Kong )0.5 (Limited and )]TJ 0.039 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Part XIVA of the Securities and Futures Ordinance \(Chapter 571 of the L\ aws of Hong )Tj -0.025 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Kong\).)Tj 0.04 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -2.462 Td [(Set)12.6 ( out)12.7 ( below)12.7 ( is)12.7 ( the)12.7 ( 2)12.7 (0)12.7 (2)12.7 (4)12.6 ( first)12.7 ( quarterly)12.7 ( report)12.6 ( \(the)12.7 ( \223)]TJ /T1_3 1 Tf [(Quarterly)12.6 ( Report)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf [(\224\))12.6 ( of)12.7 ( Fuyao)15 ( )]TJ 0.044 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(Glass)12.5 ( Industry)12.5 ( Group)12.5 ( Co.,)12.5 ( Ltd.)12.5 ( \(the)12.5 ( \223)]TJ /T1_3 1 Tf -0.044 Tw (Company)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.07 Tw [(\224\))12.5 ( and)12.5 ( its)12.5 ( subsidiaries)12.5 ( for)12.5 ( the)12.5 ( three)19.1 ( )]TJ 0.072 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(months)12.8 ( ended)12.9 ( March)12.9 ( 3)12.9 (1)12.8 (,)12.9 ( 2)12.9 (0)12.8 (2)12.9 (4)12.9 ( \(the)12.9 ( \223)]TJ /T1_3 1 Tf [(Reporting)12.8 ( Period)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf [(\224\).)12.9 ( The)12.8 ( financial)12.9 ( report)47 ( )]TJ 0.028 Tc 0.08 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(contained)3 ( )0.5 (herein)3 ( )0.5 (is)3 ( )0.6 (prepared)3 ( )0.5 (pursuant)3 ( )0.5 (to)3 ( )0.6 (the)3 ( )0.5 (PRC)3 ( )0.5 (Accounting)3 ( )0.5 (Standards)3 ( )0.5 (for)3 ( )0.5 (Business)3 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Enterprises and has not been audited.)Tj 0.079 Tw 0 -2.462 Td (The Quarterly Report is prepared in Chinese and translated into English.\ In the event )Tj 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (of any inconsistency between these two versions, the Chinese version sha\ ll prevail.)Tj 23.708 -2.462 Td (By order of the Board)Tj /T1_3 1 Tf -3.967 -1.231 Td (Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co., Ltd.)Tj 5.189 -1.231 Td (Cho Tak Wong)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 13 0 3.4833 13 397.0895 289.3783 Tm (Chairman)Tj 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 56.6929 257.3783 Tm (Fuzhou, Fujian, the PRC, April 26, 2024)Tj 0.042 Tw 13 0 3.4833 13 55.3587 225.3783 Tm (As at the date of this announcement, the )Tj -0.025 Tw (board)Tj 0.042 Tw 20.165 0 Td ( of )Tj -0.025 Tw 1.414 0 Td (directors)Tj 0.042 Tw 3.827 0 Td ( of the Company comprises )Tj 0.058 Tw -25.076 -1.231 Td (Mr. Cho Tak Wong, Mr. Tso Fai, Mr. Ye Shu and Mr. Chen Xiangming, as exe\ cutive )Tj 0.026 Tc 0.082 Tw 0.33 -1.231 Td [(d)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (or)0.5 (s)0.5 (;)1 ( )0.5 (M)0.5 (r)0.5 (.)1 ( )0.5 (W)0.5 (u)1 ( )0.5 (S)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.9 ( )0.6 (a)0.5 (nd)1 ( )0.5 (M)0.5 (s)0.5 (.)1 ( )0.5 (Z)0.5 (h)0.5 (u)1 ( )0.5 (D)0.5 (e)0.5 (z)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (,)1 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (s)1 ( )0.5 (n)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (-)0.5 (e)0.5 (x)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (u)0.5 (ti)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)1 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)0.5 (;)1 ( )0.5 (M)0.5 (r)0.5 (.)1 ( )0.5 (L)0.5 (iu)1 ( )]TJ 0.035 Tc 0.073 Tw 0.33 -1.231 Td [(Jing,)10 ( )0.5 (Mr.)10 ( )0.5 (Xue)10 ( )0.5 (Zuyun)10 ( )0.5 (and)10 ( )0.5 (Mr.)10 ( )0.5 (Dat)10 ( )0.5 (Dzeng)10 ( )0.5 (Hao)10.1 ( )0.5 (Daniel,)10 ( )0.5 (as)10 ( )0.5 (independent)10 ( )0.5 (non-executive)10 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw 0.33 -1.231 Td (directors.)Tj ET endstream endobj 85 0 obj <> endobj 90 0 obj <>stream application/postscript E_Fuyao-4C-Logoset- dtph01 2020-09-29T02:02:43+08:00 2020-09-29T02:02:43+08:00 2020-09-29T02:02:42+08:00 Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 (Windows) xmp.iid:99f4afb9-1b5e-e848-89f1-ccf30f8ebc13 xmp.did:99f4afb9-1b5e-e848-89f1-ccf30f8ebc13 uuid:5D20892493BFDB11914A8590D31508C8 proof:pdf uuid:f9367248-2edc-4126-93ea-2032b8333dba 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False 1 189.999086 219.999307 Millimeters TimesLTStd-Italic Times LT Std Italic Open Type Version 2.050;PS 002.000;hotconv 1.0.51;makeotf.lib2.0.18671 False TimesLTStd-Italic.otf TimesLTStd-Bold Times LT Std Bold Open Type Version 2.050;PS 002.000;hotconv 1.0.51;makeotf.lib2.0.18671 False TimesLTStd-Bold.otf Cyan Magenta Yellow Black 闋愯ō鑹茬エ缇ょ祫 0 鐧借壊 CMYK PROCESS 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 榛戣壊 CMYK PROCESS 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 CMYK 绱呰壊 CMYK PROCESS 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 0.000000 CMYK 榛冭壊 CMYK PROCESS 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 0.000000 CMYK 缍犺壊 CMYK PROCESS 100.000000 0.000000 100.000000 0.000000 CMYK 闈掕壊 CMYK PROCESS 100.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 CMYK 钘嶈壊 CMYK PROCESS 100.000000 100.000000 0.000000 0.000000 CMYK 娲嬬磪鑹 CMYK PROCESS 0.000000 100.000000 0.000000 0.000000 C=15 M=100 Y=90 K=10 CMYK PROCESS 15.000000 100.000000 90.000000 10.000000 C=0 M=90 Y=85 K=0 CMYK PROCESS 0.000000 90.000000 85.000000 0.000000 C=0 M=80 Y=95 K=0 CMYK PROCESS 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